"Work hard! This belongs to our world! Not theirs! Work hard ... Ahhhh!"

Under the grey sky ... The e-books worn by Phoenix continue to speak passionate words.

Phoenix also spread its wings with words, and flew in the rain of the Ershimin.

They ... are really many.

In the sky, a large number of Ershi people keep falling. They are all limbless and 70% of the mechanized Ershi people.

They are just like this ... constantly falling from the air, some will explode, but most of them are not exploded but piled on the ground.

Regardless of whether it was a blast, the first thing that the falling Shirmin did was to continuously spit out a large number of spherical explosive shells.

The roar echoed throughout the space station, and the explosion continued with the rain of the Ershi people.

But Lin found that this kind of explosion did not harm the underground environment ... because a large amount of the remains of the Ershi people accumulated on the ground, they blocked a lot of the explosion energy.

So this can't affect the main body of coal worms located underground, but it seems to affect ... the sky.

As the Ershi people continued to fall, the explosion continued to roar on the surface, Lin found that the sky ... there was a crack.

To be precise, a crack appeared on the edge of this small space.

It seems that the continuous appearance and explosion of this group of people will make the whole space unstable, and ...


Lynn found everything dark.

The sky suddenly exploded and the darkness covered everything ... However, many of Lynn's mice had anti-coagulation substances, which were actually skin fragments of coal worms.

So they can still move around and watch around.

Everything is now frozen, a large number of the Ershi people, and the phoenix in the sky ... it is still in the mass of the Ershi people in the flying pose.

It seems that the space of the coal worm exploded just now, and then everything in the entire space returned to the solidified void.

To be precise, it is back to the dead static field, because the small space of coal worms is originally located in the static field.

Moreover, Lin also saw the static field ... the power of death, and the main body of the coal worm located underground broke apart within seconds after the space exploded.

It seemed that there was a huge force ... pulling it, pulling its body apart and breaking it into countless pieces.

As for other coal worm soldiers underground, they are in the same state. Without the protection of space, the frozen field instantly kills these solidified creatures.

Instead of solidified creatures, you can still live here.

Lin felt that she should figure out this wonderful power ... but Lin had to be a unit first.

Lin decided to try to collect all the wreckage of coal worms, and then create some special arms.

At the same time, Lin is also looking at another place.


The sky is gray, and countless buildings stand on the ground. These buildings are made of wood or metal, some are ... a mixture of the two.

A large number of Ershi people walked back and forth among these buildings, all of them wearing dusty clothes, carrying some large boxes and other objects in their hands.

It looks ... it looks like a factory here, but it is much larger than the small space of coal worms.

Because here is filled with a lot of buildings.

However, most buildings are not factories but houses, with the lowest floor and the highest three floors, and there are many clothes worn by people.

Several of Lynn's mice flew high in the sky ... now they are flying squirrels, because they all spread their wings between their hands and feet.

Lin looked at the busy Ershi people below. Lin found that many of them did not move things, but walked back and forth between the buildings.

But they all kept walking, and none of them stopped.

"Hello! Don't stop, go!"

Suddenly, Lin noticed that a Shirmin crouched down in the alley below, and a companion next to it immediately lifted it up.

"I'm so tired ... I ..." And this Shirmin didn't want to go at all, he tried to squat down to rest again, and his companion shouted nervously: "Don't rest! Stand up quickly. ! "

Suddenly, Lin found the building wall next to it ... opened a mouth, a mechanical arm extended from the inside grabbed the rest of the Shirmin, and pulled it into the building.

"Wait! It just squatted ... Wait!" The wall of the building didn't open no matter what the Shirmin called.

At the same time, Lin heard a burst of mechanical sounds from the building, which continued for ... thousands of seconds.

Linde left a flying squirrel hovering and watching.

After the sound finally stopped, the top of the building was opened, and a burst of "swoosh" sounded.

... The previously captured Ershi people shot from the top of the building and headed towards the sky.

Lynn noticed that the firing people were ... transformed into 70% mechanized ... the kind of people who just attacked the coal worm space.

Sure enough, the mechanized Ershi people were created here, but ... it seems that the Ershi people who made mistakes will be made mechanical.

Lin continued to fly around in the air for a while, and Lin found that all the people here had no purpose ...

No matter whether they move things or not, they are just walking non-stop, but as long as they stop, they may be caught by the nearby buildings and transformed into robots and fired.

The cyborgs fired may be used to attack other spaces.

Then ... Lynn saw the night here.

There is still night in this place, which is quite interesting.

After night, the group of Irshmen could finally rest. When it was dark that day, they all lay on the ground. Lin also saw that the building next to it would throw out some food.

These foods are much more plentiful than the coal worm factory. Lin saw scented foods such as ham, hamburger, and barbecue.

Of course, there are many ... drinks such as fine wine.

It seems that after a day of suffering, they can enjoy it here.

However, Lin noticed that the group of Ershi people didn't seem to want to eat meat, most of them only eat the meatless part.

Of course, there are also some people who are all stuffed into meat or whatever.

Lynn flew to the ground while watching them rest.

Lin noticed that there was ... a very strong microorganism on the ground.

They can quickly decompose the food residues, dander, and various things spilled by the Ershi people, so that the ground looks very ... clean.

So Lin decided to break down this group of microorganisms to create more arms to explore here.

First ... these buildings next to it.

After Lin's preliminary detection, Lin found that it was true.

The meat in these delicacies eaten by the Ershi people ... most of them come from the same kind.