Black dot ...

They felt like flashing sparks, but they were black.

Rock Spider is now in a dream world.

However, this dream world ... is coincident with the real world, not another world.

Therefore, the changes seen here will also be directly reflected in the real world ...

The rock spider has entered the once slaughtered rugby town from the gap in the wall. The pile of corpses in the town looks like a hazy, dreamy mist in the dream.

It seems that after these creatures die, they will not show their real figure in the dream, but they will show another appearance.

However, most creatures will not appear in the dream.

Now Lin has discovered that in dreams, things that are exactly the same as reality are only most of the buildings, ground, stones, trees, etc. Other living things in reality are either light or shadow in the dream, or they don't appear at all.

Of course, there are some strange things like cocoons that are a piece of meat in a dream, but in any case, they are different from the form of reality.

As for the trees, Lin estimated that only the bark would be displayed, and the inside part was empty.

These stones and buildings also look hazy. It seems that there are a lot of ghosts dangling on it. Lin feels that if a creature like the Void People enters this dream, I am afraid that it will soon faint.

Lin now looks at this hazy pile of corpses. In reality, they should have given off a great smell, but can't smell any smell in the dream.

However, many small black spots can be seen.

These black spots radiate light ... Black light, it is estimated that this phenomenon can only be seen in dreams, they fly like a large group of luminous bugs on the corpse heap, and then land on it.

Where did they come from?

Lin is not clear, because the rock spiders saw these black spots when they came here, but Lin felt that their identity was the same as the real rugby ball on the corpse ... a group of cubs.

These are the cubs of rugby shadows, that is, the energy creatures that symbiosis with those rugby balls. Lin had thought before, when did the shadows of rugby balls start to symbiosis with them?

It seems quite early, they will appear shortly after the cubs are born.

However, it should appear early, because rugby cubs may rely on the crippled brain to make simple movements such as devouring the surrounding corpses, but they cannot make complex movements.

Before the corpse smell attracts more scavengers, the shadow must coexist with them, so that the rugby ball has full intelligence and full control of the body, so that they can escape in time.

It seems that this breeding process has evolved over a long period of time before it can have such cooperation. Then maybe this breeding method is the main breeding method of rugby.

These shadows were as big as the cubs at the beginning, and they were small black spots that fluttered, but Lin could not confirm where they came from now.

At the same time, Lin also wants to know, can adult rugby have a way to live with another shadow after they leave the shadow?

This may not be possible, otherwise they will not be so afraid of death.

Whether it is because the shadow does not want to symbiosis with adult rugby, or there is no way to symbiosis. In short, after adult rugby is deprived of the shadow in the dream, they may almost be dead.

Now, Lin saw the shadowy black dots flying to the corpse pile, and then began to creep slowly on it.

These slowly moving black spots should have successfully coexisted with the pups, and their movements have begun to synchronize with the rugby pups.

The movement speed and position of rugby cubs in reality can also be seen from the black spots here.

The initial black spots were basically moving at a creeping speed, but some speeds started to get faster.

Lin felt that they were floating. It seems that after the symbiosis, the rugby ball soon gained the ability to fully control the body, but even if they flew, they did not intend to leave.

These rugby balls are still on the pile of corpses, maybe they are still reluctant to eat a lot of food ...

Just when Lin thought that, she suddenly found a black spot flying off the heap of corpses at a very fast speed, and then flew away ...

Its movement seems to affect other black spots, and then all the black spots are spread out at the same time. After an instant, there are no black spots on the body.


Then, Lin heard the sound, and the thick fog that symbolized the corpse suddenly scattered to the surroundings, and it looked as if it was hit by something.

It seems that what happened in reality, but I can't see it here ... By the way, just move to reality and observe. Just thinking, Lin woke up.

At the moment when I woke up, all the hazy surroundings became clear again, and the sky's sunlight was also flooding the earth, and it felt as if I had just come to the ground from the depths of a dark crypt, if it was another creature , Should feel very comfortable at this moment.

