"No ... explosion?"

The general's hand was pressed on the button that read '78', and it had been a while.

However, the image in his eyes did not come up with the kind of intense explosion he had imagined.

Although the explosions continued, they were all caused by less powerful missiles. They continued to roar around the tall buildings made of black metal, but none of them could hit the building.

"Why? Didn't the missile launch?" The general looked at the picture puzzled.

They have been successful before. Through continuous firing missiles, they pushed the black metal intercept line all the way down, almost to the edge of the black metal city.

This was discovered through testing, so the general planned to use the Type 78 explosive bomb to completely destroy the entire city when the interception line was minimized.

Now, the first step has been successful, but the second step cannot be carried out.

"General, they say they have launched." An operator next to him said, "And by this time, they should have already flown."

If at this time, a '78 -type explosive bomb 'would be able to cause huge damage, but the explosive bomb seemed to be missing, and there was no sign of explosion.

"Missing ..." The general responded suddenly: "Yes, they let the bombs disappear, and those alien creatures teleported when the Type 78 hit them!"

One of the following operators was shocked and said: "Can they send something without a transmitter?"

"I don't know ..." said the general. "But it must be."

"Yes ..." the operator said: "I just received the information from the launching country, they also said that they could no longer track the location of the explosive bombs, then, indeed, they were transmitted ... wait, General, there is a missile Launched without permission just now! "

"Unauthorized launch?"

"Yes, they did not comply with the previously set launch time, but they told us the launch information."

"Really ..." the general said angrily: "What the hell are they thinking about ..."

"The general of the hexapod, and the army here, and all the creatures in this world ... Listen."

Just when the general was in doubt, a sound suddenly came from the image in front of him, not just here, but the army around the Black Metal City also heard this sound.

"It was the last thing we negotiated with us!" The general heard the voice and said, "What does it want to do?"

"This world does not need you to protect, you are just protecting your fragile existence, you may be crushed at any time, but you still have the opportunity, six-legged creatures." This voice echoed through the scope of several cities, Let all the virtual people raise their heads.

"You can fight for us, and we will grant you a more perfect environment, a pollution-free sky, and a more comfortable life, as long as you become our ..."

"I've already said that!" The general drove the horn on the battleship to the maximum and shouted into it: "We will never be a domestic animal!"

"It's your choice of fate, general." The voice said: "Become a domestic animal, get calm, become an enemy, and get destroyed."

"Don't think I don't know!" The general shouted: "Why do you guys who have been slaughtering us suddenly want peace and why do you want to negotiate? I know you are afraid! You are afraid of that fluffy creature! You are afraid of our union I will destroy you later! "

"What fluffy creatures?" "The creatures on our cue ball don't seem to have a hairy type?" "It seems that the drills that appeared in the previous battle are related to the fluffy creatures." "Ah--? Is that the case?"

Most of the generals' soldiers could not understand what the general said, so they began to discuss there ...

"Don't just imagine, hexapods, you are ..."


The sound of the voice hadn't been finished yet, and suddenly there was a tremendous loud noise in the general's image, and then the image completely turned black, and nothing could be seen.

"What's going on?" The general was startled, "What happened?"

"General!" An operator said quickly: "A bomb hit the city! It was the one just launched without permission!"

"What?" General said: "Is it really hit?"

"Yes, General, now trying to restore the image ... the new remote control machine has already rushed there." As the operator said, the image was displayed again. It was the perspective of an object flying at a very high speed. The sky passed over the city and flew to the location of the explosion.

"Just now, did you hit it?" "It must be right! Absolutely hit!"

The Void Forces around the city are located outside the destruction range of the Type 78 Explosive Shell, but they can also hear the roar of the explosion, and the successful hit cheered them all up ...

"This is ..." The general looked at the scene in astonishment with surprise. The city where the black building had stood up now became a vast plain.

Above the plain, there were black debris and debris everywhere. The remote control plane flew over the center of the plain, and the general could see a large hole there.

"This is indeed a trace of a bomb explosion." The general said: "Why did that unauthorized fire bomb hit?"

"I don't know, General, maybe it escaped the interception system ..." The operator said: "The reason for the unauthorized launch is still under investigation. It is said that the launcher initiated the unauthorized launch."

The general said: "Catch the launcher first and ask it carefully. In short, let's make the next plan first."

"Wait ... General, you look at this." The operator's voice turned the general's attention to the previous image. I saw a large black metal building appearing in the image.

"How is this going?"

These buildings stood beside the rubble caused by the explosion, which looked a little skewed, but there was no real damage.

"Is the scope of the explosion just here?" The general said with unbelievable emotion: "there is nothing here ..."

"Yes, General ..." the operator said: "The damage range is only 50% of the normal level. It may be that these buildings have special places to prevent the impact of the explosion ..."

"It was the same last time ..." The general remembered the previous things, and then he said: "Anyway, the attack still works on them."

... this is indeed wonderful ...

Lin is also watching the situation of this battle, and Lin's "unauthorized launch" bomb just now was made by Lin.

Lin mainly used a method to create a "light skin" to cover the explosive shell, so that the black metal did not detect the explosive shell and successfully hit the target.

Pompoms often fly around in the territory of black metal, so it is clear that their detection methods, Lin found that black metal has many different detection methods, but in the void they mainly rely on that kind of miniature ball Type detector, and here, it is detected by means such as light.

After the first successful hit, they should change the detection method, so the next time they may not be hit.

However, let Lin pay more attention to what happened after the hit, the black metal seems to immediately use some method to reduce the damage.

What method is used in the end?

I do n’t know yet ... But the black metal has no casual counterattack even if it is bombed.

Because they are indeed afraid.

Lin thought so. They felt that Lin threatened them greatly, so they wanted to temporarily stop fighting. In the void, their actions were more obvious. They dispatched more warships to fly around the teleportation point. Seems to find any clues.

But ... Lin felt they could not be found.

In addition to this, there are other things that make Lin care.

About the crystal traitor ...

'Wow!'The pom-pom flew through the air at a rapid speed, and now you can see a large number of virtual civilian troops below are operating, and the sound of the broadcast is constantly echoing.

"Attention to the whole army! Ready to attack! Attention to the whole army! Ready to attack!"

Under command, the imaginary people moved among the ruins and drove towards the Black Metal City, and the pompom flew over them, flying into the wreckage of a nearby building.

Crystal lizards can now be seen in many places in the ruins. This building is no exception. Under the cracked walls, pompoms saw a large group of crystal lizards gathering together.

They all crawled out of the cones they had previously boarded and gathered in these places.

"What are you doing?" If the pompon flew over and asked them like this in the language of the crystal lizard, they would all escape immediately, and none of them would try to communicate.

Therefore, Lin decided to observe them better to see if they were related to the images that Lin had destroyed the test product before.

"Ready to shoot!" At the same time, on the other side, the general had given orders.

The land troops reached their range, and all kinds of tanks aimed at the black city.

The black metal city at high altitude looks like a tumbler whose half was blown up, but it is still built in ...

Therefore, the general intends to carry out another comprehensive attack to completely destroy the city.

Coupled with the countries that launched the missiles before, they also aimed the missiles again.


Almost every pom-pom in the virtual world can hear this burst.

Countless ammunition poured into the black city like raindrops, flooding the entire target with a storm, and everything in the city was trembling in the roar.

The explosion eventually enveloped the entire city, and after the end, all you could see was ... a complete ruin.