4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1539


Thur's last days were spent in screams.

This is a city of Se.

And in this city, the ground is covered with dried debris, and there are some survivors, who make their final sound on the ground ...

All of this is because of new creatures ...

They first watched with surprise that life was growing wildly near the water source. They started to be weird, but they were also very happy. They thought they could finally eat something that was not rockthorn.

However, they soon discovered that this also meant their destruction.

A kind of virus spread rapidly in the crowd of survivors. Under the influence of the virus, all the surrogates began to produce weird changes. The infected surrogates became a kind of unintelligent monster that only crawled.

This virus is a special kind of virus, mainly used by the creators to transform organisms. As the organisms in the groundwater source climbed out of the surface, they quickly spread to those survivors. Big influence.

However, it has an impact on their souls, and the infected Se will become unable to receive instructions from the souls in the dream ...

In this way, their crippled brain can't command the whole body, so they can only crawl slowly on the ground, and of course they will not control the machinery after becoming this way, so they quickly die in the end.

Thur has no way to defend against this virus, mainly because they are too few now, and the medical technology is not very developed. They soon began to go extinct under the influence of the virus.

Even the wars that have lasted countless years, and the creators have not destroyed them, but they have died in this group of viruses ...

But there was a group of survivors unaffected.

It is the fifty celestial beings under the protection of the "god" in the original city.

Although there are many evolved small creatures coming to this city, the thrones here are safe and sound. They are not affected by any viruses. They can watch these evolved creatures in amazement under safe conditions.

All this is because the gods are protecting them. These true devouts are considered by God to be worth living.

These fifty survivors thought so, because they knew the situation of the 'exiles' who had escaped outside.

And the gods promised them more than that, the gods also told them ... Thur can get rid of his original "body" and become a pure energy form.

That's right, it becomes a pure dream creature.

Originally their "soul" could not move independently from the body, but the god had some way to keep them alone.

After transforming these ceres into pure energy creatures, it decided to leave this place, because it felt that ... there was a huge disaster that would attack the world.

It should be similar to the previous disaster, it may be a more terrible drought, or something else.

The gods said such uncertain words, which made Arthur feel wonderful, but did not shake their beliefs. These Arthurs accepted the god's words, and they decided to become pure ... energy creatures.

All Thurs showed great gratitude for this ... with one exception.

There is a researcher in these fifty celestial beings, which was mixed in the original research group very early, but later it did not leave, because its interest in gods has been higher than the interest of escape, so it has been In this city, I did not expect to become one of the fifty most religious devotees.

It has never abandoned the idea of ​​being a researcher ... to study this deity.

It believes that, in fact, it is not a strange thing that they become pure energy creatures, just like ordinary creatures remove the body and take out a brain to keep the brain alive.

Although it is usually impossible for the brain to separate from the body, it can be achieved in a certain technique.

Of course, this idea will only come in the future, under the circumstances at that time, it was just doing observation records there.

In order to prepare to leave this place, the deity also did a lot of things. These things, this researcher is watching ...

During a period of time, the god has many wonderful changes, its body often flashes a wonderful light, and after flashing, it will release a lot of flare fragments.

At the same time, at this time, a large number of small creatures will gather around the city.

These small creatures are evolutionary creatures created by the creators. Some of the creatures that have evolved to "speed" have already had brain structures, and these brained creatures will basically gather in this city.

The researchers noticed that the fragments of the light spot made by the gods would sprinkle on the small creatures around the city, and then as if the creatures were stuck, the fragments would move at the same time as the creatures moved.

This feels like a soul.

But those little creatures have no souls at all, but the gods glued them like fragments of souls. What is the purpose of doing this?

The researchers did not have the opportunity to think too much here.

Because, when they leave, it has arrived soon.

On the day of departure, these fifty selves saw a huge creature appear in the sky.

That is the creature that made their world look like this-the void bus.

Of course, this is the first time that Se sees them, so they are very surprised, and even more surprising to them is that although the god said to take this creature to leave, the Void bus does not seem to come to take them.

It's more like coming ... eating.

The Void Bus used its huge tentacles to penetrate the underground water potholes, absorbing the water inside, and it also attacked the small creatures running around on the ground.

Even, using the tentacles to destroy nearly half of the buildings in the city where Se is located, they were hidden in advance in a safe place according to the gods before they were affected.

Later, the Void Bus seemed to find that there was nothing interesting here and left the place.

And at the moment when the void bus left, Se here also felt that the scenery in front of him changed rapidly. They soon saw everything in front of them, and they became very different ...

They went to a new world.

And the gods, and some small creatures also followed them and went to a new world in the same way ...

This world is a world rich in species.

Thur began with intelligence and did not know what species richness meant until they discovered a rich but microscopic environment composed of microorganisms.

But they have never seen ... a rich environment of large creatures.