4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 1251 Planning to Travel

"It seems that they have done a lot of things."

Above the white sea of ​​clouds, a round creature looks at the things in front of it.

"And I also made such a thing."

Although it is of the same race as Maya, it has a very different personality. It has been nested in the laboratory for research and has little interest in the development of its own population. Therefore, it is known as the dean.

There is something in front of it that looks like a mechanical device. This thing is created by the data it has recently obtained and is called the 'crystal lizard energy generation device'.

According to the principle of energy use of crystal lizard, it made a machine, but this machine lacked a key part.

It is the 'fuel' used for filling.

In fact, those things don't burn, so they can't be called fuels. Generally speaking, they are low-temperature substances like liquids, which can produce powerful energy without burning.

But that kind of thing is far away from here, so there is no way to deliver it in a short time.

In the process of waiting, the dean had to turn to do another thing. Another thing was to observe the reaction of another creature.

The dean turned his head and looked at a metal square beside him.

This metal block was recently delivered, and it contained something called 'energy creature' ... also called 'brain spirit'.

"This kind of thing is really strange."

The dean inspected this creature several times. As long as the metal was attached to the metal with a special dream connection device, and then sleep, he would dream of a small space, and then see the brain glowing inside.

The dean tried to communicate with it, or use brain waves to torture it, but it was difficult to communicate with it anyway.

Although it is said that I basically knew it when I read the information before, but I actually felt very wonderful when I actually saw it. And what the dean does is not to communicate with the brain.

It is to create something special, a 'cage' that can trap the brain spirit, and the brain spirit can enter the brain of another creature when it touches the object it is dealing with.

But there may be some material that can make it impossible to leave, but it cannot be completely blocked. The creature that wants to contact the object can dream of the brain spirit, but the brain spirit cannot enter this structure in its brain.

"It feels a little difficult." The dean thought so.

And there is another thing that the dean has to make, which is called the "brain-sucking device", this is much simpler, that is, the thing that can suck the brain-spirit from the brains of other creatures.

Except for killing the host and forcing it away, the current Brain Spirit has no way to let the Brain Spirit out.

This device needs to be able to 'suck' the brain spirit out without harming the host. The dean thinks it will be easier to make.

No matter what it is, the material is always the most important, so the dean investigated a lot of various materials on the pompon, and it found a material that seemed to have value in use.

The dean had heard of the previous events, which happened on the western continent. A creature called 'brain-maker' used special crystals to pile up some kind of devastating weapon, and they released it with that Brainwaves covering the whole continent.

That kind of crystal has wonderful characteristics, and it must be of value to use.

The dean wanted to find the kind of crystals they used, which should be the material used to make the suction device.

Therefore, the dean decided to look for that kind of crystallization in person, and after spending a long time here, he also wanted to go out and see things outside.

Thinking, the dean climbed onto the alloy spider beside him and entered the spider's "cab".

"Obviously, it rolls faster, why should I climb over?"

I don't know why, while climbing, the dean remembered what Maya said to it.

But after half a second, it put this sentence behind its head and drove the alloy spider into the depths of the institute. In the institute, there were flying machines for travel.

The top of the institute slowly opened, and a ship-shaped aircraft appeared in the internal platform.

With the sound of the engine, the ship slowly ascended to high altitude, and then flew away.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

While flying over the sea of ​​clouds, the dean could see the buildings on the sea of ​​clouds. Many white-skeleton dragons lived in the sea of ​​clouds and established a new kingdom on them.

When they saw the dean's aircraft, they cheered one after another. They seemed to have a feeling of worship to the dean.

The dean ignored them. The aircraft flew over the sea of ​​clouds, out of the border of the mainland, and flew to another continent beyond the ocean ...

… ... just like that, after a while ...

"I haven't seen the scenery outside in a long time ..."

While flying, the dean looked at the environment outside. The waves and islands on the ocean were all caught in his eyes. It was only then that when they looked closely, it seemed that these places were also very interesting.

'Beep beep!'

Suddenly, the dean heard the sound from the communication device inside the aircraft, and he found an extra message.

"Where did this information come from? It doesn't seem to be Lynn."

The dean has no contact with any creature except Lin, and it should not receive any other information, but it did receive a message that was obviously not from Lin. The message was very short, saying: "I will starving……"

"By the way, this text is a random strange text." After reading the message for a few seconds, the dean thought of it.

"Is that random monster still alive?" The dean felt a little weird in a moment, because he thought that the other party must have been dead for a long time. It even almost forgot the language of the random monster, but why is it still alive and able to send messages What?

After thinking for a while, the dean looked at the source of the information, as if it were on the continent where the dean was flying.

"... Maybe you can check it out? But a more accurate location is needed, if it is sent again, it will be fine."

Although the dean thought so, he then received no information.


At the same time, on the other side ...

"If you do n’t give me that ... I will starve to death ..."

In front of the creature named scholar, there are a lot of food, with a variety of fruits, meat pieces, and all kinds of food.

But between food and scholars, there are a lot of gnomes. Now they are still surrounded by scholars, letting them teach them about the manufacturing process of aircraft.

However, the scholar is already dizzy, and the hungry belly tells it that it needs to eat ...

Whenever a scholar shows that he wants to eat, or just rushes to eat, the gnome will take away the food and then feed the scholar with excrement.

If you go on like this ...