4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1676

"Did you feel it?" "Yes, that place is boiling, there will be a burning fire there." "What are you talking about?" "Interesting things." "Describe what is happening there." "Where is there?" ? "" A special place. "

... here, it is a green land.

At the same time, it is also somewhere in a world called pompon.

Above this land, several creatures are looking at the blue sky, exchanging their information.

What do they seem to feel, what is it?


At the same time, Lin also felt something.

Not long ago, Lin used the stellar bus transmission detection while the small nuclear guards communicated with each other, and detected the messages transmitted by these small nuclear guards.

Of course, their positions were also detected, the little nuclear protector on one side was in the mayor ’s office, and the other side was in a very distant place.

That place should be the gathering place of the floating island hosts. According to the analysis of the stellar bus's nervous system, it already knows the transmission coordinates there.

That coordinate distance ... Lin ’s position of any arms is very far away, but if you use continuous transmission, you should still be able to reach it quickly.

Then, Lin decided to start teleporting. The starting point is in the God's Land, because the place with a pile of floating rocks is the area closest to the target.

Lin decided to let Clarken send directly there, and of course there will be a lot of troops left in this place. Lin has decided to build a base on a certain floating rock, and then continue to explore the floating rock area.

Lin felt that it was almost time to take a look at the dark mist in the middle, but go to the gathering place first.

Thinking, the Kraken figure who had been wandering in the rocky area disappeared instantly, and under the continuous transmission, it appeared in a void with nothing.

Then, it continued to transmit and went to the next location.

Now Lin has fully confirmed that the teleport will not be sent to any dangerous place. In general, it is in the void, or you will see something that is not dangerous, or you will be next to the galaxy, but will not roll in danger. Near the person, Lin felt that this was caused by the 'subconscious' in the nervous system that controlled the transmission, but the details are not yet clear.

If such a situation occurs in a dangerous place, Lin would also like to see it.

When Clarke teleported, Lynn also took down the box that connected the mayor's head, and at the same time talked to the mayor a little about the gathering place.

Lynn mainly wanted to see its reaction.

"What? You decided to go to ... that host's gathering place to see?" The mayor expressed considerable surprise: "There might be quite dangerous there ... And how did you get there? By the way, do you have transmission technology? Can you Share this technology with us? "

"..." Lin didn't answer.

"Forget it." The mayor didn't continue to ask. It continued: "If possible, don't cut off the 'road' in my head. I think that as soon as the road is broken, my personality will change."

"Do you like this character now?" Lin questioned.

The mayor said: "Of course, I don't want to live that kind of set life, but ... I have been feeling strange recently."

"Weird feeling?" Lin was puzzled, and the mayor seemed to want to talk to Lin about 'hearts'.

"This feeling comes from deep in my mind ... It tells me what is about to start, the dark mist in the center of the world, that is, those 'gods', they seem to be preparing what to do." Mayor's Emotions are also in a very strange state ...

Lin felt that she couldn't understand what she said, that's how it felt ...

Thinking, Lynn asked, "Did you receive some kind of information from your brain?"

"I ... I don't know how to describe this feeling now ..." The mayor said: "In short, it is a vague, vague feeling that makes me think what those" gods "will do ..."

"In short, according to what you said to me before, the sea of ​​fear in the host cluster where the road in my head leads is connected to those 'gods', so I can feel like they are planning something ..."

"……is it?"

Lin went on to talk to the mayor. All in all, the mayor felt that "God" would do something in the near future.

And this feeling comes from the brain, so the mayor thinks it may have learned something through the sea of ​​fear ...

Indeed, Lin also thinks what "God" will do.

After all, they have been gathering floating personal creatures here for a long time. Although the practices of these micro-machines have changed after being contaminated by the sea of ​​fear, it is definitely true that they are still planning.

Are they going to start this plan recently?Lin continued to ask the mayor. The mayor said that this feeling was vague, so she couldn't know the exact time.

However, the mayor felt that this was a huge thing, so he decided to act quickly, that is, as planned, to attack the black mist.

