It's like ...


Above the hazy streets of light and shadow, Lin looked at the lights and shadows on the street and felt that she understood the situation here even without studying them.

Each shadow here represents a creature in reality ... for example, rugby.

However, they are not the dream forms of real creatures, but a kind of energy creatures that coexist with real creatures ...

These creatures make up the 'incomplete part' of the rugby's brain, which allows the rugby to move completely even if the brain is defective, and has a higher intelligence.

But when these energetic creatures leave them, Lin feels that their brains may temporarily enter a kind of ... sleep state.

Then after thousands of seconds, it will wake up again, but it will become the rugby ball that I saw before and can only crawl on the ground.

Their brains are no longer able to operate the entire body at this time, and they do not possess much intelligence, but they can still complete the last move.

This feeling is very similar to Lin's legendary souls who have always listened to the Emerald Dragon ...

Every creature has a soul, and these shadows are the "souls" of rugby. They are responsible for rugby's body command. They may be able to emit some information, which can be received by rugby cells in reality, and then proceed action.

And they may have evolved together for a long time, because there is a "soul" to help command, rugby's brain is not developed, they do not need to evolve too much brain.

Because the brain assembly consumes more energy, usually the brain is the most energy-consuming organ in the living body. Since this small brain can now command the body and even have intelligence, why do we need a larger brain?

However, rugby's brain still guarantees some basic functions. In fact, it looks crippled, but not really crippled.

After the "soul" leaves the body, the brain can still ensure that the rugby ball achieves the last and most important thing in life ... reproduction.

And how do these 'souls' in dreams, the shadow energy creatures that coexist with rugby, get energy?How to reproduce?

However, Lin felt that its consumption should be smaller than that of a complete brain evolved by rugby, so rugby would choose this symbiotic way of living.

This is indeed very similar to the souls often mentioned by the skeletal dragons, and the virtual people have similar legends. These individual creatures always hope so ... Death is not real death, and there is another soul in another world.

Unlike the Emerald Dragon, the Void People began to deny this statement very early, and they came up with various proofs to show that there is no such thing as a soul.

However, due to the attack of the brain spirit, many vain people began to doubt these 'proofs' in the past.

Lin now finally encounters a similar situation, but the situation here is also very different from their legends. Just like rugby, there is no need to have a big enough brain, and other creatures living with rugby also It should be a similar situation.

Lin also wants to know one thing. Since rugby cannot leave the shadow, can the shadow leave the rugby?

In order to confirm this situation, Lin had let the rock spider contacting the statue leave the town and ran towards the ruined rugby town.

Now the rock spider is in a dream world, entering the misty jungle in the dream.

This jungle is much more "strange" than it looks in reality. It seems that every tree is shaking with a hazy shadow, and there is a thick layer of mist on the ground.

In the mist, some small objects ran.

These objects are extremely fast. If you look closely, you can see that they are all strange things.

All in all, it's like some 'malformed' creatures, they don't seem to notice the rock spider, but run in front of the rock spider.

Lin looked closely at a creature. It looked like a six-sided block, and then had three feet under her.

This is also a dream ... energy creature?It looks more like a physical creature.

This thing stayed on the ground for about a second, then ran in one direction instantly and disappeared.

However, the energy creature here may indeed look like a physical creature, such as the previous cocoon, its "look" in the dream is just a piece of meat.

It seems that the cocoon is more "mysterious" than rugby, but Lin still wants to check the status of rugby.

However, the situation here also seems interesting.

The rock spider looked up and saw many strange lights and shadows swaying on top of various 'trees'. These lights and shadows are very similar to those of rugby balls, but they are somewhat different.

These lights and shadows have a specific form, like a real creature. Although they are not as real objects as the previous pieces of meat, their forms are very similar.

These creatures think they are all creatures with symbiotes in reality.

Lin had seen a lot of creatures in the jungle whose brains are also "incomplete" before. I'm afraid this kind of creature has a symbiotic energy creature, but you can see them in the dream.

They are numerous in number, and in the jungle of dreams you can see as many creatures as reality.

However, there seem to be many creatures that do not have the energy of symbiotic dreams, because the rock spider saw a familiar tree.

Although the tree was blurred in the mist, Lin still remembered seeing it in reality, and there was a creature living on the tree, but in the dream, Lin did not see the shadow of this creature.

Such creatures are the tentacles that Lin has seen before. They have a large number in this jungle, and the tentacles have a complete brain. They obviously do not coexist with energy creatures.


The town that had been attacked before appeared in front of Lin.

But ... what is this?

Before entering the town, Lynn found that the periphery of the town had a huge, hazy object that shook like a mist, like a wall of fog.

The height of this wall leads directly to the sky, and there is no end in sight at all.

But because of the transparency, you can still see the houses inside.

This ... Is it the clay wall built by those rugby balls?But it's not so incredible.

Thinking, Lin made Rock Spider go around this giant wall and found a place.

Here is the part that was eaten by ' ' before. Lin can see a gap in the huge wall of Skyrim.

It turned out that it was so ...

Although the wall built by rugby in reality is soft and useless, it looks huge in dreams.

However, because it was bitten off by ' ', it failed to play a real role. The role of this wall should be used to defend against the 'natural enemies' in the dream.