
The sound of the impact spread in the water.

In the high-temperature but clear liquid, the huge body of Xingju collided with a larger object than it ...

It was a transpirator, whose body was like a huge rusty metal block. When the stars gathered on the surface of this 'metal', a strong noise echoed in the water.

After that, Xingju's body stopped moving, its head was pressed tightly against the surface of the transpirator, and its body was completely in a state of ... like paralysis.

Although it is not visible from the outside, but if you look directly at the inside, you can see such a scene-

Many demons are constantly moving in the body of the star cluster. Each of them carries some ... boxes and the like. These demons carry the boxes and move rapidly in the space inside the star cluster.

The direction of movement of all demons is the direction of the star's head ... This is the scene seen from the mini-scholar.

Why are they doing these things?What are the boxes they carry?

"Hurry up and blow it up! Destroy it completely!" The dean and Maya, who controlled the metal spider, were very nervous because they were the first to receive the news.

Therefore, they aimed at the star gatherers and the transpirers and fired a large number of missiles stored inside the metal spider.


But before launching, the metal spider felt a while ... the sky was spinning, and it seemed that the liquid around it suddenly surged.

"It's starting to roll here!"

Along with the surging liquid, the metal spiders tried to stabilize their body, and at the same time, they also found ...

A lot of things appeared around the transpirers.

The shapes of these things are different, and most of them look a little like a star cluster ... creatures, and some like machines.

"This is ... this is something!" "What are those things? Things that won't roll?" "No, they are that army!"


And the cause and effect of all this must be talked about earlier.

The meltdown zone, once crashed the group ... The orange world where the mild demons lived. The reason for the crash was mainly because it was polluted.

Contaminated by something from the solidified void, how these contaminants came from, the meltdown zone is not very clear, it may be related to the meltdown zone, or it may be related to the creatures in the orange world.

Most of these pollutants are gathered inside the orange world, they can produce a special 'radiation' effect.

This effect can affect the "will" of the melting zone itself, and it can make it feel like a coma.

The pollutant itself is only for the solidified void species such as the meltdown zone. It does not harm other species, but it will produce various effects on the solidified void species.

The meltdown zone was originally a ... reformed creature. Because it was affected by the "fire dust" from the solidified void, the nerves and some structures in the body were ... converted into solidified void matter.

It can also be regarded as a solidified void creature, so it will also be affected by the pollutants there.

The meltdown zone noticed that there was more and more pollution, so it came up with the idea of ​​destroying the orange world.

Originally it would not destroy there. The reason why it attacked the orange world was still afraid that pollution would cause too much impact on itself.

After the destruction, the pollutants no longer proliferate, so the whole thing is over ...?

It is not over. Although pollutants no longer appear in the orange world, they can still be found inside Midgart.

In fact, the pollutants are some substances from the solidified void, and the medicines that the dust crocodile eats also have some ingredients ... can be counted as pollutants.

Therefore, they facilitate the use of these pollutants.

It is the transpirer.

After they arrived in Midgart, they collected various pollutants here. In fact, this kind of pollution was originally ... happened in Midgart's civilization destruction army.

The army of civilization destruction, that is, the three-legged creatures, are unified by one ... thing. This thing is said to be a thing related to solidifying the void. Perhaps it is a creature, which can be called the 'main system of civilization destruction.

There are many such main systems and are located in many places inside Midgart. They are usually not subject to any interference, but the current situation is not usual.

Transpirants first collect and synthesize some pollutants. They use the special effects of these pollutants to interfere with the main system.

Because the main system was disturbed, the civilization destruction army could not successfully complete the mission.

In fact, most of the army has no way to participate in the battle, only some of the three-legged troops continue to attack, that is the result of interference.

In general, this situation is not a problem, because Midgart can easily fix these errors, but Midgart is currently sleeping.

So there is an error ... the repair time will be prolonged a lot, and the dust crocodile has successfully become one of the few races that can be destroyed ...

And the army destroyed by some civilizations ... has been controlled by the transpirants.

It is not known what method they used to allow them to replace the position of the main system to control these troops.

What I saw in the Scarlet World before, the three-legged column of the Flicker Devil's Civil War, is actually controlled by the Transponder.

The transpirer found the demon's army and asked the demon to help them continue to collect pollutants.

It seems that to collect pollutants, they do not do it by themselves, but need to find other creatures, and this creature must be related to Midgart. Before finding the demon, the transpirer should use other creatures. The crocodiles have also been used to collect them.

Probably the transpirers think that demons are the most suitable creatures, so they decide to use them to do the last thing.

The last thing is obvious. The Transpirer let the demons go into Midgart and let them collect the pollutants, and also let them catch two ashes to make brain monsters.

As for letting demons attack dusty crocodiles and other civilized races, they should only be disguised, they should be disguised as part of the civilization's destruction army.

The reason for catching the two brain monsters is mainly because the two brain monsters are connected with the will of the meltdown zone, and they may be able to use pollutants to affect the meltdown zone through them.

However, they did not catch it, so the transpirers let the devil bring the pollutants to the star cluster, and the star cluster was carried to the meltdown zone, which directly affected it.

Through the research in the institute and the understanding of what happened before, Lin felt that the general thing should be like this, maybe not all right, but all this must be ... transpirators.