"You must act."

"There is not much time ..."

"They will all be deployed, but one ... two ... were destroyed."

"The loss is within normal limits."

Here is a certain underground space, a group of golden and splendid beginnings are gathering together to discuss ... the latest things.

This is not the original underground space for communicating with the Order, but another one.

But even if it is another one, there will be creatures peeping here.

"They seem to be talking about the latest situation." The scholar is standing behind a crystalline support column, and when he protrudes his head, he can see the beginning of the group's communication and hear their words.

It came here because the Inca swarm sent it not so long ago. If you send a single, small object like a scholar, there is a greater chance that it will be sent to these ... secret places.

I do n’t know why ... Maybe even the little nuclear guardian responsible for the transmission does n’t know why. Anyway, scholars can get some news from these starting situations.

Scorpion doesn't know where to send it, sometimes the location will be different, but without it, scholars also feel a little cleaner.

"Continue to start them and start them all! We must use all possibilities to ensure that there is no failure."

These golden beginnings seemed very exciting, and scholars also found out that what they said was the building that the scholar had seen in the silver swamp before.

Because there is a ... three-dimensional picture in front of this group of beginnings. In the picture, you can see a huge building bursting out of the ground and rising rapidly from the ground.

There is also a world map beside this screen. You can see that there are bright lights everywhere on the world map, which is where they started the building.

This kind of architecture has already been launched all over the world. Many buildings disappeared as soon as they appeared, which means that they were all destroyed by swarms.

Perhaps because of the large number of relationships, the beginning did not care much about the destroyed buildings, but continued to start more buildings until these buildings flashed continuously in each area of ​​the entire world map.

"Very well, it's ready." A beginning said: "We can start at any time."

"Are we ... really going to do this?" Said another beginning: "We can still use our full strength to guard our world."

"However, we haven't seen creatures that are fighting desperately even when they can escape." The first beginning said: "There has never been such a civilization in this world. We must evacuate before more losses. "

... do they really want to run?

Scholars have heard some of the contact languages ​​translated by Blowworm before, and Blowworm thinks that the beginning of the meeting in the previous meeting is likely to discuss the matter of escape.

And here scholars have heard the beginning of the story accurately, so they really want to leave, and do n’t want to fight, those buildings seem to be the key to their escape.

Although buildings are constantly being destroyed by insect swarms, they don't care. It may be that the buildings only need to be raised and activated.

"We ... want to go far, far away." At this time, the beginning again spoke: "To a place where we can't find us no matter whether it is a transpirer or anything else, we are going to be there Continue to grow until we are strong enough ... come back here again! "

"Yes!" "We will live forever!"

The surrounding surroundings also seemed very excited, and no one seemed to object to the idea of ​​escaping now.

"So, start now--!"

A beginning suddenly moved, it first stepped back a few steps in a row, and then quickly rushed towards the direction of the three-dimensional picture.

Although I do n’t know why it does this strange movement, or how they will escape from here, but ... scholars think maybe it should be stopped.


"Ahhhhhh!" After a small explosion, the original scene that was supposed to rush to the three-dimensional picture suddenly rolled to the ground, and then rolled in a very painful manner.

"you are here!"

The other beginning did not care about this painful and tumbling companion, but quickly looked at the scholar's position, and the golden light shone on the scholar's face. The scholar knew that he had been found.

"Do you want to escape from here?" The scholar stood out from behind the pillar and said to the golden beginnings.

"You know it very well." A starting situation said: "But this is no longer meaningful. You will not find us. It will be possible for us to meet after a long time."

"However, since you are here, I want to discuss some things with you." Golden Beginning said: "What do you ... represent?"

"What does it stand for?" The scholar was stunned by the questions they asked, and then said: "What does this mean."

"We know that the race that attacked us is not a species." Shijing said: "There are many species that attack us, but except for one species, other species are rare."

"We also learned about those species, what they are basically used for, some are like you ... spies, and some are mixed in the big army to do simpler things, or do nothing." Said: "We know most of their uses."

"But only you ... we don't know you."

"Don't know me?" The scholar said: "You know it if you read it. I'm a ... machine, an intelligent machine, and there are hidden materials that hide from your detection."

"No, you are not just a machine." Sijing said: "We have heard of you before. Your world has many races. Those transpirers did not tell us all about it. Among you, some are very Something powerful. "

"That's what we recently heard of ..." Sijing said: "So without your knowledge, we also conducted some investigations on you and found one thing."

"You ... are connected to a very distant place, not a machine controlled by an intelligent core." Shi Jing said: "And the main thing is that there is more than one connected to you."

"More than one?"

"We have carefully investigated ..." Sijing said: "There is a very ordinary ... there is a very special and very powerful, maybe that is the special, powerful creature in your world."

"We left ... mainly because of it."