"Hurry up and put that thing on!"

In the dark tunnel underground, Maya riding a bursting whistler is running wildly with the scholar.

They had to run to another teleportation room, because the original one was blown up, so they had to find another one.

"They ran over there!"

In the back passage, a group of Atlan were chasing them nonstop, and several Atlans who had run ahead had raised their arms.

"Wow-!!!" Suddenly turned around and roared suddenly. A large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the rock wall of the cave, and many stones fell from the top of the cave, blocking the way of Atlan.

"Huh ... It's safe now." The scholar gasped a little, but he found that his physical strength was much better than when he first came to the pompon.

"It's not completely safe yet." Maya's Burst Worm said: "Did you forget that thing activated the detonation system? We will put this thing in the next teleport before it blows itself up! You grab Get it up! "

Because of the roaring relationship just now, the Chibucha bug bitten by the burrowing bug fell to the ground, but the scholar soon went up to catch it, and then ran forward with the burrowing bug at a faster speed go with.

Soon, the scholar ran to the location of the next teleportation room along with the burrowing bug.

"Ah!" However, as soon as they opened the door of the teleportation room, the scholar and Maya saw that there was a group of Atlans in the teleportation room, and they were placing something in the center of the room.

"Ah! Shoot! Shoot!" Several Atlans yelled at the sight of Maya and the scholar. The moment they raised their weapons, the burst screamer shouted at the same time, and Maya also sent out a strong The brainwaves of these Atlans suddenly seemed to be hit by something, and fell to the ground with their heads covered.

After several Atlans passed out, the scholar and Maya came to the center of the transmission room. They found that Atlan had placed a block-shaped object on the ground, and the block-shaped object had a row of red flashing on the surface. Lights, these small red lights are slowly extinguishing one by one.

"This is counting down?" The scholar looked at the square, and it was obvious that it looked like a common countdown bomb.

"It's about to explode!" The scholar found that the red light above was extinguishing faster and faster, and immediately ran out of the room, and Maya ran out of the screaming bug ...


In this way, another transfer room disappeared.

Looking at the teleportation room that shattered under the roar, the scholar said to Maya: "Those Atlan ... must have received an order to blow up these teleportation rooms. They don't want us to teleport."

"Since this is the case, then use that method." Maya's Burrower said: "There are many teleporters here, but one of them will definitely not blow up."

"That place is ..."

'boom!'Just as the scholar said, there was a sudden explosion in the distance, it seems that other transfer rooms were also blown up.

"We're going to that place." As he said, the popping bug ran in one direction, and the scholar immediately followed up ...

"Boom ..." The explosion sound continued to reverberate in the passage. It seems that many places in the distance were blown up. Scholars think that those transmission rooms may have been almost blown up, and the place Maya went to ... There was indeed no explosion.

However, scholars believe that it no longer needs to follow, and can leave here, because it has no need to do anything, but it still does not know how to escape, so it has to run with the bursting insect first.

"It's there!"

Scholars found that metal walls appeared again on both sides of the passage in front, and at the end of the passage was a door.

This door looks exactly like the door of the other transfer room, but there are a lot of ... square buttons, they are arranged closely together, and it looks quite strange.

Before Maya and the scholar ran to the quirky door, Maya let the Burrower touch a button on the door, and a continuous thunder came from a distance.

This sound is not an explosion, but the sound of something running.

Then the Burst Worm poked another button, and the sound of the operation became louder and louder.

"What's this?" The scholar asked Maya questioningly: "What are you working on?"

"Here is the manual adjustment device." Burrower said: "It is operated by those Atlans, which can control the shape change of this place. Although there are many separate transmission rooms here, there is a transmission room that must be operated. To be shown. "

"This place is used to transfer a lot of things ..."

After pressing several buttons in a row, the scholar found that the rock walls around him began to vibrate. A lot of mechanical structures appeared in these rocks, and it seemed that the entire underground began to work.

