"Crack ... cry for help ... crack ..."

"Although I know ... signs are unlikely ... but ..."

"We must ... snap ... contact ... po ... help ..."

Here, it is somewhere in the void, a ... forgotten world.

The snow-colored and soft material covered the whole land, and the sky was filled with white particles from time to time. The stellar light was also blocked by the endless thick fog.

In this world, almost everything is dyed white.

However, there are some creatures that have not been infected and have not been assimilated. They have never given up ... They have been trying to contact the outside world, but they do not know whether they can succeed or not.

"Still no response ..."

In the dim fog, a group of creatures gathered under a huge rock, constantly debugging a mechanical device in front of them.

"It's no use, Captain, there is no response."

These creatures are Atlan, they used to participate in the attack on the pompon, but later abandoned by the spirit of the brain.

At first, they all lived to escape from hiding.

Those things like fungi were teleported to this world, and then they spread wildly. During this period, the horrible fungus has swallowed up all the creatures called 'sweepers'. It thrives in a huge amount of nutrients and eventually covers the entire world.

Now, most of the world is covered with a white 'carpet', which has become a fungal world.

But even in this world, there are still some creatures that survived. They are ... Atlan, they can live not only because of their large number, but also because they are wearing armor.

A special action armor for the void can protect them from infection, and they have found some places where no fungus has spread and can hide.

But if they want to survive, it means they need food, water, and air, and ... hope for survival.

In this world covered by fungi, perhaps the last point is the driving force for their survival.

Many living Atlans form small camps. They usually hide underground, and sometimes go out to find something.

The searched items include food and mechanical devices.

This Atlanta team is a team looking for machinery and food. This is a team of five Atlantas. They are responsible for finding the mechanical devices in the area covered by the fungus.

Although Nao Ling drove away the spaceships that could take them away in the past, he left a lot of underground or above-ground bases with a lot of mechanical devices. Atlan tried to find some useful devices and then tried To make things like spaceships or communication devices.

"It seems the signal is not good here."

In addition to searching, this Atlanta team has another task, which is to contact the outside world.

They believe that they must have some troops outside in the void, as long as they contact, they will fly over to rescue.

"We should probably try it a little higher." The captain of Atlan looked at the team member in charge and said: "Put that thing away, we are going to leave."

"Yes." The team members carried the liaison device on their backs. This device was like a square and large. It was not easy to pick up, but it was this shape to contact the troops in the void.

They think so.

"So, Captain, where should we go next?"

"It's very close to the danger zone ..." The captain said, climbing onto the big rock, and looking from his perspective, he could see a white land, which was the result of a large number of mycelium covering, The ground has been covered with a carpet of mycelium.

The 'carpet' still has fine fluff, which occasionally trembles, releasing fine particles into the air.

This is also the reason for the formation of mist in the air.

"It would be nice if I could get there ..." The captain stood on the stone and looked away from the fog, where he could vaguely see a huge object.

Its height is more than 100 meters, and the thick stalk supports the umbrella-shaped structure with a diameter of more than ten meters at the top. This is something called 'giant umbrella mushroom'.

"Those things are really getting bigger and bigger." One of the team members also climbed the stone and looked away: "How old do they grow up to be? At first, I didn't see such a big one ..."

"No matter how much." The captain said: "Check the danger level there."

In this fungal world, there are many areas that are safe or dangerous for Atlanta. This is mainly based on the density of bacterial dust in the air.

When the concentration of bacterial dust is small, they have no problem wearing armor, while the higher concentration can only move for a certain period of time. If it is too large, it will quickly block the air filter on the armor, and even leakage will occur.

So they can only move in areas with low concentration.

Initially, the concentration was very high everywhere. Atlan before did not dare to approach the area covered with fungi within one kilometer ... but now I do n’t know why, the dust concentration seems to be reduced a lot, so Atlan came here.

"Captain, the concentration is within the safe range." A team member responsible for testing pressed the button on the helmet and said: "We can go in."

"Okay, although the contact was unsuccessful, we still have to find food." The captain said: "Go on a hunt."

As he said, it jumped off the stone, and his feet stepped into the white carpet on the ground, splashing a white dust.

The Atlans were holding weapons in their hands and marching on this mist and soft carpet. They would stir up a dust and dust at every step, but the dust and dust would soon be scattered to the ground and would not aggravate the air. Dust concentration.

"There!" Suddenly, the captain stopped and his helmet showed a moving object not far in front.

At the captain's voice, all the players immediately guarded. They raised their weapons and quietly approached the target step by step ...

"Just in that place ..."

Slowly, they saw the target in the mist. It was a creature like a beetle. It was one meter tall and three meters long. Although it did n’t look very big, it was actually very heavy.

And this creature is the prey that the Atlans want to capture recently.

Atlan used to feed on stored food here, but most areas with stored food were contaminated with fungi. Although there are a few left, they will soon be eaten up.

Atlan initially seemed to have no way to reduce the food.

Because it is impossible to grow things here, and there is no way to find other food. Although there is groundwater, the planted things will soon be infected by fungi.

Atlan discovered this creature by accident ... they called it a 'fungal beetle'.

This creature appeared after a period of time after the fungus spread to almost the entire world. Atlan tried to catch some, originally wanted to study them to see what they have to do with the fungus.

However, during the course of their research, they found that these beetles had no fungi or infectious things like fungi, and the cells inside were judged to be quite nutritious.

Of course, Atlant did n’t dare to eat it at first, but then the food in their camp was quickly exhausted. After the food was eaten, an Atlan ate this beetle under hunger.

And it is still alive and well.

Atlan found that as long as the dust from the caught beetle shell was burned, there was no danger of eating inside. Of course, he could not eat internal organs such as the stomach. Now they are all trying to catch these beetles for food.

The only difficulty in catching the beetle is that it must not be damaged in any way, otherwise the dust will enter through the wound and you will not be able to eat it.


Atlan's captain pressed the weapon in his hand, and with a burst of noise, a large net was launched from the cylindrical weapon, covering the beetle instantly.

"Catch it!"

The beetle struggled constantly in the net, but couldn't break the metal net. Several Atlan immediately ran forward and tied the net with a metal rope.

"This thing can eat for many days!"

"Yeah, and it's very easy to grasp, and the number is quite large, although I don't know where it came from ..."

"According to research, their stomachs are able to dissolve bacterial dust without being infected. With further research, we may be immune to infection ... I have to admit that the situation is getting better recently."

"Yeah, the concentration has decreased, and there are also prey that can be captured ... Captain, we should go back ... Captain?"

Several Atlan dragged the beetle to leave, but they found the captain standing on the spot and staring at the giant umbrella mushroom more than ten meters away.

The captain said suddenly: "I want to climb there to see."

"What?" A team member exclaimed: "Why climb up?"

"There." The captain pointed to the top of the mushroom, "It's top has stretched out the range of this dust mist. There may be a better signal there. We can try to contact the troops outside ..."

"team leader……"

In fact, the team members here know that contacting the outside is nothing but a consolation. They have basically thought that it is impossible to contact the rescue team.

"There's still hope, I'll try it." The captain said: "You can go back first, give me the communicator, and I climb up."

"..." Several team members looked at each other, and one team member stood up and said, "We will not go back first, anyway this bug can't escape, we go up together."