4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 1432: Fast Flight

"What is happening?"

The dean, is now in a constantly changing environment. It feels as if he is flying, everything around him is rapidly retreating.

It feels like it is moving towards a certain place at a high speed, and the retreating around it is the scenery of dreams, like countless luminous roads, various luminous buildings, and many strange things ...

The dean does not fully understand the things in the brain spirit dream, but it knows some iconic things. It saw the city of the brain spirit, the landing point of the battleship of the brain spirit, and countless brain spirits ...

These brain spirits didn't seem to notice it, perhaps because it was 'flying' too fast, and the dean was very concerned about what the reason was.

It was almost able to guess, because ... the message began to be sent.

The dean had sent a message calling the sea of ​​creation in the connection cabin before, and his thoughts followed the process of the connection cabin transmitting the information into the dream, but after entering the dream, there was no next step ...

However, it seems that this step has begun to continue now, and the thought of the dean began to continue to follow this message ... to the core of the dream.

The dean can now feel that there is something else that 'pushes' the continued operation of the connection cabin, causing the dean to start moving to the core of the dream.

And this thing that keeps the connection cabin running ... what is it?Mktu?still is……

...... At the same time, outside.

"Stop it! Don't just do it there!"

Mktu's snarling bug roared at the entrance of the connection cabin room. There are now a large group of brain-creating monsters around the connection cabin. They are constantly sending messages to them. Some brain-making monsters are still biting. Connect the shell of the cabin.

Mktu found that although the connection cabin had been activated and shut down, the information of the brain monster could still be transmitted to it, and it would affect the connection cabin.

That seems to be because the brain-creating monsters and head-worms also belong to the same ancestor. The connection compartment is set to be activated by receiving brain-brain signals from the head-worm, and the brain-creating brain waves will also affect the connection compartment. .

For some reason, the connection cabin is stuck in the stage of entering the dream, but it seems that now because of the behavior of the brain-creating monster, this stage begins to continue to operate, and the information will be sent to the core of the dream ...

However, because the brain-creating monster added a lot of information, I don't know what will happen after this information is sent out, will I contact the sea of ​​creation?Or will it be unconnected as the dean expected, and expose the core position of the brain, or will it cause other special effects?

Either way, Mktu must stop them, but it seems too late to stop them now.

"It's yelling at us!" "It's too loud!" "It's too noisy!" "Let's go somewhere else, the two things inside seem to be asleep."

After being roared by the Explosive Whistler, all the brain monsters in the room ran out. The connection cabin looks intact, but the process of the connection cabin has started ...

... in a dream.

"It seems so."

The dean is still flying at high speed in the dream. Now he can see a lot of 'information' around him. In the dream of the brain, some of the incoming information will be 'materialized' and become visible The things you get are generally shining or something.

This information will be sent to the dream core quickly with the dean. After reaching the dream core, the information will be transferred into reality at the core and sent to the sea of ​​creation.

"Good ... but ..."

Although I do n’t know if Maya was sent to the sea of ​​dreams with the information, but the dean thinks that only one of them can be good. You must try to see if you can adjust the information. It will not be transformed into reality, sent to the sea of ​​creation, but echoed throughout the dream.

This reverb will last for a long time, as long as Lin is in a dream during this time, and the core position of the brain spirit will be exposed, Lin only needs to find the core of the brain spirit and destroy it in the fastest way. , So that all brain spirit units distributed in the void will collapse instantly.

If you want to contend with the whole army of Nao Ling, even Lin is unlikely to win, but if you only destroy a core, it will always be much easier. The destruction of the core will lead to the extinction of Nao Ling.

This is the easiest way to solve this group of energy creatures all over the void.


The original dean modified the message so that it would not be sent to the sea of ​​creation, and this step of exposing the core of the brain should be completed after it entered the connection cabin itself. After that, it almost did nothing, just watched the final success and No more.

But now the dean found that the first step was not completed, because it did not go to the core after entering the dream with the information. Although it has started to move forward, it is because of the mixing of other information.

Now, the dean is going to the core of the dream with these mixed messages, rather than the information that it modified from the beginning.

Therefore, the dean must correct these mixed messages during the period to the core, otherwise, after they reach the core of the brain spirit ... I do n’t know what will happen, and may be received by the sea of ​​creation ...

Thinking, the dean began to move quickly, but fortunately it can now perceive the information around him, and he can use his own ideas to control them.

The dean felt these messages, discarded the mixed parts, and then transformed them into the correct messages, so as to ensure that they would not be sent to the sea of ​​creation.

This process is not complicated, as if a bunch of statues are slanted upright, but it cannot be accelerated, and it only takes a few tens of seconds, and the dean will reach the core.

Looking at the scene of rapid passing around, the dean must modify the information before that.

"There is ..." Suddenly, the dean found a huge wall in front of it, and it still didn't stop, but when approaching the wall, the wall suddenly opened a hole for the dean to wear. past.

And at the moment of passing, the dean saw a luminous road, and on the road, there was something familiar to the dean, a white ... a ball of fluff, and a tentacle beside the ball.

The dean wanted to send some signals to the pompon, but without waiting for it to send out, it had flown to a place where the pompon could not be seen.

………at the same time……

"That's ... the dean?"

The pom-pom is slowly moving on the path of light with the creator's tentacle. Lynn and the creator's tentacle entered the dream in order to find something in the dream, and the pom-pom just saw a Headworm, surrounded by a rainbow-like light, and flying quickly in the sky.

"It's here ... that means ..."

"What is that? Fluff? Is it a familiar thing?" Said the tentacle on the side: "Don't worry about that first, look in front of you, and follow the traces of this wall, you can find what you want."

"Originally, things on this wall are hidden, but fluff, because you can perceive the surrounding dream situation, you can feel it ... There is something hidden about them."

"It's about their transmission ... what are you looking at, fluff?"

The creator found that the pompon had been looking in one direction, and it said: "Is that thing very strange just now?"

"That's the core direction." The pompom asked the creator.

"Yes." The creator said: "Is that ..."

"... we go to the place closest to the core."

With that said, the pompom flew quickly in one direction, and the creator followed.

"Fuzz, what is that thing? Do you know that thing?" The creator asked.

"Yes, that's a creature in our world." Pompom said.

"It's impossible ..." The creator suddenly expressed a surprised emotion: "No creature can fly to the direction of the core of the dream at such a fast speed ..."

"But, it's obviously it." The pompon said: "That's not disguise or something, it is indeed ..."

"Then, there is only one situation it encounters." The creator said: "There is only one thing that can be sent to the core in a hurry, and the thing created by the spirit is dedicated to this process."

"That kind of thing can send a signal to a dream, and it needs to be sent with the thinking of a certain creature." The creator said: "This creature's thought will be sent to the core with the signal, or a certain dream world Office. "

"In this way, this creature feels as if it flew through the entire dream world ... But, at the moment of reaching the target, the creature will definitely ... die."

"What?" Pompom asked: "Can this process be stopped?"

"No, fluff is impossible in a dream." The creator said: "You see its speed, but in reality, you can stop this process by waking it up ..."

"But if it is in your world, it means there is no way."


"It's almost ..." The dean looked at the changing scenery around him, and found that although he moved quickly, he would not hit anything. No matter what, he would open a mouth to let it pass when it approached. .

While looking at the surrounding scenery, the dean quickly modified the signals showing rainbow-like colors around it. It is now almost finished to modify these signals. The dean thinks he can complete this task before arriving ... .

In this way, this information will reveal the location of the core.