4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1577

"Look at my world, it is slowly growing ..."

Void travel is still going on, and Lin hasn't encountered any living place yet.

So, here is a look at the development of dreams ... the creator's dreams.

"Are you sure you want to make it bigger? Will the place we guard become bigger too? Isn't it bad?"

In the core like a stellar dream, Lynn watched a bunch of mini-nuclear guards flying around and kept talking, and the darkness around the core became a little bit back than before.

If the darkness was 30 meters away from the core, it has now become more than 60 meters, which can be said to have doubled.


"At present there are only some 'stupid extreme' creatures with you." Lin said to the creator, this 'stupid extreme' is the creator's own evaluation of the mini nuclear protector.

"What creature are you planning to add here?"

"This seems to be as difficult as the elimination of this group of things, fluff." The creator said: "I'm thinking, what creature can fit this perfect world ..."

"But you can't make energy creatures directly, right?"

"I don't know their source, but some energy creatures outside can be transformed by other methods and then put into this world ... it must be perfect."

Transform ...?

It seems that in a different world, a group of new transformed creatures have appeared. Lin recently heard some things Maya and the dean said.

They all seem to be concerned about ... the development of the emptiness of the world.

In fact, the dean is concerned, it seems that the interest in 'random monsters' has become relatively large, and has given them a lot of help, although it is only a suggestion.

After listening to the dean ’s words, Lin discovered something strange ...

But, let ’s see what happens in the end.


"Goo ..." The low voice echoed slowly between the metal buildings. This is the sound of a huge creature. It has six limbs and a long neck, and its length is more than ten meters. It covers the whole body. The structure of the fungus indicates that it is a creation of the fungus. This creature stands on the ground and looks up at this strange world ...

"Boom--" In the air, a dark shadow flew over quickly, and a missile was shot straight at the same time, hitting the back of the creature.

Its body suddenly extinguished in a roar, but there were dozens of similar creatures around it. At the moment of the missile's explosion, they all issued strange screams and started to charge forward.

"They are coming!"

As they ran, there were tall buildings one after another not far ahead, and under these buildings were towering steel fences, above which a large group of Void soldiers were standing. They Holding the weapon in his hand tightly, watching the rushing fungus herd in front, as long as a command, they will fire.

Not long ago, a captain discovered that the fungus was 'recovering' the previous creature in the underground college in City X, and that captain also honoredly sacrificed for this matter.

After that, although the general quickly exploded the place, they later discovered that these creatures appeared everywhere in City X. They were all like some extinct creatures, but they were replaced with fungal skins.

These creatures will always be bigger than before. For example, creatures of ten meters will be made by fungi to about fifteen meters. These creatures appear in large numbers with those fungi and people, and many have left the city and are close to Other cities.

Because of their size, these creatures are no longer creatures that can be killed by flame emitters, and their skins seem to be strengthened, making them extremely resistant to flames. They can even live without air. For a long time ... but their other structures are quite fragile, whether it is a skeleton or a muscle.


Under the sound of a sound, the head of the creature running forward exploded violently, and a large amount of liquid and dust powder exploded inside, while its body was still running.

"These things ..." The Void Soldiers on the wall continued to shoot a few shots, the huge creature's leg was shot, and it instantly collapsed to the ground.

It is easy to kill them with conventional weapons. The skeletons and muscles of these 'fungal beasts', as well as their outer skins are not strong, and they will splatter when they are hit.

These real monsters are very fragile, and this is exactly their purpose ...

Because the plague fungus did not 'think', use these fungal creatures to defeat the virtual people, all they do is just to let the dust spread further.

The monsters have strong flame resistance, so they must be forced to use conventional weapons to deal with them. In the attack of impact weapons, the large amount of bacterial dust stored in their bodies will spread far away.

Even if you use an explosive weapon with high temperature, it is impossible to kill all the dust in its body at once. As long as it has an impact force, there will always be a lot of dust scattered ...

However, the general also thought of this, so they currently use a method to deal with these creatures, but the effect is not very good.

After a burst of fire, more than ten giant beasts in the charge were turned into pieces and fell to the ground. At this time, the fighters in the sky flew over again, and a large number of incendiary bombs ignited the wreckage.

But in fact, when the creatures fall, a lot of dust has been scattered, so when these battles continue to occur around the city ...

The "plague" in the city will become more and more serious.

At this time, several cities around City X are now in the "plague", the news of infection has become quite frequent in the city, from time to time there will be news of the infection of the Void People.

Even some buildings already have fungi growing inside. In order to respond to this phenomenon, the generals gathered a large number of troops. They burned the infection points as soon as possible, and at the same time, they established huge areas everywhere in the city. Salt water tank.

Whenever an infected person is found, grab it and throw it into the water tank, and then throw it into the sea. This seems to be more effective than burning it. After all, ash is also a nutrient for fungi.

However, the infection in the city is still increasing. At the same time, the underground streets in the city are also easy to infect. It is difficult to investigate and deal with in those streets, and the fungus has thrived in those places.

It only takes a few more days and nights, and the surrounding cities of City X are estimated to fall.