4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

The 2610th chapter new adaptation goals

"So ... what are you going to do? Promise their invitation?"

"But there is not much time left, but you can still agree."

"It ... Midgart doesn't like this great engineering structure. It wants to destroy this project, so the project ... will soon disappear completely."

"They are trying to avoid this kind of thing, do you think? Would you like to help them avoid it?"


This is ... the last few words that Yiyin and Lin said, and then it said that it had to prepare something before leaving.

Now, Lin knows almost everything. The thing that was projected in the melting zone before ... is that the strange sound wants to prevent the melting zone from going to the solidified void.

If the meltdown zone goes there, it has a high probability of contacting Midgart and 'awakening' Midgart.

If Midgart wakes up, the first thing it needs to do is to destroy the transpirer's project, which it actually did before.

If you want to stop Midgart from doing this, you must keep it asleep.

It is mentioned in a different voice that the transpirants want to invade Midgart, mainly to maintain Midgart's sleep state, so that it has never been able to destroy the project.

However, this idea seems to have been abandoned by the transpirers now, and they intend to adopt some new methods, that is, to combine all the current engineering sites.

Then ... what then?

The abnormal sound means that the transpirant did not say what to do after the merger, but it believes that the merger is to ... forcibly customize an adaptive creature.

Initially, transpirants had this idea.

They were originally thinking of evaporating Lin ’s pompon world, because the transpirers thought that Lin could be used to let Lin join, even if Lin did n’t want to agree to them, they could use some methods ... Let Lin take over them directly Works great.

This method is related to the pompon world itself. It may be that the transpirer thinks that Lin has a "core" on the pompon.

Yiyong said so, but it also said that it does not know the real thoughts of the transpirer, it just knows what these transpirants have done recently, and then speculates.

However, after a series of battles and investigations, the Transponder gave up and continued to attack the pompon, and was mainly concerned about Midgart.

According to the strange voice, Midgart was about to wake up, and the transpirers had been trying to stop it.

Moreover, as Midgart is approaching the stage of awakening, anything in its body related to solidifying the void will become very ... 'active'.

Transpirers may use these things to interfere with Midgart's original organs to control it.

There is only one problem here, that is, I do n’t know why the transpirer wants to take Lynn to the location of Midgart.

Yiyong believes that the Transpirator deliberately let Lynn know where Midgart is ... but why it doesn't know.

All in all, Yiyin believes that the next time is not enough.

The meltdown zone headed to solidify the void, which only accelerated Midgart's awakening time. However, Midgart would awaken in a short time.

Although the great project of the Transmitter has been destroyed, but ... there are still a lot left, but if you wake up this time, it may not be left at all.

Therefore, the abnormal sound infers that the transpirant wants to immediately find an adaptive creature to take over the project.

This creature is not Lin, mainly because ... Lin is too suitable.

Yiyin said that if Lin takes over the project, it will take a long time ... preparation, it may be many years of pompon, this is because, this kind of adaptive creature is very ... special, Lin is quite suitable for engineering control Person, but it takes a long time.

So, even if Lin agreed, it is useless at the moment.

Yiyin believes that transpirants want to find an adaptive creature that can take over the project immediately.

In addition to Lin, the transpirers and Yiyin also found some other adaptive creatures, although the adaptability of this adaptive creature ... is not as good as Lin, they may only be controlled for a period of time.

But even if you control the project for a period of time, you can deal with Midgart. The transpirer will find a way to make Midgart fall asleep again during this period.

It seems ... that Midgart slept in the past was caused by the transpirer.

Regardless of whether the adaptive creature agrees, the transpirer can force it to take over the project and temporarily control the entire project.

And after it is controlled, it seems that there is no need to worry about other problems. As long as the project is controlled, the adaptive creature will naturally ... fight against Midgart.

The first step in this process is to first integrate all the current engineering locations ... then the next step is to select and adapt the organisms.

This adaptive creature should be temporary and requires no preparation time, so it can be decided immediately.

Yiyin believes that this temporary adaptive creature should be ... Ersh.

It seems that a mature stellar bus like Ersh is also one of the adaptive creatures.

In fact, after noticing Ershi, Yiyin also detected Ershi's 'fitness', and found that Ershi also belongs to an adaptive organism and has the 'potential' to take over the project.

But it is only suitable for temporary takeover, there is no way to take over for a long time, and Yiyin also told the transpirer this news.

The transpirers didn't respond. This should be because they didn't need to find a temporary adaptation at first, but now ... it's different.

They have to find a temporary to deal with Midgart, so after the merger of the project, they will make Ershi an adaptor.

This is also a phenomenon that Yisheng is more happy to think, because it originally wanted to deal with Ershi, so if the transpirer really wants to do this, it will definitely help.

Now, Yiyin is ready to deal with Ershi. It will open a large number of coagulation channels there. When the coagulation creatures interfere with Ershi in large amounts, the transpirer can make it easier to take over the project.

In fact, taking over the project is to make Ersh and the project "connect" together, in simple terms, contact.

However, Yiyin believes that Ersh is a difficult creature to deal with. It will not stay there so simply, and it will definitely fight back.

But in any case, it should not be able to deal with the continuous emergence of solidified creatures, and the transpirers ’troops will also escort the project, which can ensure that it can reach Ershi.

In short, it seems that they are all aiming at Ersh now.

The strange voice said that after all this, Lin could continue to accept the invitation of the transpirer ... controlling the project forever.