"This is Veronica who just entered the college. Please everyone ..."

"Classmate Veronica!"

With a loud bang, the door of the classroom was opened, and Bilu broke into the classroom, which made all the teachers and students look at it in amazement.

This is also the classmate of Bilo and Veronica ... the first meeting in this world.


"Class Veronica! Where did you go? What were you doing before? Would you not know me? I know! It's like those common plots! We are actually the first time now. It ’s unfamiliar to meet, right, if it is, it ’s a pity, but we can also be good friends from now on! You will love me as a friend! "

After class, Bilu always followed Veronica's classmates and kept talking.

Veronica ’s classmates just walked beside him without expression, without any response.

"Student Veronica, why don't you talk, yes, you are of this character! But I know you have a gentle side too, like last time ... oh, this is in my dream , We have undertaken various adventures in our dreams, and I would love to tell you these! "

"Hush." ​​Veronica made a silent gesture to Bilu and said after Bilu stopped: "Did you see ... an alarm clock?"

"You said that very long-winded alarm clock?" Bilu asked: "How could Veronica know this?"

"Take me to see."

"Okay, of course, but the alarm clock is a bit ... strange."

With that in mind, Bilu and Veronica went to Bilu's room. The first thing Biluo grabbed was the alarm clock and handed it to Veronica.

"That's it! It's been wordy before ... Hey, why don't you talk." Bilu shook the alarm clock a few times, but the alarm clock didn't respond.

"Don't pretend to be dead! I've found the dream ... friend as you said! So you have to give me a little response! Why didn't you respond!"

Bilu tried to continue shaking, but the alarm clock was taken by Veronica.

Bilu said: "It's pretending to sleep, Veronica, this is definitely not crazy for me, this alarm clock is really pretending to sleep."

"I know." Veronica said. "Its thinking has been replaced."

"Replaced?" Billy asked. "Replaced?"

"This alarm clock is a batch of the latest smart alarm clocks that the college recently purchased that resembles the old alarm clocks." Veronica said: "Although the appearance looks very old, but it has a new type of intelligent system."

"Wow ... is that true?" Bill said: "What's the matter with it being replaced?"

"It was replaced by another system," Veronica said. "It is the piloting system of the aircraft you are sitting on."

"Aircraft ..." Bilu froze for a moment, then said in surprise: "That's not a dream ... That's ... Is this here, is this a dream? Obviously so ..."

"It's not a dream here," Veronica said. "It's all true."

"But why?" Bilu said: "Class Veronica, why are there so many strange things? Why are you so ..."

"Don't worry," Veronica said. "This is a normal phenomenon created by normal creatures in the void."

"Is this ... normal?"

"They are larger than you, regardless of size or knowledge." Veronica said: "So you can create countless phenomena that you think are ... 'miracles' or 'impossible'."

"But, it's not incomprehensible," Veronica said. "You can't understand it at once, you can understand it slowly."

"Really?" Bilu said: "No matter what ... whatever it becomes, I will follow Veronica's classmates! So what's next?"

"Go to class."

"Okay ... hey? Go to class?"

Next, Bilu felt that he had returned to his normal days and lived in class every day.

But it is now every day ... quite happy, no longer has the sense of emptiness.

Bilu seemed to feel that as long as Veronica's classmates were by his side, it would have nothing to fear.

In this way, over a period of time, Bilu and Veronica took the various courses of the school together, and in some classes, they got the opportunity to leave the college.

Outside the college is the city of Tiangong. This gorgeous floating city has not been destroyed, and the streets have always been so prosperous, whether it is day or night.

Billy had many times to ask Veronica students what was going on?Why is it so ... normal?

But it refrained before every inquiry, and Bilu wanted to keep his current life.

It doesn't want this life to disappear, or something unexpected happen again.

There seems to be no disaster in this world before.

The biggest incidents reported in the news are only armed conflicts in remote areas. Almost all places are peaceful and safe.

This peaceful life, Bilu felt that it would continue until ... One day, the college began to organize some special tasks.

These tasks require students to practice in practice. This exercise requires them to leave the college and go somewhere far away ...

Perform some tasks.

This makes Bilu feel a little ... different.

Although the academy was originally established to cultivate special forces with various abilities, no such actual combat tasks have been received in the lower grades before.

But even if it was a bit strange, Bilu didn't think too much.

It was divided into a group with Veronica students. This group was going to leave the academy to perform tasks on another continent.

The team's goal is to fight against some local dangerous elements, and in this task can use a variety of powerful equipment.

Bilu and Veronica students ... also brought the alarm clock, boarded the plane with other team members and instructors, and began the mission journey.

Before the mission, Veronica said that this is a good opportunity to leave the academy to see what it is like outside.

But Bilu finally couldn't hold back, and asked Veronica students what was going on.

"The previous world was fake." Veronica said so; "And this world may be true."

"I told you before that the world is a creature. This creature has many strange abilities. Even if you create a world that is almost the same as your own ... the world is not difficult. We were on the one we created . "

"Now, it should be on its own. You were originally a resident of the fake world and came here because of some anomalies."

"But ... it's not completely certain."