"I'm almost ... not working ... oxygen ... is running out ..."

A virtual man, lying in front of the spy, used his last breath and said to the spy in front of him: "Please ... help me ... tell ... the captain, say ... I ... ah ..."

The spy reached out and pressed the side of its helmet: "This set of armor has spare oxygen."

"Hey?" Xu Min was stunned. It suddenly found that the helmet was filled with oxygen. It quickly climbed up and said: "Sorry ... I ... forgot."

"So, what have you encountered?" The spy asked the empty man.

"I remember ... I was eaten by those moving metals before." Xu Min said: "Then I fell in this place and was besieged by a large group of small creatures when the oxygen was running out. Just ran away. "

Little creature ... This seems to be the most notable thing.

The spy looked at the nearby metal wall, and found that the small creatures had not run away. They showed their heads between the metal gaps and looked here.

Although, they have no head ...

However, it is a creature familiar to Lin-Crystal Lizard.

Is this where they live?Or is it arranged by ferrous metals?Lin felt it necessary to solve some of the problems here.

These crystal lizards are now drilling through the gaps in the metal, Lin found that they will still touch each other, as if they are communicating ...

However, there is no way to hear their words now.

Therefore, Lin thought of a way ...

"Look, it's them!" Xu Min also noticed the crystal lizards that were drilling in the gaps. It said: "Just now they hit my armor with a lot of sharp objects!"

'Kaka Kaka——'

Just then, Lin's voice sounded, and I saw that the metal wall in front suddenly moved, and the broken metal blocks suddenly flooded in this direction like a flood!

"Ahhhhh!" Hsiaomin quickly screamed and hid to the side, but the spy didn't act and was directly hit by a large amount of metal. The huge amount of metal directly pressed the spy against the wall behind him.

Lin could feel a strong pain from the spy body. It seemed that the armor had been exploded and the gas inside was leaking out. The cold feeling slowly passed into the body of the spy.

"Are you all right! Has the armor been damaged?"

The communicator in the helmet still screamed the scream of the outsider, but soon there was no sound ...

Spy, just died in this place, but it did not die completely.

The spy's shell quickly hardened to prevent cold from entering the body, and in the body, the spy began to create something special.

Lin wants to try it, can you pretend to be a crystal lizard.

Crystal lizards should be regarded as individual creatures, and it is very easy to mix in individual creatures, but how do multi-cellular creatures pretend to be such creatures?

Lynn is imagining ...

Need to make a species that can live in low temperature and is very similar to them.


In this way, some time has passed.

The expedition team of the Void People did not achieve the end of total destruction. The captain successfully returned to the aircraft, while the other Void People were trapped in this metal world.

Because it is impossible to confirm whether there is black metal in the end, the captain intends to continue to explore, it plans to send more people to enter this place.

However, in order to prevent previous accidents, the captain dispatched a more professional team, the captain seems to be very persistent to explore this metal group.

If it hadn't been probed before, Lin had to wonder if the captain was parasitic.

Because this is a very dangerous thing, and Lin now, you have to unravel everything in the metal cluster ...

The spy is slowly constructing his new form in the body, and a creature with a crystal shell is born.

This creature looks no different from the crystal lizard. It looks like a lizard without a head, and its head is originally a big hole.

And its interior is quite complicated, mainly because the thermal insulation ability is particularly strong, and of course the cells inside it also need to be able to withstand low temperatures.

The larger the size, the easier it is to manufacture these structures, but the crystal lizard is centimeters, so it is a little difficult to manufacture ...

But it is not entirely impossible. After several tests, Lin successfully created a small multi-celled crystal lizard, which is also a new spy, but it is not known whether other crystal lizards can recognize it.

After the manufacturing was completed, the new little spy crawled out of his original body and came to the outside world.

In front of Lin's eyes, there are a lot of pieces of metal. Because of their smaller size, these pieces of metal seem to be magnified hundreds of times and become a huge world of metal.

In the gaps and gaps of these metals, Lin could see many crystal lizards.

