How long will it grow ...

Here is inside the stellar bus, in a cave.

Lin has been paying attention to the growth of the organ here. It seems that this organ has grown up and can go to Ershi, but it is ... I don't know when it will grow up.

However, stellar bus said that it is growing, it is better to say that some parts of its own body ... such as the conversion of rock minerals into organs, this speed can be said to be quite slow, according to the ratio, it is slower than most biological growth .

Therefore, when Lin observes its growth, she will do many other things, for example, to pay attention to the various things on Mars, the war in the rock skin, and the things that connect the world, and the crystallization in Ershi Discover more information inside.

At the same time, I will chat more leisurely.


"Stop your move! Oh no! You just need to obediently let us protect!"

Lynn watched the creator grow day by day, becoming a giant tree standing in this world, while the group of mini-nucleus protectors around the creator is getting weaker and weaker.

"Look, fluff, look at their sad appearance ... They understand where their future is going, and even no matter how stupid things, they will feel a complete fear at this moment."

In front of Lin, the creator is like a giant tree standing on a tumbler, its tentacles crisscross in the air, and various energy creatures fly between the tentacles.

For this kind of energy creature, the creator ignored them and allowed them to chase each other between tentacles and play with each other, but there is a kind of energy creature creator who takes special care of them.

That is a group of small light balls squeezed on the dark edge of this world.

"Don't say such terrible words!" "Why don't you protect this thing for us!" They are small nuclear protectors, and these small balls of light squeeze into a ball while uttering horror.

Recently, Lynn took away a large part of them, and now only the last part is left, and they will not proliferate.

Originally, the small nuclear protectors have always been fearless. They often quarreled with the creator, but now it seems that as the number decreases, they are actually afraid.

Although the little nuclear protectors taken away by Lin will soon not be afraid, they will start to find a 'suitable place to protect' by themselves, and then they will cheer themselves up, and the original fear will soon disappear.

Therefore, these little nuclear protectors can get pompon to quarrel with brain monsters ...

Lin recently received a lot of information from the dean. The dean said that a brain-creating monster and a nuclear protector would probably quarrel forever.

And when the number of core protectors increases to two or three, brain monsters can also cope with it. Only when there are more than six core protectors, the brain monsters will slowly fall into the "downwind".

The ten nuclear guards will soon make the brain monster feel unsustainable, but even then, the brain monster is unwilling to disclose what it knows.

It's better to say that the performance of the brain monster will make its interrogators think that it doesn't know anything at all. Lin feels that the "will" of the brain monster is really powerful. After all, even the creator can't bear them.

"Now let them disappear completely, fluff, and then this world will belong to me completely. Without these sad and foolish things, this world will be one step closer to perfection." The creator said to Lin: "You seem to have found it recently A very rich world, that place called the connected world ... but I will make a more perfect world than that, yes ... just need them disappear immediately ... "

Now, the creator is a little excited ... because these little nuclear protectors who have always been regarded as obstacles are about to disappear, and its world is finally closer to what it thinks ... perfect.


"Have you not noticed something?" Lin asked the creator: "Recently after I took them away, something happened here."

"Situation? Do you think what happens when they leave? Down?" The creator said. "They leave without any effect."

It seems that creators pay less attention to outside things.

However, Lin knows that when the creator establishes the world of dreams, his real body is still growing, but this growth is like a kind of ... automatic growth.

The creator doesn't seem to care much about things in reality, so it doesn't seem to notice ... something happening under him.

Because the creator is now living in the position of "dream food".

Dream food has always been in a state of sleep, and there is no special movement, even if the creator continues to expand the dream and growth in its place.

However, after Lin took the little nuclear protector away, Lin felt in this position ... Dream food seemed to be moving.

At first, I took away a few nuclear protectors, but I didn't feel anything, but when I took them away, I realized that ...

This kind of 'movement' is not really moving, but exudes some information. Lin can feel this information. In addition to Lin, another creature also feels it.

It's been swaying in this place all the time ... Se, but it doesn't do anything special, Lynn just saw it as if she was very excited.

And the creator ... it seems that 'addiction' feels nothing in his dream.

Lin thinks ... maybe that there is a certain relationship between the dream food and the nuclear protector, so Lin told the creator a little bit about these things.

"So, you think it's going to wake up, fluff." The creator said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with this ... take them away and let them disappear."

It seems that the creator thinks that letting the small nuclear protectors leave is the most important.

"So that's it, but then something unpredictable might happen," Lin said. "Is it okay?"

"This world is full of unpredictable things." The creator said: "Fleece, I will not fear the unknown, I will face any danger that may be faced, and then let it disappear."

Although Lin felt that it would be better for the creator to grow up for some time, and then try to face dream food, but since it has said so ... then let's start.

First connect another dream space to the creator's dream space, and then rush the little nuclear protector into it. Now it is quite easy.

In this way, Lin took all the little nuclear protectors away.

But Lynn has not taken them away from this world, but put their dream space carrier, the brain of dreams, beside the creator.

This does not seem to have any effect on dream food, it seems that only after the little nuclear protector is taken out of this world, what will happen.

Lin doesn't take them away now, because according to the dean, the little nuclear protector used to drive crazy brain monsters is enough.

So now they have no 'place of use' for the time being, take them away after a while to see what effect this has on dream food.

Thinking, Lin entered the creator's dream again.

"It's doing very well ... Fleece, I finally saw a completely clean world." The creator is now in a state of excitement, this seems to be the first time ... talking to it here without the little nuclear protector intervening .

"Now, I will let my world grow rapidly ... but ..." the creator said: "Like you said, fluff, after taking those things away, I clearly felt it, yes ... that The creature called dream food seems to have a new action, maybe it will indeed wake up, maybe it will bring fear to this world that has just become closer to perfection. "

"But I don't think it can do this kind of thing, can you feel it? Fluff, its ... the power is not strong, it can't affect my strength."

What the creator said should be how it feels about dreams.

However, Lin felt that the creator could not understand dream food at all. Dream food itself should be a very special creature.

"In short." Lin said: "Your ... things are still in this position. I decided to take these things away after a while, and by that time, dream food may wake up."

"I will prepare to face that time, fluff." The creator said: "So when will you take them away?"

"... ten days and nights."

............ At the same time, on the other side ...

"When will you prepare to state your plan?"

"You will never know where the treasure is."

"Yes! Even if I told you, you don't know."

"No, tell it and you will know."

"It's okay, just kill it by then."


The dean is watching a group of brain-creating monsters through video footage in his laboratory.

These brain-creating monsters are new to it. Indeed, their personality is different from the one they started testing. The dean tried to find the one with a more “fragile” spirit from this group of brain-creating monsters and then let it go Communicate with the nuclear protectors ...

Some brain-creating monsters are indeed more vulnerable.

The dean has found one now.

"Dare you stare at me?" The brain monster on the other side of the screen noticed that the Dean's metal spider looked at it, and suddenly said with an emotion full of anger: "You know that a creature in the past also made this An action, and then it got a miserable end? "

"It's up to you." The dean's words fell, and a pipe was suddenly stretched over the head of this group of brain-creating monsters and received it.

"What is it doing!" "Quickly kill it!" The brain monsters around them suddenly became frightened. They stared at the extended pipe and threw them collectively.

But before they did this, more pipes stretched out and touched every brain monster.

Then a lot of brain monsters and nuclear protectors may be enough to drive any random monsters crazy.

So besides the brain-creating monster used for 'torture', other brain-creating monsters connected to it have some special uses ...