Scholars feel that this underground is about to change to another shape, but when it thinks so, it suddenly finds that the surrounding mechanical operations have stopped.

And Maya's Burrower stopped pressing the button on the door.

"What's the matter?" When the scholar questioned, the Burrower poked another button, and a three-dimensional picture popped up on the door, showing a lot of information.

"What do these say?"

The scholar saw that the materials were all incomprehensible texts, and Maya looked at the materials for a while, before the bursting insects said: "They have begun to decide to start the plan of extinction."

"A plan for extinction?"

"It has instructions." The snarling bug shook its body, and the voice of the dean appeared from its mouth.

"Maya, you should already know!" The voice seemed to be that the dean was contacting from a distance: "Brain spirits knew of their failure, and they were ready to start their extinction plan ..."

"First of all, they will destroy everything here. That ’s right, those buildings with operational functions, including underground buildings and above ground. After destroying these buildings, there is nothing to stop them from continuing. Sent. "

The scholar immediately asked: "That is to say, these buildings may prevent them from continuing to transmit?"

"What? Random blame is there?" The dean's voice continued: "Yes, these buildings have a lot of control, so at the beginning of the extinction, the brain must destroy them to prevent any creature from using these buildings to do anything. thing."

"Even if all the buildings are destroyed, the transmission will continue, because after the towers that stimulate the delayed transmission are built, the delayed transmission will be fixed, even if the tower and the base under the tower are destroyed later, the transmission will still not Will stop. "

"So, we must use the existing building to cause some influence ..." The dean's voice continued: "Maya, we must enter that room and adjust to prevent its transmission ..."


The voice of the dean was not finished yet. The door in front of Maya and the scholar suddenly blasted open. The square buttons and a large number of fragments sputtered out. A piece hit the scholar's head violently. It suddenly fainted. .


here is……

Not knowing how long it took, the scholar opened his eyes.

"Strange?" The scholar found that he was no longer underground, but on the ground. Although the sky was covered with thick smoke, the ground scenery was mostly clear.

And in this clear view, it saw countless ... debris.

"Are they ... lost?"

On the ground around the scholar, there were corpses of Inca worms everywhere, and they were scattered incompletely in the scholar's field of vision, covering the whole earth.

The scholar walked among the countless corpses, and it found that the debris seemed to have spread far and far, and it felt as if it was endless ...

It slowly moved through the endless wreckage, it seemed ... After a long walk, the scholar came to the edge of the sea.

It looked around and saw that there was no drop of water in the place where it was once the sea, but a dry plain. The corpses of marine life were piled up on this plain like mountains, and there were many kinds of wandering around the heap Weird ... monster.


The scholar suddenly felt that he was pulled by something, and he found that the scenery in front of him instantly changed, and Maya appeared in front of him in a riding bug.

"It seems that you have encountered fantasies." Maya's Burst Worm said: "Those brain spirits let you see the scenery of the" end of the world ", which is what they expected, but I will put their sad thoughts on themselves Body. "

The scholar looked around and found that not far behind Maya was the previously exploded door. The pile of buttons and the debris door were scattered on the ground, and the room in that door had also been blown up. It's a mess. It's full of scattered parts. Although I don't know what the room is for, it's useless now.

Maya and Blowworm were also affected by the explosion. The Blowworm now seems to have almost all crippled legs, and Maya also has some wounds.

At the same time, the scholar himself suffered a lot of injuries, but what he most cared about was ... the Chibucha bug that it had been holding before had disappeared ...

And it ’s not in the mouth of Maya ’s croup, do you say ...

"That thing has been lost." Maya's Blowworm seemed to see the scholar's thoughts, and it said: "And ... the fungus ball may have shattered."

"What?" The scholar exclaimed: "How did that know?"

"Because there is something for detection on the ball, I can't feel it now." Maya's Explosive Snorkeler said: "But don't worry, this may be an opportunity, we can use this opportunity ... just ..."