4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 1277 What Are They Thinking About?


The black ground was hit by a strong blow, which even cracked the ground.

However, its target is no longer in the position of being hit hard.

"This thing seems very powerful ..."

The dean, still in its alloy spider, this spider is very useful, but sometimes there are things that it can't deal with, such as the creature in front of it.

This creature looks like a big tree, a big tree with thick limbs, it is three meters tall, with two arms consisting of a thick trunk, and more conspicuously is the back of this tree, with a few Root crystals.

It looks like it was pierced, not grown on it, but this tree has no opinion on the crystal on its back, it has more opinions on the dean.

'boom!'The big tree waved its limb again and slammed the dean's spider, and the dean jumped back a second before evading the attack.

"This thing is weird." The dean kept exuding brain waves to detect this moving tree. This kind of tree is obviously a kind of moving plant, which is closer to the type of 'casein'.

However, the crystal on its back is very strange, and every time the dean probes, the crystal will respond to give it a special feeling.

This may be the crystallization that the dean wants to find.

Thinking, the dean operated the alloy spider and crawled over. Although the big tree had no eyes, it could accurately locate the position of the dean, and the two trunks slammed down.

'boom!'At the moment when the trunk hit the ground, the alloy spider jumped into the air and climbed onto the body of the tree. At the same time, the forelimb with a circular saw protruded from the bottom of the spider, and the rapidly rotating sawtooth saw was inserted into a tree. On the crystal.

With the sound of a circular saw, countless crystal debris scattered around, the crystal has been sawed halfway by the spider, and the big tree is struggling constantly, trying to throw the dean's spider from it.

However, it is not so easy to throw off the dean's spider, and the alloy feet have special barbs that allow it to grasp any surface.

'Om ...' But a sound suddenly sounded within the big tree. Suddenly, countless bugs drilled out of the tree hole on it, and instantly surrounded the alloy spider of the dean.

"Is there such a thing?" The dean felt a little weird. Although he knew that there were many bugs living with such moving trees, they rarely helped the trees fight.

But now, the crystal has been sawed by the dean. It picked up this piece of crystal and jumped aside, and these bugs did not follow the dean, but flew back into the tree hole.

However, the tree seemed quite angry at the dean's removal of its crystal. It chased violently, but the dean ran away before it caught up.

"Just run here."

The dean ’s spider is much faster, and soon he ca n’t see the tree, and the dean also took the crystal and studied it carefully.

There are some research functions on spiders, including microscopic functions, brain wave transmission needles, etc. It can carefully observe the crystal structure.

"It turns out that ..." The dean looked at the structure of the crystal, and at the same time, he used a small needle to pierce the crystal into the crystal for research, and soon he learned the crystal above.

This thing ... it should be the kind of brainwave crystal that the dean has been looking for. They are very special and can store brainwaves, but this structure may be a little different from the previous ones. Crystallize to influence the behavior of that tree.

Although such plants do not have the brains of ordinary creatures, they still have nerves, and the crystals are inserted into the bark, which has a continuous impact on the tree and makes it constantly attack the dean.

Because the general method of distributing brain waves cannot affect trees, so use this method?

The dean thinks this method is very good. Now that the crystals have been found, let's go and see where they come in more quantities.

The dean mainly wants to make something against the brain, so the more the better.

"You have not been bitten?"

When the dean was thinking, a 'voice' appeared behind it, and when he turned around, he saw that three brain-creating monsters were more than ten meters behind the dean.

"I said it was not so easy to be killed." "Trees will not be killed, only killed." "No, I have seen them killed, just a long time ago."

The three brain-creating monsters seemed to be discussing with each other, but their eyes were fixed on the dean. As long as the dean moved a little, they immediately became alert.

"Why do you want to kill me?" The dean sent out a message tentatively.

"It asked us why?" "It's better not to tell it." "Yes, we have to kill it first, then tell it."

The three brain monsters seemed to have reached an agreement. They looked at the dean, and ... turned around and escaped.


In the dark cave, the dean's spider is running at the fastest speed, and in front of it there are three brain-creating monsters running at the fastest speed ...

The reason why the dean chased them is mainly to want to "ask" where the crystal was made, and the reason for the brain monster to escape ...

Perhaps only they know it.

"Forget it."

After running for a while, the dean stopped, and the three brain monsters ran across the corner of a cave in front and disappeared.

The main reason why the dean does not pursue is that it has found a lot of crystallization.

This is a special cave. The surrounding ground is covered with a variety of crystals, including the kind that the dean wants to find.

This kind of crystal will respond to certain feelings as long as it is detected, which makes them easy to distinguish.

Now that it is found, the next step is to mine here.

But it seems that I can't go back now, what should I do?

"Should kill it." "It won't kill." "Then smash it and kill again."

The brain monsters that ran away again appeared again ...

But this time, there are not only a few of them, but also the big tree of the previous type. There are a total of five trees, but they are all relatively small, only about one meter, and there is only one crystal on the body. It feels like a cub, No, it should be a seedling ...

"These things ..." The dean found them slowly spreading out, as if trying to surround it, but the dean did not try to escape, but looked at the three brain monsters ...

"Don't you plan to escape?" The dean's alloy spider raised the circular saw of the forelimb, and the dean also sent a message: "In this case, let you tell me how to leave."