4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1447

"You decided to continue exploring?"

"Yes, there are countless mysteries in this world. I'm going to take a new journey in this world ... but then, this statue ..."

Since the war with Nao Ling, many days and nights have passed.

The skeletal dragon left the southern continent, and the Emerald Dragon built their small town next to the huge pothole caused by the teleport. This small town was completely made of rock, with almost no other ingredients in it.

In the center of the town, they used rocks to create a ... scholar's statue, but it looked a little different from the scholar.

"Isn't it better to look like this?"

The scholar is now standing with the 'craftsman' who made the statue, looking at the statue in front of him. Although the shape of this statue is exactly the same as that of the scholar, his face is different. The details of the ministry have changed a lot.

In short, like the face of the Emerald Dragon.

"This is not me at all ..." The scholar looked at the statue and said: "Can't you do something more like it?"

"This ..." said the craftsman next to you: "Please understand that in our story, most of the" villains "are ugly, and this statue is mainly used to tell our descendants of this war Story, so the protagonist of the story must be more beautiful ... quack! I do n’t mean that you look ugly, or ... more personal, you are much more beautiful than those called Atlan, really. "

"... Well, it looks like you are like us." The scholar sighed, and then turned to Maya who had been standing behind it. "Then, I am now ready to go."

"Very good." Maya has been riding on the snarling bug, and the snarling bug underneath it said: "Then I will give you this thing."

There were several infantry soldiers behind the howler, and they dragged a thing to the scholar.

"This is an armor made for you. It includes many kinds of functions. It was created by the 'President' and me together. It can help you resolve all crises."

"Oh! This is a very good look!" The scholar carefully checked the instructions of this armor ... The text of the description was carved on a stone slab and placed next to the armor. After the scholar read it, he found this The secondary armor has many useful functions, such as temperature maintenance, oxygen maintenance, detection function, etc., and uses sunlight as an energy source.

Where there is no sunlight, you can use other things as energy sources, such as fruit energy, Maoyu energy, and fungus energy.

The Howler said: "We have specially selected many kinds of creatures all over the world. The" oil "they produce can be used as energy for this set of armor. Recharge your armor, and this set of armor can also be used in the void. If you have a plan to go to the void, you can wear it directly. "

"This is so practical! You are too powerful!" The scholar said excitedly.

Howler said: "It's nothing, because of your racial horror, it successfully delays the brain, so we won, so it's easy to do this for you."

"Uh ..." the scholar immediately turned to the next topic: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, it can accompany your journey." Then, Maya's bursting whistler made a strange howling sound. This sound was like a wave, and it was transmitted to a very long distance.

What could it be?Scholars have unparalleled expectations, because Maya promised to give scholars a class of arms. Now scholars think that the more difficult part of their travel is to move. If a flying class carries it flying around, it will be more convenient. You can also travel to various islands.


Suddenly, the Howler suddenly stopped howling, and saw a small creature on the snow in the distance.

"This is ..." The scholar looked at this creature with surprise: "At that time ..."

This creature is only ten centimeters tall and looks exactly like the burrowing bug, yes, it is a mini burrowing bug.

"This is an independent Blowworm." Maya's Blowworm said: "It is not controlled by any headworm, it has its own independent thoughts, independent actions."

"It can accompany you to chat with you when you are bored, to roll with you on the ground when you like the earth, and to run with you when you are scared. It is like a perfect travel partner for you. Get on it, and then go on the adventure of this world! "

"This ..." the scholar looked at the very mini bursting whistler and said, "Can you ..."

"What? Are you dissatisfied with it?" Maya's Burrower said: "It's a perfect independent creature made with perfect technology. Although it doesn't understand anything yet, it will learn with you , Grow together. "

"Coo!" At this moment, the Mini Burst Worm screamed and crawled along the scholar's body onto the scholar's head.

"Okay ..." The scholar touched his head and said, "The armor function is already perfect ... Then, thanks for your help, I will now take the first step of the journey!"

"Where do you plan to go?" At this time, Su Sumi appeared in front of the scholar: "Will I send you to a suitable place to start?"

"No," the scholar said, "I will start my journey from this snowfield and then head towards the sea. I believe I can still see countless wonders! Goodbye, friends!"

"It's really an adventurous creature." Maya and Susumi looked at the back of a distant scholar, and the Burrower said to Susumi: "You seem to like adventure too."

"Yeah, but now there is a country that needs to continue to manage." Susumi said: "Next time I will go elsewhere ..."

"You are also an ancient life form," said Burrowing Bug: "I think we should go and see the battle."

"That battle?"

...... At the same time, on the other side ...

"That battle is about to begin!"

This is a red world, and many bright red creatures live here, and they are now gathered together on a large scale. Among them, a huge creature with burning fire on its head is speaking loudly. .

"Our Demon King brought us news in the distance! A new battle! The demons' people! Build your battleship and build new weapons with flames! We are going to face the most powerful battle ever ! An energy creature that has emerged from a distant era is waiting for our conquest! "