"Start quickly, we will not bite you."

In the underground cave, the alloy alloy spider of the dean crawled on the wall with a large number of brain-creating monsters.

But the dean is now hesitating, because of the previous things, it is no longer going to come out directly to contact these mycelium.

"Don't be dazed, act quickly." "What are you doing? Didn't you say you'd better travel together?" "You have to touch it, and you will know how we are connected to that thing."

The headmaster remained motionless under the information that created the brain monster.

However, it said to the brain monster: "I can travel with you, but you have to tell me ... your thing."

"Of course it is." "Let's go to a distant place together!" "What do you want to know?"

These brain-creating monsters seem to have become very cooperative, and the dean also asked some questions to the brain-creating monsters.

The questions here include ... the brain-creating monster recently has everything to do with travel, and the brain-creating monster seems to be very willing to answer the way of the dean, and tells everything about them.


"We can't lie here." "Why not?" "We are going to find more brains."

The story begins with three brain-creating monsters.

Since a long time ago, brain monsters have been living in the dinosaur continent and the surrounding waters. The life they live every day is to find food, then daze, and then do something about treasures.

For them, the more exciting thing is to fight with the Scorpion. After so many years, the Scorpion and the Brain-Creating Monster are still fighting each other.

Within the treasure, they can obtain more information about the arms, thereby enhancing their troops, and creating brain monsters, just to protect what they have been protecting, and besides this, they find that they have nothing else. Can be done.

"We shouldn't go on like this." "Why?" "Because the guardian treasure is not tasty." "Then let's do something else." "I agree." "What do you do?"

So, these three brain-creating monsters began their journey-not knowing what to do.

Yes, they didn't know what to do at first, but they still decided not to do such things as guarding treasure, so they embarked on a journey.

The three brain-creating monsters were separated, and they each went to different places.

A brain-creating monster began to travel in the sea. It crawled across the vast seabed. After seeing various things, it reached the northern continent. At that time, it was fortunate to see the mystery from the void. Things-the coming of the month.

The brain-creating monster felt very much about it, so it planned to go back and tell its companions its news.

At the same time, another brain monster came to a special place. At the same time, it encountered a special creature. This creature was considered by the brain monster to be a good target for biting.

However, the Brain Monster did not successfully bite this creature, but they knew each other during the battle. The Brain Monster felt that this creature was a creature suitable for being a companion and should not be killed.

And this creature also recognized the brain-creating monster, and it believed that they should communicate well.

This creature calls itself 'Montezuma'. It tells the brain monster that it has been chasing a certain creature, but it finds that this creature has been too far away from it.

Montezuma has no way to find the creature. It thinks that some methods can approach the creature, but it is more difficult to achieve by itself, so it wants to make brain monsters to help it.

The brain-creating monsters can also go to a very distant and wonderful place with them to explore. Montezuma said that the place is a blue world and can also fly in the sky.

This caused the brain-creating monster to yearn for emotions, so the brain-creating monster planned to help Montezuma. Montezuma told the brain-creating monster that it could fly to the blue world by some methods, but it had to wait a long time, it planned to After a long time, they contacted the brain monsters and they figured out ways to go up together.

However, the brain monster did not want to wait so long, it wanted to go up quickly, so it asked Montezuma if there was a way to go up in advance, but Montezuma told the brain monster that there is no way to let that world come early.

This makes the brain monster very angry, because Montezuma suddenly gave it more expectations to last for hundreds of years, this process of expectation will make the brain monster very uncomfortable.

So, the brain monster decided to kill Montezuma. Although it failed in the end, Montezuma flew away.

After the "friendship" between the brain-creating monster and Montezuma collapsed, the brain-creating monster decided to return. In order to counter this uncomfortable feeling of unprecedented expectation, the brain-creating monster decided to find a way to see if it could go to that one ahead world.

But at this moment, it suddenly found that it had not asked where the wonderful blue world of Montezuma appeared, but it wanted to go back and say it anyway, and then the brain-creating monster returned to the dinosaur continent. .

As for the last brain monster, it did nothing.

In this way, the three brain monsters with special ideas gathered together after a short journey, and they shared their information with each other.

The brain-creating monster that I communicated with Montezuma told their companions about the blue world, and said that it wanted to go there very much, and the brain-creating monster who traveled to the northern continent immediately provided it in the northern continent. Seeing the things in the blue world, and saying that it is not difficult to go there, just to cross the vast and dangerous sea.

No information on the last brain-creating monster was provided.

After the three brain-creating monsters integrated the information they obtained, they thought that going to the northern continent would be able to ascend to that world, but that world did not arrive so soon.

They have to find some way to make the world come over quickly, because they have to wait a long time, they may die while waiting.

The brain-creating monster is absolutely unwilling to do this. When thinking of this, the brain-creating monster wants to kill Montezuma even more.

'The next time I encounter it, I will definitely kill it', holding this idea, it and its companions have started to move, but how to do it?

A brain-creating monster came up with the idea: "We try to contact it to see if we can tell it to come back soon, it may listen to our opinions."

"This is a good way." "Yes, if it doesn't listen, it kills it."

After all three of them agreed, they began to act. One brain-creator tried to send a signal to the location of the void, the blue world, and the other brain-made monster tried to send something using something.

The last brain-creating monster observed the companions' actions and sent brain waves to encourage them.

Later, a brain monster found something in a jungle. It found these things to be very wonderful. As long as you put your body on it, you can feel that it is sending information to a distance.

This information is sent much farther than the brain monster itself sent. The brain monster created this idea the moment it felt its message.

Moreover, the direction it sends is exactly the direction in which the blue world appears.

Perhaps it is not necessarily possible to use these wonderful things like thin lines to connect with that blue world.

At this time, the brain-creating monsters realized that only three of them were not enough, so they told these news to the same kind around them, and these same kind also told the news to more similar kind.

Brainstorming began their plan-to travel to distant places.

They started to act. They tried to strengthen the signal by various methods. They believed that as long as the signal of the thread was strengthened, they could be contacted.

However, it is not easy to strengthen the signal.

Moreover, some brain-creating monsters feel that they should continue their tasks and guard their treasures here.

There is a reason why the brain-creating monster has been staying in this place for a long time. Because the brains of the population give them the task, the brain-creating monster cannot leave at will.

However, after a long time, they feel that the "binding" of this task has become smaller and smaller for them, so they will have three original brain monsters with special ideas ...

However, the brain monsters here still believe that they should continue to guard their tasks.

But soon, this idea has a solution, as long as the treasure is brought up.

Brain-creating monsters quickly agreed with this plan, but they still have a doubt. If they leave this place ... what will their population become?

However, the brain monsters didn't care so much, they began to continue to act, this action ... lasted a long time.

Then continue their actions,

They try to use various methods, and the most popular method for brain monsters is to use crystals. They use crystals to strengthen the signal and stimulate the silk to see if they can send the signal further.

At first, they always did not go well, because the brain monsters found that they lacked the key things.

What is this key thing?

They believe that it may be a kind of creature with a relatively strong signal ability.

After this, the brain-creating monsters accidentally felt that a similar creature came nearby, and at the moment it arrived, they immediately knew that it was a suitable creature.

And this creature is ... the dean.

At the same time, there is a brain-creating monster, which produced this idea.

Maybe they can catch the dean and change it to one of their populations and let it help them send signals.

So, the brain-creating monsters came up with a perfect signal transmission scheme. In this scheme, there are also plans for the white skeleton dragon.

After that, there were various things behind ...