However, if you see the creature in front of you, you may feel safer in the dream.

The pile of corpses in front of me is no longer dense fog. Lin can now accurately smell the smell. This smell is a bad smell for organisms whose immune cells cannot fight carrion, nothing special for Lin, but for scavengers. It is sweet and delicious.

Lin saw a large creature lying on the heap of corpses. It had four membrane wings like pterosaurs, and the mouth was a sharp structure like a spear.

Its wingspan should be more than ten meters. It was apparently that it just swooped down from the air and hit the corpse. It smashed the rugby corpses everywhere and scared away the cubs.

Looking around, Lin could see a lot of rugby cubs. They all floated around the corpse pile and wobbled. They all seemed to want to eat, but they didn't dare to approach.

Lin looked at this creature with a "spear mouth", its mouth is obviously not suitable for catching these cubs, Lin felt that it should be suitable for flying in the air at high speed to pierce other creatures, so Lin intends to call it a "flying needle" '.

Lin Gang didn't see it in the dream, it should be a creature without symbiosis. This kind of creature has a complete brain. Obviously, creatures in this world have multiple evolutionary directions, and they don't necessarily need to symbiosis with energy creatures.

Energy creatures do not necessarily need to be symbiotic with physical creatures. They are because of the overlap of the two worlds.

This 'flying needle' is beating the rugby body with a pointed mouth. Lin found that it seems to secrete a dissolved substance, melt the body into a paste, and then suck it in.

It seems that even with such a mouth, it can eat rot ...

However, compared to this, Lin also found another strange thing.

When Lin woke up from the dream, the perspective that Lin saw was not the rock spider's perspective in the dream, but another rock spider's perspective beside the corpse heap.

Because there is already a rock spider watching.

Lin, who is in the dream, can see it here, but if Lin wants to focus on the rock spider, she will immediately enter the dream and see the hazy world before.

That is to say ... after Lin ’s rock spider touched the statue in the distant town, it was not just 'consciousness' into the dream. When Lin moved it in the dream, its real body was also in Moved, and ran to this position.

This is the first time I have seen this phenomenon. When I entered a dream before, the actual body would not make any movements at the same time, and it was generally in a state of deep sleep.

This feeling ... quite interesting.

Then the rock spider must be kept hidden before entering the dream, otherwise it will run around here and may be attacked by real creatures without knowing it.

So, how does this rock spider wake up?

It seems that it is impossible to wake up directly. Now the only way Lin knows is to go back to the original place to contact the statue. Only through the statue can you go to and from the dream world.

It should be said to go back and forth from the "dream perspective".

But then Lynn can keep multiple rock spiders acting in dream and reality at the same time.

Now, Lin intends to go back and look at the big town, there are still many things that have not been studied, such as the cocoon, and some of the circumstances that Lin has confirmed before.

Of course not the rock spiders here go back, they still have to stay here to observe the corpse piles and rugby pups. In addition, some rock spiders have already ran into that big town.

There is a lot of information there.

Lin found that the surviving rugby balls kept going to the statues in the center of the town, and the cocoon passed them through again and again, and now Lin knew that the tree-shaped statue should be one for them. Something like a god of worship.

These rugby balls will 'pray' the statue.

The content of their prayers includes their happiness at being able to survive, and also includes all kinds of sad feelings for those who have died.

These rugby balls are very primitive. They do not seem to fully understand their own deaths and their symbiotic companions. They think that death is their own "soul". In short, their words can be translated into similar meanings.

They think their souls have been 'grabbed', and they also know that they can rely on the construction of clay walls to protect themselves.

What is special about clay is that it looks like a huge wall in the dream, but because the ' ' has eaten a part, the wall has not fully protected them.

At the same time, they mentioned some of the more important situations in the process of prayer.

Mentioned a more important thing.

Rugby thinks that after they die, the 'soul' will fly somewhere.

There is a huge creature in that place, it will receive all the 'soul'.