4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3069 DLCPM0036703000 SECURITY

"They have been attacking us all the time!"

The sound of guns firing, the explosion of gunfire, and the smoke rising from everywhere echoed in the air, which looked like a war.

Bilu was now on a high tower.

This tower is called the 'Nine Outpost' and is the base of the Ershimin Research Group.

But not long ago, they suddenly found that all communication here was cut off, and then ... a huge army of corpses appeared in the distance.

This is the information that Bilo currently knows.

Although it wants to know more, no one has the spare time to explain it.

Now here is in a state of battle, and each of the Ershi people walked to the edge of the top of the tower, firing at them with weapons in their hands.

Many corpses are climbing up the tower wall.

To be precise, they are not climbed up, but ... piled up, because the outer wall of this tower is very smooth, but the corpses have a huge number, they are constantly piled up at the bottom of the tower, so that the whole group slowly squeezed towards the tower top.

"Quickly kill them!"

The weapons in the hands of the Ershi people here are constantly pouring firepower on the corpses accumulated underneath. The high temperature gushing out of the weapons can easily scorch these shrivelled corpses.

But it has not much effect on their overall progress, they can continue to squeeze up on the same kind of dust.

"Is there no explosive weapon?"

Billo also looked at the edge of the tower, and the cadavers piled up underneath, making weird wails made Billo feel ... very eager to blow them all up.

But Bilu just saw a small number of Dash people throwing explosive bombs. Although they could blow up a group of corpses, soon more corpses filled the previous gap.

"Be careful! The ball is over!"

There was a shout from Irshmin next to him, and Bilu looked up and saw a ... ball flying towards here.

This ball is not an ordinary ball, but a pile of corpses held together ... a corpse ball.

Bilu quickly rolled to the side, and the corpse ball hit the place where it was originally. A large number of corpses and limbs flew around with the sound of the sound ...

Although many corpses fell and some were crushed at the time of the impact, there were still many left. They screamed at the top of the tower and rushed towards the surrounding people.

"Solve them!"

The weapons on the tower were all aimed at the group of corpses at this moment, and under a burst of fire, only a large amount of dust remained on the ground.

The Ershi people did not look at the dust on the ground any more. They all turned their heads to look down, and then focused on the corpses below.

Bilu also looked under his eyes again. The corpses below were densely packed, and it seemed impossible to hit them.

And if you go on like this, you will also suffer the kind of "corpse ball" attack just now.

The 'corpse ball' flew from a dense group of corpses not far away, but Bilu didn't see anything thrown out of this ball.

Not those large corpses, although they are also grabbing the same kind and throwing them here, but they smashed the tower ... It seems that they want to smash the tower.

"Damn, the ammunition has run out."

Bilu saw a Ershimin next to him throw away the gun in his hand: "We can't do anything next!"

"Why can't we drive this away?" Bilu pointed to a few aircraft lanes parked on the tower.

"This can't fly!" Ershimin replied.

"Why can't I fly?" Billy asked, "Is there no gas?"

"No ..." said Ershimin: "If you fly with these, you will be attacked."

"It's better to be attacked than to be piled up and killed here! I'll take a look!"

Speaking of Bilu, he ran into the nearest helicopter-shaped aircraft.

"Hey? Wait!"

Regardless of the dissuasion of the Ershi people, Bilu directly started the aircraft's engine ... Under the boom, the aircraft slowly rose from the ground.

"The model of this aircraft is 8-22A armed helicopter. The aircraft detects that you are a new pilot. Please observe the following regulations when driving this aircraft ..."

"No need to introduce it, I don't know how many times I have played in the game!"

After turning off the "introduction" that popped up on the operation panel, Biluo quickly steered the plane into the air.

Most of the people on the tower below noticed this situation, and many of them showed surprised expressions, but they didn't have much time to ignore it.

"What exactly is an attack?"

Billo looked at the operation panel and said: "There seems to be another base nearby, so go there ... In short, you must first contact Veronica students!"

The plane quickly flew towards the location indicated by the map on the operation panel. In fact, most of it is automatic and does not need to be operated, so Bilu can have a lot of idle time to see the outside environment.

A large group of corpses outside ... densely like the ocean, Lin also saw ...

They cover this land, and the number should be hundreds of thousands. Most of them are short individuals about one meter tall, but there are also some giant individuals with huge bodies.

In addition to corpses, you can also see some corpse insects inside, but their number is very small, and it is difficult to find.

Lin felt that these corpse worms were commanding, and if they were resolved, the corpse might stop attacking.

Bilu didn't care much. It looked at the large group of corpses below, and his emotions became more and more worried and frightened.

It was afraid that it would fall, and that ... such a large army of corpses would threaten Ersh.

The army of the Ershi people can easily blow up this army, but the weapon of the Ershi people at the outpost was quite small.

So they ca n’t resist, but they ca n’t fly out.

As for the reason?

Billo hasn't met it yet, it only knows ... flying forward.

Indeed, Bilu did not encounter any danger, except that the huge corpse army below looked terrible, it was safely ... flew to the next place.

This is also a base.

Compared with the previous tower, it is much larger here, and it is an area with a diameter of more than 200 meters.

It is surrounded by a circular wall with a height of more than ten meters, and there are many buildings of different sizes in the wall, there is also a small airport stop and many transportations, and ... a group of busy Rush people.

They have also been attacked here. A large number of corpses have surrounded this base, but thanks to the machine turrets on the surrounding walls, the zombies are not as strong about the siege here as before ...