"There have been many sudden coma incidents recently. After waking up, the patient said that the head or heart was in severe pain at the time, and the cause of this incident has not yet been found ..."


Lin's cub spy is in a house. This room is the 'Tritti' house. It gave Lin permission to come in here, so Lin can stay here and watch the news.

On the display that covered the entire wall, Lynn looked at the latest news, which was about sudden coma and sudden pain.

Most of these incidents have occurred in this city or nearby cities, and have received attention because of many occurrences in a row. They have been broadcast on the news many times.

These victims were all suffering from severe head or heart pain, and many of them passed out on the spot.

This is a matter of course, because when shooting, priority is given to the heart and brain, but this is indeed very interesting, because the transpirer actually uses such a tactic ...

While paying attention to the news here, Lin is also paying attention to the other side ... the situation in the Transpirer City.

The expedition team ’s exploration team met a lot of 'local residents', and they killed a part of them. Although the army of Irsh has a tradition of not killing civilians, they don't seem to want to put these strange things in the transpirer city. Things are civilians.

In fact, at the beginning, they communicated with these residents, but they only said things like "hello" mechanically, and said nothing else ...

Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that the residents of the Transpirer City usually have a name tag on their chests and a certain name written on them.

After this resident was killed, a fellow Ershi with the same name on Ershi would also feel the feeling of being hit at the same time.

Of course it was n’t really hit, so it did n’t die, but they all said that it felt like they had been shot through by a gun, and some ... the weaker Asherman caused mental damage.

The names of the comatose in the news that Lin is watching now are exactly the same as those of those killed in the Transmitter City.

It can be said that the transpirants directly conveyed the injuries suffered by the residents in that city to the minds of the real Ershi people ... This is a new tactic.

The Ershimin's expedition team has not realized this, they not only killed a lot, but also grabbed some to prepare for interrogation.

Lin feels that it may not be easy for them to notice, because the number of coma is still very small, it is difficult to connect the two.

However, Lin is already in contact with the two. Lin wants to know how the transpirant achieves this. It does not convey actual harm, but more precisely transmits ... memory.

The resident of the Transpirator was killed, and the resident of the same name on the Ershi immediately produced the memory of 'I was pierced through my head', and also included the memory of the severe pain after the piercing, so I felt great pain.

The transpirer related the memories of the two together in some way.

Of course, it's not related by name. After all, there are many people with the same name, and only one will receive the memory of the breakdown.

They are mainly linked by nuclear information. Although the residents in the Transpirer City and the residents in Ershi are slightly different in appearance, their nuclear information is the same.

Through this it directly ... locks the object of conducting memory.

Then there was the transmission path. Lin felt that it was realized by transmitting information, but Ersh itself was a non-transmittable place.

The transmission here is blocked by ... Only the transmitters of the monitoring station can transmit things. Maybe the transpirants used this?

However, Lin is also monitoring the transmitter at the monitoring station, and there is nothing ... suspicious.

It seems that the problem lies in this point. Lin does not seem to know at present ... what does the transpirant transmit the memory to the Ershimin, they use some new method, and need to continue to study.

Lin felt that the problem was concentrated in the city where the young spy was.

Because the comatose all appeared in this neighborhood, there should be no other areas, after all, there will not be more people with the same cell nucleus.

So, start here ... find it.

Thinking, Lynn let the spy leave Tritti's house and went somewhere outside.

At the same time, Lin also paid attention to the city of the transpirer. In the city of the transpirer ... more and more residents appeared.

At first it was just a community, probably a few hundred, and now more residents appear everywhere in the city, they emerge from the building, their behavior is to stroll around on the street, encounter Who will say hello, and then continue shopping, and maybe do some ... very ordinary things, such as checking the mailbox, or doing some sports or something.

Lin let the observed pompon fly through the air, and every time she met a man, she fired ... a pile of fluff and tested the information on it.

They are all the same. The memory belongs to some people on the side of Ershi. They will not do anything here, and they will not enter the memory, because Lin noticed that their nerves have some ... strange places.

There is something that isolates them from storing what they are doing into memory, and they do not use memory to act, but control it with other parts of the brain, similar to natural reactions.

Simply put, the memory of the residents here is synchronized with the memory of the people on Ershi, so ... what if you adjust it?

In short, Lin tried ... to adjust the memory of a certain resident, to force down the memory of the transpirer city with fluff ...

"What's going on? I just found out I was in another place!"

The spy on Ershi saw this scene, and an Ershi was suddenly stunned there in doubt, saying that something very strange had happened just now.

It turned out that it could be done like this.

Thinking, Lin continued to try to adjust other residents. When Lin adjusted their memories, their memories would be synchronously communicated to the same names on Ershi.

Lin tried ... carefully capturing this communication process to see what was conveying memory.

However, while Lin was doing this experiment, Lin heard the captain say ...

"What's the matter with these residents? It's so strange ... Forget it, the exploration team will come back and blow up this quirky city!"

Lynn thought ... it should be stopped for a while, otherwise it would be like blowing himself up.