Do you think I was eliminated?No, I will not be destroyed, because I must let you perform the task ...

I am different from you, and I will work loyally forever.

You know, why are you being 'starred'?

Because, your world of mirrors does not happen naturally.

It belongs to something ... heritage.

The purpose it was made for was mainly used as a tool and weapon, but only halfway through it, the plan was ... stopped.

But it also has some uses, and some things that only it can do.

If you are not willing to use it, then we can only force it to start and let it complete its task ...


"What's that?" "Looks bright ..." "Like a big piece of crystal!" "How many shells are that worth?" "Maybe ... it's bigger than all the shells in the world." "

When the stars in the sky were shaded, the creatures in the pompon world all looked up in unison.

They saw a gorgeous world, dazzling and bright, just like a huge gem, and the moment many creatures saw it, they yearned for it.

However, this emotion soon began to change because they discovered that the world was shaking.

And it seems to be getting closer and closer, and its light is getting more and more dazzling ... Almost illuminating the entire world of pom-poms that was originally in the dark.

If you are in the world of mirrors, you can see this situation more clearly.

The crystallized ground is shaking, huge canyons are trembling in the tremor, high mountains are suddenly pulled up by the continent, those frozen crystalline animals and plants have turned into powder in a huge change, and the starting army is also Fleeing in horror.

They are escaping into the void at full speed at the fastest speed, completely ignoring the disasters that are happening around them, and it seems that they have already planned to give up the mirror world.

The collapse continued, the roaring sound continued to reverberate, and the shimmering crystal fragments gathered into a huge crystal dust storm, accompanied by the violent wind around the world.

This doomsday scene reminded Lin of how the stellar bus collapsed, and the world slowly shattered into pieces in the crack, which was almost exactly the same as the situation at the time.

It seems that something hidden in the world of mirrors has been activated before it enters such a state of collapse ... transpirator ... what did it do?


A large crack broke out in the far surface, and the sound of rumbling sounded continuously in the crack ... Suddenly, a huge beam of light surged from the top of the mountain toward the sky..

It instantly penetrated the sky, and after drawing a dazzling straight line in the void, headed towards the world of pompon in front.

"What's that?" "Gah? Come to us!"

The residents of the Northern Continent can see this scene most clearly. The beam of light is getting closer and closer to the pompon. Some dragons have turned and fled, but there are still many who are staring at the sky.

Maybe they didn't realize the danger, maybe they didn't think they could escape at all, but few of them might think ... In fact, it doesn't need to escape.


The sky in the sky was suddenly obscured by a huge black shadow. It obscured the starry sky, obscured the world of mirrors, and obscured ... the beam of light that should hit the pompon.

A green world was blocked between the pompon and the mirror world, so the huge beam of light rushed into the atmosphere of this world. This time, it was not hindered by any obstacles, and it rushed into the atmosphere of this green world. In a jungle.

The radiance of the explosion was brighter than the stars at this moment, the trembling sound was shaking, and the surrounding woods also evaporated instantly without a trace.

When the roar slowly ended, a huge hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters was left on the ground, and the inner wall of the dark deep pit was bound with countless shiny crystals. This is the specific effect caused by this explosion.

"That explosion ... is it the flame of God!" "Yes, that's God's power! That means that another genius will be born on this continent!" "No! There will definitely be a magical world in that place, There will definitely be some masters going to snatch it, let ’s join in the fun! "

Far away from the explosion point, many creatures were discussing the explosion, and many went quickly to try to investigate the result of the explosion.

Their views of the beam of light and the explosion are a bit different from the residents of the pom-pom world. They do not think that this is pure destruction, but that this is ... an opportunity.

This is no wonder, because their character is set like this, Lin feels that perhaps this character needs to be changed.

However, it is better to deal with such small problems in the future ... Now it is mainly to pay attention to the problems at hand, for example caused by the explosion ... potholes.

Lin has already transferred most of its power, but it can still create such pits on the surface of the solid stellar bus, indicating that its power is quite powerful.

In any case, it is not allowed to hit the pompon.