But this seems to be too urgent. The mayor and the residents here are completely unprepared, but the mayor thinks that he must move faster, so Lin did not stop it.

Although it is said to be fast, it will still prepare for a period of time, during this time, Lin can explore the gathering place.

It's almost coming ...

While Lynn and the mayor were chatting, Kraken was getting closer and closer to the target. After crossing a galaxy without a tumbler, Kraken reached the place.

Is this ... the gathering place for the floating island hosts?The shape of this place ... is really weird.

In front of Kraken, there was a place smaller than the month, probably a tumbler, but there was no common tumbler shape.

It's more like ... the shape of a coral skeleton.

It is not a complete sphere, but numerous 'branches' with protruding surfaces. Lin is curious how it grows like this.

As for its overall size, it should have a diameter of thousands of kilometers. It seems that what is generally too large is a nearly spherical shape, not like this ...

No matter how much, Lynn brought Clarken close to this wonderful gathering place, wanting to see what the gathering place looks like in a real environment.


Just as Kraken approached, Lin simulated a roar in her thoughts. I saw a very dazzling light in the gathering place, and then a huge stone flew from there quickly, beside Kraken Not far away, flew into the void ...

Is this the floating island host who flew out for life?

Lynn looked at the flying stones, and Kraken approached the surface of the host gathering place.

After approaching, Lynn could see the 'branches' on the ground more clearly. Each of them was huge. Some even had a diameter of hundreds of meters. They were like a branch growing up on the ground, and then again Bifurcations at high altitudes, countless of these structures make up a complex rocky jungle. When flying in this gathering place, Lin felt as if Clarke was just a creature the size of a microorganism flying in the jungle ...

It's quite dark here.

Because there are no stars nearby, and there is no light source here.

Kraken flew slowly with his own light ...

There is no air in this place, and there is almost no gravity. The temperature is similar to that of the void. It is not suitable for cell creatures, and no other creatures have been seen here.

However, Lin can feel that there is dream energy here.

These dream energies are not wrapped in the whole world like a nuclear protector, but are lightly covered with a layer on the ground. When Kraken approaches the ground, he can feel it more clearly.

It may be that the host ’s gathering place is mainly underground, but Lynn first took a look on the ground to see here ... there should be some creatures.

Lin felt this way ... as if that was it.

Lynn made Clarken fly towards a pillar in front.

Fly to the position where the rock pillar is more than 100 meters high and look down, Lin can see there is a moving object at the root of the rock pillar.

What is this?

After a closer look, Lin found that a piece of ground beneath the rock pillar was shaking, just like an earthquake, but only that small area was shaking.


Suddenly, the vibrating small piece of ground exploded violently, and suddenly there was a dazzling brilliance. In the brilliance, something could be seen to expand rapidly.

This thing ... like a balloon, its surface is transparent, and it glows faintly, and it looks very thin. It expands rapidly on the ground and bursts when it reaches the limit.

At the moment of bursting, Lin found that a huge amount of small objects sputtered out to the surroundings, many of them flew to Kraken, and the speed was extremely fast ...

The light was emitted from Kraken's tentacles, and a large number of small fragments that were to hit Kraken were stopped. Some fragments flew past Kraken and hit the rock pillar behind Kraken.

The impact force allowed the fragments to penetrate into the rock pillar instantly. Countless fragments hit the rock pillar, and the rock pillar was instantly broken into holes by them. A large number of cracks began to spread on the rock pillar.

These powers are really powerful ...

Lin looked at the place where the rock pillar was hit. The rock pillar itself is considered to be very hard. It can be easily penetrated by the debris. It is estimated that it is not just a matter of speed. Those debris also have many special features.

Moreover, the situation just made Lin feel ... maybe this is an attack against Kraken?

Just when Lin was thinking, Lin found that the ground that had been blown up had actually started to 'wriggle', and the surrounding surface became like flowing water, all flowing to the pit that had just exploded, and then the gleaming pit The hole is filled.

Then, the ground was like when Lin came, nothing happened ...