"Why are you doing this to us?"

"... you just have to do it, you don't need to know anything else."

Thur's researcher and the gods started 'negotiations'.

They think there is no way to fight against the gods, so they plan to negotiate with the gods to see what the gods will say.

Usually, when the god is asked why, it usually says that because they did not follow the rules before, they must now be punished.

However, for these researchers now, the gods use another way.

"You just need to choose and continue to do things or die." The gods' answer to them is quite simple, and the researchers recognize it at this moment.

This 'God' really just treats them as slaves, they have no other way to choose.

Therefore, they also made up their minds ...

Because they couldn't bear the various things the gods did to them, and they also restricted their development, the researchers began to decide ... to escape from that city.

After the negotiation failed, they quickly planned an escape plan, because they originally believed that the negotiation was unlikely to succeed, so they were prepared.

They found that this "God" will enter a state similar to sleep at some time, originally it will send a lot of information intermittently, but after entering this state, these messages will stop sending for a long time, so the research in the middle The author believes that this is the sleep period of the gods.

Taking advantage of these periods of sleep, Se's researchers moved quickly. They contacted many residents and told them about the gods.

There are still a lot of extreme believers in the current Se, so the researchers do not look for those with deep beliefs. They specifically look for those who wander on the edge of faith. These fears have not believed this god because of fear. .

These survivors soon believed what the researchers said, and believed that the deity was actually a creature living on their city ...

However, Thur had no way to fight against this creature, so they asked the residents who believed in them to prepare for the escape with them.

The way to escape is very simple, is to take a high-speed mechanical structure, leave the city at an extremely fast speed, and live in another area.

At the same time, the researchers also decided to "steal" a statue in the city. They must carry the statue to enter the dream arbitrarily, in order to observe whether the god will catch up.

After thinking about the plan, Se acted quickly.

Led by a group of researchers, they assigned a structure called 'Biao Feng' to every survivor willing to flee with them.

This kind of structure is one of the few structures that use 'wheels' in all structures, most of the other structures are robotic arms, and wheels are a structure rarely used by Se.

'Biaofeng' was originally used for rushing, and with the 'flame device' behind it, it can quickly drive to other cities in a short time.

There are flying machines, but they haven't been made yet, because almost all of them were destroyed, so they chose to use land tools.

The researchers picked a time when the gods slept, and then asked all the survivors to wait for the signal in their houses, so that they would be no different in peace.

However, at the moment when the signal was sent, all the thrones would immediately leave the house, and then board the 'Biao Feng' to the nearest city road and rush out of the city.

A total of nearly 5% of the surnames decided to follow the researchers. The number seems to be very small, but these survivors are sure that the researchers must not believe in the gods and follow them.

Others, who are not very sure about it, ignored them, because they were afraid that there would be traitors who reported to the gods, and then they were over.

But in fact, they are not sure whether the gods know this plan or not, but they have ensured that all secret actions are taken, so the risk must be reduced as much as possible ...

These surnames all seemed very united. During this waiting period, they did not have any problems. A large number of surrogates rushed out of the main road of the city at a very fast speed and reached outside the city.

Those researchers drove in the front to lead the way, and the Biaofeng at the front also carried a statue.

This is the smallest statue in the city, and the researchers took it out while the gods were asleep.

At the same time, when he left, there was a Thur who was specifically responsible for entering the dream through this statue. In the dream, he could see that the huge body of the god still covered the sky above the city, there was nothing to chase ...

With the speed of the wind, the cities are getting farther and farther away from them ...

The figure of the god also slowly disappeared ...

"It didn't chase it!"

After confirming the observation in the dream, Se returned to reality immediately, and immediately cheered in the announcement.

"Really?" "Great!"

All the thrones in the team cheered accordingly, and they were very happy when they thought of being able to get rid of the life of not knowing when they were sacrificed.

However, the researchers have not yet taken care, they know that the gods are still in a deep sleep, so they must continue to observe.

Soon, the team arrived in a nearby city, which was also destroyed by the creator, but there were a lot of wreckage and some complete houses for them to live in ...

Next, the researchers plan to stay in the city first and observe for a period of time. After several days and nights, they found that the gods did not chase them and did not attack them in any way.

They ... succeeded.

These thunders are really cheering this time, they think that they have completely got rid of the control of the gods, they decided to go to the development of the ruins of the city farther, one day after a thorough understanding of the dream, after having a way to fight the gods, then come back Take a look.

As for the gods ...

There is really no plan to catch them.

It is still in its own city, watching the remaining survivors, watching them continue to work here ... working.

And the cerium here slowly became difficult to stay.

Because about 5% of the survivors escaped before, although not many, but not too few. Although the researchers tried to secretly act, their actions were still transmitted. Many survivors in the city heard this news. Too.

Most of the thunders are considered by researchers as having not completely divorced from the faith and not contacting them, but these thunders also want to get rid of this god.

So, they also began to make various actions like researchers ...

After that, a group of survivors soon formed an escape team, but the survivors were not aware of the gods' "sleeping", and they were more public when they were about to escape, so most of them ... died.

It is quite simple for the gods to kill them in the dream. After this incident, the city's thirst stopped for a while, but after a while, they began to have the idea of ​​running away.

After all, they really can't stand this god ...

So, the following survivors look like this. They occasionally appear as small groups of teams who intend to escape from the city. Some of these teams succeeded and some were killed.

Those who were still in the city were very successful, and they tried to escape.

In the continuation of this phenomenon, the number of survivors continued to decrease. Many survivors either escaped or were killed. The number of surrogates in the city has left more and more in a long time, and the rest Thur also couldn't bear the pressure that the sacrifice had brought to them, and the various buildings that the gods required them to build, they could not complete ...

In the end, these thunders escaped.

The entire city, which was finally recovered from the disaster of the creator, became an empty city.

However, it is not a completely empty city, and there are only a few left.

The number of them is only fifty, which is the last group of worshippers who are the most loyal to the gods. Hundreds of thousands of thurs in the original city have already left.

These fifty Arthurs no longer intend to maintain their lives. This group of Arthurs gathered together. They plan to sacrifice themselves to the gods ...

At this moment, the gods 'speak' with them.

This seems to be the first time the gods spoke words other than those required.

It tells these selves that they can live without sacrifice, and at the same time it will not give them any "rules", will not require them to sacrifice, nor will they be required to build buildings.

Thur was extremely excited about the god's 'benefit'. They believed that they were true believers. They followed the teachings and started a new life in this empty city ...

And those who escaped, the gods called them 'exiles' and ignored them.

Many survivors who escaped have gathered together to live a life without gods, but they have not noticed that the world is also undergoing a little change.

In this world, apart from microorganisms, there were only two cell-like organisms such as cerium and rockthorn. At some point, new organisms appeared.

On the dry ground, green appeared, the sound of creatures came from the sky, and many small creatures also appeared in the desert.

Thur looked at these creatures in surprise, and they found that these sudden life all began to spread from those near the water source.

And these creatures have a great connection with the creator.

According to the 'nature' of the creation ecology, when the creator lives in the groundwater area, it puts a lot of microorganisms and viruses. These microorganisms quickly decompose a large number of nutrients buried deep underground, and under the influence of viruses, they have rapidly evolved. stand up.

Even after the creator's death, the ecology will continue to grow. By this time, they have begun to leave the ground and step on the ground outside.