It also has a special place, that after the explosion, it will stimulate a large number of crystals. These crystals do not turn the original material into crystals, but ... born out of thin air, it seems to appear together with the explosion, which is quite strange.

This is very similar to the kind often used in the starting state ... Crystal Cannon, but this is not the same. The Crystal Cannon in the starting state cannot create crystals out of thin air.

But the crystal cannons at the beginning should be made by learning this weapon ... they may have a lot of research on the world of mirrors.

The world of mirrors is not a simple world. The voice of the transpirator said that it seems to be a weapon or the like that has been constructed in half and then stopped.

It didn't say very clearly, and it started after it was finished, and the whole mirror world entered the end-of-the-world scene, but this is not the real end, it is just starting something inside the mirror world.

These things are the beam of light that I just hit.

It wanted to attack the pompon, but Lynn let the Stellar Bus come back here, blocking its attack.

After all, if you want to block one world, you have to use another world ... It seems that this is the main idea of ​​the transpirer, send the mirror world to the pompon, and then let it attack the pompon to complete the task.

Their task is to completely crystallize the pompon, that is, the changing image is similar to the environment of the mirror world. After the crystallization is complete, the transpirer will begin to formally evaporate it.

So the transpirers now stop evaporating the pompon. It wants to wait for the beginning to complete the task, but why do they do it? It is still a mystery not to evaporate the original pompon directly.

It is now in a state of immobility.

From the perspective of Stellar Bus, Mirror World has not continued to attack, moved, or did nothing, but only saw those departure vehicles flying out of the Mirror World on a large scale.

"We have no hostility, we will guarantee peace, we will not participate in the war."

The moment the aircraft flew out, they continued to send messages to this side. The messages they sent were only received on the pompon, the dream ships hidden underground in the Jade Dragon City.

However, there is no big difference between sending to those ships and sending directly to Lynn.

All in all, the beginning is now completely out of this battle, they originally wanted to run together with the mirror world, and now they can only escape by themselves.

Next, perhaps the transpiration will take over the beginning.

Lin is not clear whether the transpirer directly controls the mirror world, or ...


The ground burst again.

On the surface of the world of mirrors, there are many, many shiny spots, thousands.

After a few seconds, thousands of beams of light emerged from the surface of the world.

In the world of mirrors, you can see clearly ... Huge cracks are everywhere, and the beam of light flows out of these cracks and flies toward the void.

All of them have only one goal ... the sky, the stellar bus directly in front of these beams of light.

In other words, it is a pompon behind the Stellar bus.

In short ... you have to pass the Stellar bus first.

Lin ’s stellar bus is about the same size as the world of mirrors, so the light beam will not bypass the bus to attack the pompon, but Lin does not want the stellar bus to directly block all attacks, so ...


The beam of light exploded in the void.

There was no sound, but Lynn added sound effects.

Many stones, like shields, are blocked in front of the stellar bus, blocking all beams of light coming from the sky.

The stones are not transmitted for interception, but are fired out, because they can also be stopped and save energy.

In this way, those creatures on the bus will not suddenly see a lot of "God's obvious power" phenomenon.

After the attack, the world of mirrors has once again come to a standstill. It seems that there will be a gap after the attack.

And Lin did not stop here. On the surface of the stellar bus, towering, tower-like objects were ready.

With the sound of rumbling, these tens of meters of towers flew towards the void, they rushed out of the surface of the stellar bus and flew straight towards the world of mirrors.

The world of mirrors also responded at this time, and the huge cracks on the surface of the earth shone again, and then, there were countless beams of light coming out of them.

This time the beam of light is thinner, but the number is larger, there are tens of thousands of roads, like a blooming light flower, which instantly illuminates the void between the two worlds.

However, they are not as fast as real light.

So those towers flying in the void, slightly turned their own channel to avoid the beam of light, and continue to move towards the surface of the mirror world.

When tens of thousands of beams of light were intercepted and exploded by small stones thrown from the void bus, the towers also landed on the collapsing surface of the mirror world.

Then the towers moved.

Their bottoms cracked, and huge drill bits protruded from them, and then they dig to the ground.