4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Chapter 2489 metal river in the void

"When will it come over ..."

This is Midgart ... inside the pipeline.

The scholar is in a research institute located in the pipeline. It has been staring at the image in front of him, showing a lot of things like metal blocks ...

However, scholars know that they are not metal blocks, but a kind of creature called ... transpirator.

In fact, it is the "evolution history" of the transpirator. This is the evolutionary process of the transpirator sorted out by Maya. The above details ... explain the evolutionary stage of the transpirator.

This evolutionary stage seems to be very simple. From the initial small individuals, it has become larger and larger. Except for the first few stages, the later stages are all in the form of metal blocks, but their shapes are different, and their shapes are somewhat different. Different, but almost the same, and in the end ... became a polymer that looked like a pile of rusty metal.

The details of its evolution are still unclear. The main concern of scholars now is that it is said that there is another transpirator who will come here.

When will the transpirer arrive?

Thinking of this, the scholar poked at the screen in front of him, and suddenly the picture was divided into many frames, but each one was a scene of starry sky.

This picture comes from some ... monitors in the void. These monitors are deployed in some locations in the void. It is said that these locations are all transmission points that the transpirer will likely pass through.

Scholars often look at these pictures, and they always feel that they can find something. Although it is said that the transpirer ’s actions are always secret, but ...

"what is this?"

Suddenly, in a picture, the scholar saw strange things ... a lot of things were floating.

Scholars took a closer look at this picture, and found that it was a large pile of fragments, to be precise, rusty metal blocks, at least ... it looked like it.

This immediately reminded scholars of the transpirator, after all, it had just seen pictures of evolution, and ...

"Why ... so many?" Scholars saw that in the picture, countless things like rusty metal fragments drifted slowly in the void, just like ... a river.

This river of rust metal extends into the distance of the void, possibly thousands of kilometers. It contains countless rust metal like transpirers, and they are slowly moving in the other direction.

The scholar quickly poked a few screens, and some more detailed ... popped up on the screen ... The test data shows that the size of these metal blocks is mostly between ten meters and tens of meters, not as large as the transpirers.

But their number is quite ... horrible.

"What's this? A bunch of fragments that can't be rolled over?" A voice sounded around the scholar, and he turned to look, and saw a metal spider standing beside the scholar.

"This is just discovered ... the phenomenon may be related to the transpirant." The scholar said: "These are in large quantities, and ..."

"And some of them actually roll!" The metal spider lifted its forelimbs and pointed at some metal in the picture. There are indeed some metals that are constantly rolling and moving forward, but most of them are stable. Floating forward.

"This is not important!"

When the scholar wanted to say something, another different voice sounded in the metal spider: "It is indeed possible that it is related to the transpirer, you see them ..."

During the period when the metal spider spoke, scholars also noticed that the "head" of this metal river appeared strange.

The metal at the forefront suddenly disappeared one by one, as if queuing to enter somewhere, as did the metal that followed.

They fly to a certain position and disappear instantly.

"They went to another location!" The metal spider quickly poked on the screen, and the screen was suddenly divided into many parts ...

It can be seen that another picture that originally showed a starry sky suddenly flashed, and then a large number of metal blocks emerged from that place.

They appear continuously and form again ... the river floats.

"It's an army of transpirers. It's approaching here through the teleportation points we are monitoring." The metal spider said: "I thought they would come in a secret way. I didn't expect it to be so arrogant and dare to dispatch such a huge army!"

"This means that they are going to fight real battles, not hide in weakness!" Said another voice of the metal spider: "However, there are too few strong players who can roll, so they will fail!"

"The transpirers will have such an army ..." The scholar said: "What are we going to do?"

"We are responsible for the defense inside." The metal spider said: "This thing has been told ... Lynn, it will defend the troops outside, and we will defend inside, not letting it approach Midgart's tomb."

"It is said that they are useless to go in, because the 'cracked layer' in the cemetery has been controlled. They were originally tumbling everywhere, but now they can't roll!" Said another voice of the metal spider: "We just need to wait for this steamer to come and destroy it all!"

"In short, you need to be prepared ..." The metal spider looked at the scholar and said: "As for what you don't need to do, just stare at the materials here as usual to study."

"I ..." What the scholar wanted to say, but it still stopped, indeed it could not fight, but ...

"They have arrived at the nearest teleportation point!" Suddenly, the metal spider yelled at the screen: "They are coming! Now the army is ready! Scroll in!"

"Even if you don't shout like this, the whole army will be ready."

The metal spider crawled far away while saying these words, and the scholar looked at the screen.

I saw every picture ... are full of countless metal blocks that are fluttering. These pictures are different transmission points and are from far to near.

Scholars can see that the original metal rivers appeared at the furthest teleportation point, they disappeared after flying to a certain position, and then appeared at ... a closer teleportation point.

This huge army of rusty metal-like objects moved quickly between teleportation points, meaning nothing to hide.

Finally, they reached the nearest teleportation point ... Scholars saw them appearing in large numbers here, and then fluttered away.

After this teleportation point, you can reach the outskirts of Midgart, that is to say ... they reached the pipeline.

The scholar immediately poked a few pictures, and the picture suddenly showed the situation outside the pipe.

"this is……"

What scholars see is ... nothing.