4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

2830: CodyCross Department Store Group 502-Puzzle 2 Answers

"Are you really here? Veronica classmates? Are we in a place where we can go out?"

Here ... still a jungle.

Not long ago, the spy and Bilu were brought to this location by a ... bird.

After flying to a similar position, the spy and Bilu landed on the ground together. It was easy to land, just poke the bird.

And this position ... should have been out of the Midgart pipeline.

If you go out from here, you may be able to reach an unfamiliar void, no matter where the unfamiliar position is, as long as you can transmit, you may master the entrance into these marginal spaces.

Simply put, Lynn may let more troops come in.

But it's not quite sure yet ... whether to leave from this position, or to go further and send it out.

After all, this position has just crossed the pipeline, so it should go further.

"Continue." Then, the spy continued to walk with Billo in the jungle.

"Are you going to continue? Veronica, aren't we already in the right place?"

Because he had explained a bit to Bilo, Bilo also knew about these situations.

"... Also try it first." The spy stopped and raised his left hand ... Suddenly with a click, this hand was disconnected from the middle and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh!" Bilu was shocked when he saw this: "Student Veronica's hand was broken!"

"Take your hand out first." At the moment the spy finished speaking, the broken hand disappeared.

Then, Lin felt that the hand appeared in ... a cold place, it seemed to be transmitted to the outside. The moment when the hand was broken just now, because the cells inside were frozen, there was no way to feel it, but the transmission Then I felt it.

However, this location does not seem to be far from the pipeline, because the spy found that ... the hand was teleported to a nearby location in Midgart.

On a frozen tumbler.

There are three of these tumblers, and now they are turning around Midgart like a satellite, and the spy's hand is one of them.

Lin thought that it wouldn't be so easy to send out, and there might be some minor problems, but now it is very easy to send out, but it is not far away.

Although it is not inside the pipeline, this position cannot allow a large number of troops to come over, otherwise it will definitely be discovered.

In this case, then explore in this cold world, because before it was thought that there are creators in it, it is possible to discover them.

The surface of this cold world has no nutrients. Lin wants to change her hand into a drill capable of drilling into the ground, drill deep to find a target, and also take a look at the biological absorption that is not found.

As for the marginal space ... Sure enough, I have to go further.

"Go on."

The spy grabbed a plant and threw it into his mouth to chew it up. He wanted to eat some food to grow his hands again, although the hand was not as useful as his hair.

"It's really a Veronica student! Is this going to eat weeds and grow hands?"

Billo stared at the side for a few seconds, and soon guessed the reason why the spy ate the plant.

Sure enough, I have been getting along for a long time, and I have become more and more aware of these wonderful behaviors for the Ershimin ...

"Wow, look at that!"

But Bilu soon turned his attention elsewhere, because a large creature came out between the two trees not far away.

This is a huge ... the creature called theropod dinosaurs on Ershi.

However, the Ershi people generally call it Tyrannosaurus.

Dinosaurs are very common creatures in the evolutionary space. Most of them are much larger than normal records, or have many special mutation structures.

But this tyrannosaurus looks relatively normal, it is more than six meters high, 13 meters long, staring closely at this side.

Upon seeing this, Bilu said immediately: "Class Veronica! Don't move! I've seen it in the movie, and it won't notice us as long as it doesn't move!"

'Boom--' But when Bilu finished speaking, the tyrannosaurus took its steps, causing a heavy noise on the ground and coming towards this side, with his big open mouth biting directly on Bilu's head go with.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Bilu screamed and stepped back, avoiding the attack.

If it stays still, the upper body may be bitten off, then ... it is more difficult to resurrect.

The tyrannosaurus did not continue to chase after Bi Lu bite, but turned his head towards the spy side, but the moment it just made this action, its foot suddenly twisted, and its entire body fell over On the ground.

"Class Veronica! Are you okay!"

Bilu ran over quickly, and the spy was watching the tyrannosaurus that fell down, only to see that it was constantly struggling on the ground, and then ... its abdomen exploded.

A lot of crawled out of the burst part ... things like plants, it seems that this tyrannosaurus was parasitized.

This is not surprising. These plants look like small green balls with a diameter of only ten centimeters. They use very small ... roots crawling on the ground.

After climbing for a while, they stopped, and the ball slowly unfolded, forming a lot of green flowers.

Then, they jumped from the ground and used petals to whirl in the air at high speed, flying into the sky like a propeller.

Bilu exclaimed: "Wow, what's going on? Flowers grow in his stomach?"

"Really." The spy said.

It seemed interesting ... but it was almost time to go, thinking, the spy took Bilu and went further into the jungle.

Passing the bushes, crossing the thorns, jumping over the creek ... Spies and Bilu moved quickly. In the hot and humid jungle environment, there are many giant mosquitoes with a length of more than ten centimeters. They have been flying around and trying to obtain Some ... blood.

But the main concern of the spy is not these bugs, but the little flowers before.

The small flowers of the parasitic tyrannosaurus have always followed the spies and Bilu ... on their heads, flying in the sky, as long as they stop, these flowers will also stop.

They obviously followed deliberately, which made Lin a little interested in them.

Do they follow for simple reasons, or do they follow for complicated reasons?

The pure reason is that they treat spy and bilu purely as prey, and the pure reason is ... what 'instruction' they received to attack spy and bilu.

The latter is more likely, because there has been a series of ... attacks on the academy.

Who did Lin think it was done, and it continued to chase down the members who left the academy ...