4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1596

It turns out that it has been living here for a long time.

Now, Lin's rock spider and crystal lizard are together in a ... building.

Lynn just learned about some of the history here ... history.

A group of creatures traveling in the void were attracted by the signal. The lifestyle of this creature seems to be similar to Atlan.

Although in the description they didn't mention much about the life of their population, and the number, what they can know is that these creatures have a huge fleet, and the resources of this unit are exhausted, so they came to this place.

It seems that their experience is very similar to Atlan.

But this may be because of the relationship between the "god", they may like to let other races travel in the void.

After going through various things in the back, the creatures who came here seemed to be fewer and fewer, and then the last small group also left the place.

Those vehicles are what they left behind fighting with the creatures here, they have a considerable number, and they seem to be very suitable as biological food here.

Therefore, there should be only one such creature left here, that is, the one who is trying to study the world here is called "friend" by the protagonist of the story.

It doesn't know if it is still here, maybe this friend is still doing research here?

Because they didn't mention the name of their race, Lin decided to temporarily call them "travelers", and now Lin decided to study ... the things they were studying before.

Thinking, Rock Spider shut down the machinery that was constantly playing back the sound in front of him.

This is a room in the building, maybe a recording room. There are many machines that can be called ... 'recorder'.

As long as these machines poke, they will emit a sound, but most of them are damaged. The few I heard just now are no problem.

This building is one of the camps established by these "travelers".

In addition to this recording room, there are many rooms, but the most room is a place called the incubation room, 'traveler' keeps a creature as food in these places.

At present, they have not seen the creatures they raise, but according to the feeding equipment, it seems that they have a fungus.

It is estimated that they use the temperature here and where to get nutrients for cultivation, and these fungi are their food.

After the rock spider poked all the machinery in the studio, he walked out of the studio, and at the moment he came out, he could hear various sounds from outside.

Because there are many creatures in this building, they keep making noises here, and the most common thing here is ... a canned creature.

There are also many such cans outside the building. Lynn thinks they can be called 'magnetic cans' because they release magnetic force, so that they can quickly roll against the ground and can also 'jump' up.

But, most importantly, they may be ... multi-celled organisms.

Now, there is a magnetic pot not far in front of the rock spider, and it rolls unpreparedly to the place where the rock spider is only ten meters away.

Suddenly, the rock spider rushed out and grabbed the magnetic pot in an instant.

The magnetic canister began to struggle, but its "power" was not so strong. Under the circumstances of being unable to break away from the rock spider, the rock spider opened its can shell little by little.

Inside the can, you can see a very complicated mechanical structure, and when the rock spider digs to the deepest, you can see a small space inside.

In this space, there is a creature lying here.

Lin could feel ... its emotions full of fear.

Sure enough, there was a creature in it. When Lin approached the cans before, she could feel the emotion of multi-cell creatures coming out.

There really is a creature here ... This creature has quite a lot of tentacles, some of which are like ancient squid, but these tentacles have skeletons, and its body is also very small, only five centimeters in length, it seems to use these The tentacles are operating the can.

Why are there creatures like this here?Lynn is very curious about them ... so far, let's call them "squids".

The rock spider stretched out its forelegs and grabbed the creature inside. At the moment she grabbed it, Lin found that it was ... dead.

Is it the outside air?Is it something else?However, this does not hinder Lin's research on it, the rock spider swallowed it, and then began to analyze the creature.

It turned out that ...

This creature has a very big brain. Lin felt that the cause of her death just now was excessive shock, because it secreted a large amount of 'shock factor' in the body, which caused the brain to be stressed too much in a moment.

It turned out that it was just the relationship that Lin grabbed it. Its body can adapt to the air and environment here, and of course it can adapt to the environment in the jar.

At the same time, Lin also studied the cans it lives in a little bit. The contents of this can are quite complicated.

Although it is only 30 centimeters of can, it is divided into many parts. There are many openings on the side of the can. These can be said to be its "mouths". It uses these openings to collect outside resources, and these resources will be transported to the can An 'analysis room' inside, and in the analysis room, these resources will be analyzed.

Excess waste and debris will be discharged, and the resources that can become food will be transported to the 'heating room' next to the storage room for heating, and then made into food to be put into the final storage room.

In addition to these food processing parts, there are other energy rooms, which are responsible for the overall energy and power, and a mechanical decomposition room, which is responsible for decomposing the metal collected from the outside and processing it into canned components.

Although the cans are small, there are quite a lot of complex structures, which completely provide a comfortable living environment for the creatures like ancient squid inside.

But mainly because they have to find food.

It seems that these 'canned squids' mainly collect the fungus organisms distributed here and then process them into food, but I just checked the canned squid's memory a little bit earlier, and Lin found that it did not make the memory of these canned foods. I live in the can and have been operating the can life ...

And its behavior makes Lin feel very strange. Although it can operate cans to do various things, it is only that. It only uses cans to find food. There is no other intellectual creature's behavior ...

These creatures puzzled Lin quite ... how did they appear?

Therefore, Lin decided to continue to investigate the secrets here.

In this building, there are some places that have not been visited, that is the upper floor here ...

The lower floors are basically incubation rooms. Although the incubation rooms here are abandoned, there are still a lot of fungus organisms. All the squids basically depend on these fungi.

However, these foods will be exhausted quickly. By that time, they will not have any food. Then the squid should be a creature brought from outside, but the records have not mentioned them before.

Now, the rock spider has reached the upper floor of the building. The upper floor seems to be a residential area. There are many rooms here, and there are a lot of daily necessities in the rooms.

Judging from the size of daily necessities and buildings, Lin believes that these travelers are about half the size of Atlanta, although they make a lot of things.

There seems to be nothing special in these living areas ...

Rock spiders circled in each room, and found nothing to record things, but Lin found quite a lot of microorganisms in their living area.

Obviously, although those travelers are gone, the large number of microorganisms carried on them are left behind, and they feed on the various resources left here.

After resources are exhausted, they may become extinct.

this is……

Rock Spider now seems to have arrived in a special room, where there are no daily necessities, but a lot of mechanical fragments.

There is a complete machine in these fragments, and there are many buttons on the surface of the machine, so the rock spider immediately crawled over and poked a few times.

"Your mission can no longer be continued, you are over."

At the moment of pressing, Lin heard a sound rang, this voice has no emotion, and uses the language of "spiritual".

"I already know ... you wanted to do this meaningless thing from the beginning, you have been using us all the time!" It was a very excited voice, as if it was talking to the voice without emotion.

"It doesn't matter if you think it's meaningful or not." The voice still has no emotion: "Don't try to contact us again."

"What?" The excited voice shouted: "You let us do this, and you have abandoned us now! You can't even be called a god! It's just a group of disgusting ..."


The call was dropped.

This seems quite interesting.

Lin guessed that a traveler was talking to their god.

What is this god, Lin is very interested in it. Lin feels that it is not a creature like a traveler or Atlan, but God may like to find personality creatures and ... use them?

If there are these records here, there may be more records elsewhere.

Maybe this is also useful?

Lin turned out a complete machine from the mechanical fragments next to it ... a machine with a lot of buttons.

Lin originally thought that she would find information about these gods in the ancestral land of Atlan, but did not expect to find it here ... but in short it is enough to understand them.

Thinking, the rock spider poked the button on this machine ...

"I finally succeeded!"

A voice suddenly sounded from the machine.