They crawled out of the metal, jumped on Lin's original vain spy body, and drilled into the gap of the armor, as if exploring ...

From this tiny perspective, Lin can notice that these crystals look different than they have seen before. Although the shell is still crystalline, they are usually golden.

What is more obvious is that there is no black spear like the black metal crystal lizard in the hole in the head, but a hollow, and it will glow inside.

At the same time, they are also larger than the crystal lizards I have seen before. This kind is about two centimeters, and it seems that there is only one species, unlike the three species that Lin had seen before.

Or can't you tell the difference just by looking at the appearance?

These crystal lizards crawled on the body of the original spy with their clawed hands and feet. Lin also saw a group of crystal lizards open the armor pockets and dig out some of the contents.

And now, a crystal lizard has noticed Lin's crystal lizard spy. These crystal lizards seem to have no eyes, but they can see Lin. It immediately crawled over, touched his head on the crystal lizard spy, and then issued An extremely fast vibration.

It turned out that they seemed to use the same language as the black metal crystal lizard.

This vibration represents their language. Lynn has studied the language of Crystal Lizard before. It seems that they use the same language as the Black Metal Crystal Lizard.

Crystal lizards have a variety of communication methods, they use another in the atmosphere, and there is a way to communicate in the void, which is such contact, and then let the body vibrate quickly, according to the frequency of vibration. Different meaning.

The crystal lizard is asking Lin: "Where are you from?"

It seems that they didn't suspect that the spies were disguised, but they hadn't seen the spy, so they were puzzled ... Lin wanted to see if they could easily get through.

The spy also shook all over his body. Initially, the spy shook three times in an instant, representing "I", and then there were more than ten more long-term shocks, representing "distant".

In general, just tell it: "I come from a very distant place."

"Did you come from 'that' place?" The crystal lizard vibrated several times in a row, representing its astonishment. At the same time, it mentioned a word that Lynn did not know, and only knew that it was talking about a place.

"Yes." The spy moved it in response to it.

"It's amazing." Crystal Lizard once again expressed its surprise: "There hasn't been a lizard coming from 'that place' for a long time. We thought we would be disconnected forever. Come on, I will take you to our place. "

It seems to be successfully mixed in, pretending to be such a creature does not seem to be very difficult.

When Lin was thinking, the crystal lizard had already run away, and it quickly ran to the other crystal lizard nearby, and touched it.

Lin thought it was probably telling other crystal lizard Lin.

The encountered crystal lizard looked at the spy, then ran away quickly, and touched another crystal lizard.

In this way, after each of these crystal lizards touched a companion, they quickly ran to touch the next companion. Although she doesn't know the emotions of these crystal monsters around her spy, Lin feels that they are quite curious about Lin.

"Now, they all know you." At first, the crystal lizard who 'talked' with the spy touched the spy and expressed its meaning: "They all know that you are from 'that place' and welcome you, and I still I want to ask, what is your name? My name is "Giggle". "

These crystal lizards seem to use a certain vibration frequency to express their name, because the crystal lizard vibrated twice, so Lin called it "giggling".

Lin also moved a bit and expressed her name.

"You actually called this!" This 'giggling' once again expressed his surprise: "Only the legendary one is called this name!"

It seems that I chose a strange name. Lin didn't know what that shock meant. After all, the crystal lizard here and the black metal crystal lizard there didn't seem to be in complete communication.

Maybe after a long period of separation, there is a gap in language?But Lin is sure they are connected.

"Anyway, let's go back first. It might be a little dangerous here." Giggle did a few strange movements after speaking, but the crystal lizards around each other dispersed, and they quickly ran back to where they were, doing Started what was originally done.

They pulled the fragments from where the armor on Lin's False Spy shattered, and pulled the contents out of the pockets on the armor.

There are many things in the pocket of the Void Armor, such as first aid medicine, knife, locator, small electric nail gun, flash ball, etc. These are all standing supplies in the armor to deal with various situations.

Although Lin feels that some things are not necessarily suitable for use in the void.

And these crystal lizards dug out all these things in the armor, and then dragged them into the surrounding metal gaps ...