"Now, we are no longer bound."

"We can continue to believe what we want to believe."

"Actually, we have never received, and have never felt ... anything from our beliefs, from the transpirers."

"And when we ruled out fear, we finally received its news."

"It is leaving ... and we will follow it and leave the world, to the distant ... unknown land, and continue our future!"

...... In the void, Gel Bio and Lynn's army are fighting the army of micromachines.

And in the place of the Dream Weavers Land ... The underground ecclesiastical creatures are discussing some things, and the things they discuss seem quite interesting.

It's interesting enough for Lin to focus a little more here, this thing is about the departure of the transpirer.

This is true of the legend of the ecclesiastical creatures, the transpirers will leave this world, and they are a group of creatures that are qualified to follow the transpirants from here.

This legend has been around for hundreds of pompon years ago, but the transpirers have never left here, and the ecclesiastical creatures did not care much.

Just a short while ago, Lin suddenly discovered that a group of ecclesiastical creatures were discussing related matters, and the main initiator of this incident was a current leader of an ecclesiastical creature.

It means that it has not received any news from the transpirers since it was besieged by fear energy, and it was suddenly received just now, so it published this matter and attracted the attention of all the sect creatures.

The ecclesiastical creatures also expressed their excitement because they could finally leave this place. They did not like this place. After all, this place has too many memories that scare them ... In fact, this is not a big problem, the main problem There is a lack of resources here.

Lin did not disturb them, but continued to use spies to gather information here. Lin really wanted to know how the leader received news from the transpirers.

The various materials that Lin had seen before did not indicate this, but many things about the transpirers were indeed announced by many leaders.

And these chiefs never said why they knew it, and ordinary ecclesiastical creatures never doubted it.

"This time, what we are going to do is a 'visiting trip.'" In a room, spy cubs and a group of syndicated creatures are watching the leader.

The leader is like the previous speaker standing in the center of the room to give a speech ...

"It tells me that we will visit a wonderful world, where we will encounter many wonderful things, and even a thing called a miracle." The leader said: "There we will have a brand new Life ... We will live in harmony with many lives there, we must pray like this ... "

Immediately after it was finished, all the ecclesiastical creatures present were packed into a ball. This is their ... prayer position.

The leader said something strange. Lin wanted the little nuclear protector to analyze its brain to see if it could make something out.

"You actually want me to go to the thing that can be guarded?" "Of course it's okay! Let us pass by! Otherwise it will make you unable to guard!"

The two little nuclear protectors are very excited, they like the ecclesiastical creatures.

However, Lin did not do anything, but continued to listen to the leader's words here ... Lin is now paying attention to the other side.

That is the war against micromachines.

But Lin didn't care much about the war itself, because gel creatures were the main force of the battle. Their increasing reinforcements made it difficult for micro-machines to maintain even if they were fully defended.

In this way, Lin also has some troops have the opportunity to detect.

Lin now has ten 30-meter-diameter attack stones around the rear of the battlefield, which is the area where a large number of huge ice blocks float.

Of the hundreds of ice cubes, only five participated in the battle, and the others were all in a state of immobility. What is inside these ice cubes?

Or is it that only those five have micro-mechanical troops?

Lin's ten attack stones now flew beside a block of ice and stopped over the vast ice surface.

Of course, this is not ice, only some substances whose color is very similar to ice ... it is a very strong substance, which makes Lin think of the shell of the void bus.

However, this composition is different from the void bus shell. Lin first created some drill-shaped arms, and let these arms drill into the ice.

The attacking stones continued to move forward, and several ice blocks were detected in succession. Lin didn't find anything special, and so did the arms.

It seems that these ice cubes may indeed be more common.

Therefore, Lin let the attacking stones approach the ice cubes of the micromachine.

These ice cubes have not suffered any damage under the full protection of the micro-machine, but they themselves seem to explode, with cracks all over the body, and some cracks have even grown to surround the entire ice block.

The micro-machines poured out of the ice cubes as if there were factories manufacturing them inside. Lin's attack stone was close to only a thousand kilometers away from a piece of ice. Those micro-machines still did not respond.

Lin's attack stone is hidden, but it can only be approached to a certain degree. Lin is still not sure how close the safety distance is. Maybe I can test it now.

Thinking, Lin first let an attack stone fly over, it quickly approached the nearest piece of ice with micro-machinery, and when it reached almost three hundred kilometers ...

Lynn noticed the flash.

Is this the closest distance?


The flash of this flying shot did not hit Lin's attack stone, but hit a block of ice beside the attack stone.

In the roar, the ice suddenly splashed countless debris ... Lin is very puzzled, why are they attacking the ice?Are you not sure?

Lin felt that the micro-machine would not do that kind of thing.

Amidst Lin's doubts, this piece of ice appeared abnormal. It was like the previous ice blocks, and was quickly covered with a lot of ... cracks.

Then, countless micro-machines emerged from the cracks.

Micromachine ... Why did it come out from here?

Lin had seen them awaken micro-machines with fear energy before, but now it is the first time to see them awakened with an explosion, so ... now there are six ice cubes participating in the battle.

But the most important thing is this new piece of ice, as well as the micro-mechanisms gushing out of it, seemingly not paying attention to Lin's attack stone.