"Ga-!!! Let us cheer!"

The night sky shines through the ground, illuminating the ruins on the ground, and illuminating the white figures standing on the ruins.

White skeleton dragons, cheering with their slate in their hands, seemed to be celebrating the arrival of something.

"The position where they stand is really this shape."

The scholar lies on top of a certain house, this tall building, at this position the scholar can see all the white skeleton dragons.

These white skeleton dragons all climbed to the top of the house like it, but they chose smaller buildings, some are one-storey, and some are two-storey. Although they are different in height, they are surrounded by a complete circle.

After they have placed all the slate, as long as the scholar holds the debris it found last time, it can obviously feel a very irritating feeling, as if there are many needles piercing it.

Therefore, instead of holding the debris, scholars now choose to climb to a tall building to see the movement of the white skeleton dragons.

The white skeletal dragons that had put the stone slabs in the building now all took the stone slabs to the top of the building. With all the stone slabs lined up, they shouted at the sky.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

It looks like it is cheering. If it was so noisy, it would attract many gnomes, but scholars have not seen any gnomes.

However, it did not see anything happen.

"Gay! We ask you to show up soon!" These linguistic scholars of White Skeleton Dragon can understand a part of it. One has many decorations, and looks like the leader. Words, and the white skeleton dragon on the surrounding buildings also cheered with its words.

It lasted for thousands of seconds ...

"Ga ... cough cough! What's going on ..." Until the voice of Bai Miaolong's leader became hoarse, nothing happened here.

"This is impossible!" "Gah! Why did nothing happen!"

With the doubts of the leader of the White Skeleton Dragon, the surrounding White Skeleton Dragons also began to panic.

"It may indeed be a kind of ritual, and nothing will actually happen." The scholar saw this, and he made a conclusion in his own thoughts. He felt that these white skeleton dragons only found that they had a special feeling of holding crystalline debris. Then put the debris in the slate to worship it.

Later, the group of white skeleton dragons found that placing the stone slabs in a specific shape would have a stronger feeling, and then they worship in this way. Yes, just like the ancient primitive tribes worshiping gods, they may have ideas. A prophecy will appear at a certain time, but ...

Scholars see that now, it can be sure: "So, in fact, nothing should happen ..."

'Om—' Just when the scholar thought so, the sky suddenly heard a voice.

"Gah! It's coming!" The white bone dragon below cheered suddenly, and the scholar quickly looked at the place where the sound was made: "What? Is it true?"

"No ... that's ..." Under the light of the starry sky, the scholar saw clearly what the sounding object was, that was a ... small aircraft, yes, that's the dean!The dean made something of this shape based on some of the flying people's aircraft.

It seemed that the aircraft was rickety, as if the control was very unstable, and the scholar also saw the white mass lying on the flight.

Is the dean on that?

"Gah! That's not!" And when the scholars reacted, the following white skeleton dragons also reacted, and they screamed immediately: "It's that thing is interfering, solve it quickly!"

"Ga!" The white skeleton dragon below immediately picked up the weapon in his hand, the bow and arrow, and pointed it at the flying machine in the sky.

"Those white skeleton dragons will use bows and arrows?" The scholar was surprised when he saw that the original white skeleton dragons should not use such weapons. Although they saw what they were carrying, they were too dark to see clearly, but the white skeleton dragons raised their bows and arrows. When you get up, you can see clearly.

'Wow!'Along with the sound of penetrating the air, a large number of arrows flew from the ground, and the air vehicle itself was shaking, it was instantly stabbed by several arrows, and it quickly spun up, Crashed into a building on the ground.

'Boom!'In a burst of roar, the little aircraft instantly turned into debris along with the fragile building.

"Is the dean too?" The scholar looked at this scene in surprise, while thinking about what was going on.

The dean appeared before on the dinosaur continent, but why would he fly here again on a small flying machine?

"Goooooooo!" The white skeleton dragons on the building suddenly cheered. They climbed down from the building one by one and ran to the building where the dean was.

"This thing that interferes with our ritual has been completely broken!" Scholars probably could hear what the white skeleton dragons were saying.

"Gah! We must use its fragments as sacrifices to start the ceremony again!" The leader, White Skeleton Dragon, raised his hand, and the surrounding White Skeleton Dragon immediately excavated the fragments of the building, and found the scrap pile of the aircraft from it Together.

"There seems to be no dean's body ..."

The scholar looked carefully at the distance from a height. Although it was not clear, it did not see anything white.

"It's not enough! One thing is missing!" The leader of Bai Miaolong seemed to know what was missing, and he shouted: "Gah! Quickly find it out!"

"Because of the early launch, the ceremony can no longer be held!"

Suddenly, the scholar heard a voice, and suddenly from the ruined street in the distance, a strangely dressed ... white skeleton dragon appeared.

It wore a hat made of jade wool, with clothes made of feathers all over its body, and also held a cane with golden beetles on top.

This white skeleton dragon looks nothing primitive at all, but it speaks the same way as the original crazy white skeleton dragon.

"What fired ahead?" The leader and the other white skeleton dragons looked at it suspiciously.

"I received the prompt just now, and they told me that there was no way to launch because of the early launch, but we have a new launch method, which is to find the white thing and continue launching.

"..." The other Baimiaolong seemed to not understand well, but the leader responded: "Gah! That's right, there was a white thing on the flying thing just now! We haven't found it yet!"

"What?" Shouted wearing a strange white skeleton dragon: "Gay! Hurry up and find!"