"The place you came from is where our ancestors used to be."


"Our ancestors stayed in that place for some time, and then left there, and also away from you. It is said that our ancestors once had a fierce war with your ancestors."

"But, for a long time, we will not remember the hatred at that time, so you don't need to care about this ... all you need to care about is now."

"Why are you here now? We are very interested in this, so we decided to observe you, you are also a creature with enough intelligence, so all this is ... convenient."


The scholar is following behind a ship, and listening to ... talking from the ship, the interlocutors are mainly elite, and those ... the creatures that are now temporarily called demons.

The demons seem to be very talkative. They have always communicated with elite, and since elite brings their mini-scholars to them, scholars can hear their voices.

In the process of their communication, the devil slowly talked about their ancestors ... and also solved their racial situation.

"Our ancestors left the world where they were in some way. The first world was called the" pipe "by them. That's a big world." The devil's voice echoed in the scholar's hearing: "They left The method is still an unsolved mystery. Although there are many opinions, there is no detailed record ... "

"Why do you want to leave?" Elite said: "Is it because of war with us?"

"No, it's an ancient ..." The devil paused and said: "An ancient prophecy shows in the prophecy that the world of" pipe "will suffer a catastrophe."


"This is the conclusion drawn by our ancestors' studies of past civilizations." The devil said: "Civilizations living in the pipeline world will suffer a severe blow. In this blow, all civilizations will disappear ... … "

"Is that an earthquake disaster or something like that?" Jing Jing wondered: "But our history doesn't seem to record any major disasters ..."

"It is not a phenomenon like" earthquake ", but a group of ... extincts, they are a group of creatures." The devil said: "The ancestor's predictions show that even if they develop to any point, their strength will be better than the existing Civilization is slightly stronger. "

"Then they can destroy all civilizations in the pipeline bit by bit." The devil said: "We can't confirm whether this prediction is true, but because of this matter, our ancestors left the" pipe "and set off. Find another world. "

"Prophecy ... The Exterminator ..." Elite said: "Did you know it at that time?"

"Does your statement mean that the prophecy has come true?" The devil asked: "The Extinct really appeared?"

"..." Elite did not answer, but continued: "I don't want to discuss this, can you continue to talk about your business?"

"Yes, we are very willing to share these history with the creatures who can understand us." The devil said: "After all, this situation is very difficult to encounter."

"Our ancestors went to the second world where they lived after that, that world is very ... beautiful, and they continued to multiply there for a long time." The devil said: "They will develop civilization more and more grow."

"Is this right?" Jing Rui asked: "But it doesn't seem to be very beautiful here."

"It's not here." The devil said: "This is what we call the 'melt zone'."

"What does it mean?"

"It approached us by accident." Elite said: "It is this 'melt zone'. According to records, it was originally a black, huge ... evil sphere."

"It's going to hit us." The devil said: "It appeared from a distance, to approach our beautiful world, we had no way at first."

"Impact ..." said elite: "You mean this ... sphere, will you strike the world you live in?"

"Yes ..." said the devil. "At first, we thought that the civilization we developed would be destroyed, and our beautiful world would disappear."

"We can only use the last method, we use all weapons to fight it." The devil said: "Use all methods to destroy it ... No, it is impossible to destroy such a huge object, we just want to change its trajectory , Do not directly hit our world. "

"Why don't you flee?" Elite said: "It's like you escaped the 'pipe' before."

"We have no way to escape. The way we had escaped was ... there is no record, so we can't leave, and there is nowhere to go. We can only die in our world." The devil said: "We direct all weapons Launched here. "

"Then, it's incredible that we succeeded. Although the explosions caused by these weapons looked only a little ... But it retreated." The devil said: "This was about to hit our world, it moved directly back . "

"We don't know what the principle is, but, at that time ... we did think we were successful, we celebrated this victory at that time ..." the devil said: "But then we discovered that we were wrong."

"This world hasn't backed away for a long time, it hit us again." The devil said: "So we used the original method, mass-produced weapons, bombed it."

"During successive bombings, it retreated a lot ..." said the devil. "We can continue to live a safe life for a while ..."

"But we soon discovered that this is a constant cycle."

"It is approaching again ... we can only bomb again."

"This battle has been going on for a long, long time, and our weapons are developing stronger and stronger. We always thought that the reason why the weapons were not strong enough, we could not completely blow them away ...

"So we have made quite powerful weapons, a few of which can wipe out our civilization."

"But when we throw this weapon at it thousands of times, we can only let it back a little bit."

"Then, it went on again ..."

"This cycle has continued, and every time we have to prepare a huge amount of weapons to protect our world ... from impact."

"This lasted ... for a long time."

"Have ... so long?" The scholar who was listening was also surprised. It heard the demon's time description. When translated, it has been hundreds of pompoms.

They bombed this tumbler continuously for hundreds of pompon years?