Kill it ... otherwise you will do your best ... to attack the city.

It has been saying this all the time. Although it was the first time to communicate with tomb glue, Nao Ling realized that the problem seemed to be serious.

The main reason is that it does not know how powerful the tomb glue is. All these creatures have been wandering in the desert outside the city, occasionally driving the aircraft, occasionally trying to climb the city wall, but have not attacked the city on a large scale. .

At first, Nao Ling hesitated and did not agree, and the tomb glue immediately launched the attack. The first attack was quickly resolved by the defense system.

However, Nao Ling believes that the problem is far from over, because the amount of tomb glue is quite large, and it knows this.

So, Nao Ling agreed to the request of the tomb glue ... The tomb glue also stated the target it wanted to kill, that is, those in the decayed ground ... Fungi, it didn't say the reason, it just said it was to be killed, and Tomb glue seems to become more and more excited, as if it is going crazy.

At that time, Nao Ling did not know that these fungi were ... Lin, so it dispatched a sterilization force.

After the defeat of these troops, the spirit of the brain began to hesitate again, because it knew that these ... fungi propagated on a large scale under the rotting ground.

In this case, it is not a simple matter to clean up. In addition, there is almost no sterilization technology in this city. After all, fungal organisms are not a threat to the tank brain organisms in this city, only a few places need it. Sterilization.

The way to quickly clean up the fungus spread all over the decayed ground is ... to manually control the city's underground 'gates' and discharge the decayed matter to the canyon.

However, this will inevitably lead to the canyon ... The monster's attack, the brain does not know whether the current defense system is capable of defending the canyon monster.

However, Nao Ling feels that the current defense system is enough to deal with tomb glue, so it is so decided ... It is better to deal with tomb glue than to deal with that canyon monster.

So now the situation is like this. Nao Ling decides to fight with Tomb Gum. After knowing that the fungus is Lin, it is even more ... I don't want to deal with fungi.

Tomb glue is the weakest of all the “opponents” in this city. The spirit of the brain can affirm this. It believes that even if the city ’s residents and they fight hard, they will not lose. After all, one side is a hard machine, one side It's just ... something as soft as a piece of meat.

Now many residents have noticed this, even if they are not equipped with weapons, they dare to fight the tomb glue.

Tomb glue does not use their only advantage, that is, those flying vehicles on the sand. If they crash into the flying vehicles, they may cause considerable damage to the city.

However, they all use the "flesh" to fly in to attack, and it seems that it is not wise to attack a mechanical city in this way ...

No wonder the spirits think they are weak.

Nao Ling ... told Lin these things, it didn't seem to want to hide anything from Lin. Lin thought it might think that Lin was the biggest threat to them, so it wanted to show ... be sincere?

Lin did not know its specific thoughts, but Lin did not destroy the city, but continued ... to observe the situation.

After the chat ended, Lin continued to observe the brain spirit, and continued her previous actions, for example, to understand why the tomb glue wanted to kill Lin.

And continue to make trailblazers in order to ascend to the meltdown zone ... Now it is almost finished.

In addition, Lin also decided to continue exploring here, for example, to see the canyon in the west, what is that canyon monster.

According to Nao Ling, the canyon monster is just ... an arbitrary name. In fact, they have not fully understood whether the canyon monster is a creature ... or a 'natural phenomenon' here.

Either way, it does a lot of harm. Without a defense system, it may destroy most of the city.

Lin now let a pompon fly towards the west side of the city.

Only the area to the east of the city was attacked. Flying over that area, you can see that most of the residents are maintaining ... a normal life, but most of the attention is drawn to the area where the incident occurred. .

Flying to a location close to the west side of the city, Lin saw ... it is said that it was caused by the monster of the valley when it last happened ... damage.

There is nothing wrong with the pipes all over the city, but when you look on the ground, you can see more than a dozen huge ... cracks.

These cracks are up to 30 meters wide, and the rotting ground beneath the city can be seen from between the cracks. The cracks extend below the city wall on the west side of the city.

The city wall looks okay. The brain said that the city wall has been repaired, but the building system has not repaired the marks on the ground, so the marks have remained.

The damage caused by this is really quite large, as if the city's ground was grabbed by a huge claw, leaving these cracks.

In this case, you must fly into the canyon to see the truth.

The pompom quickly flew over the west wall and came over the canyon ...

The canyon is said to be several tens of kilometers wide, and the air is filled with dust and sand, so it is difficult to see the opposite side.

But it can be seen that there is darkness under the canyon, but if you look closely, something like a river is surging at the bottom of the canyon.

Lin decided to let the pompon fly down to see, but before going down ... Lin hesitated a little.

Because, Nao Ling said, a lot of things falling will provoke the reaction of the canyon monster. According to the size of the things, the reaction will be different.

Even the smallest things will have some reactions, and can always kill at least one or two canister residents.

Lin feels that it is not appropriate to fly directly, because this pompon is not very powerful and needs to be strengthened.

... At the same time, on the other side ...

Lin's other arms are also flying in the air, but it is not a pompom, but a small pioneer.

With a length of 16 meters and a width of more than one meter, this small pioneer was specially made by Lynn to find ... tomb glue.

After Lin found the signal center of the tomb glue, she would let the Blazers drill directly in. If they only used soft meat to block it, it would definitely be unstoppable.

……found it.

The small trailblazer stopped over a piece of sand. After stopping for a few seconds, he immediately headed down to the sand.

With the splashing sand and dust, the Blazers burrowed into the ground and quickly moved in the direction of signal concentration.

Although the signal was sent by all the tombs in this desert, they hit the signal in advance ... at this location, and it seems that this location seems to be the signal processing center.

Lin felt that she could talk directly with Tomb Gum ... face-to-face.