In order to stop the operation of all young machinery, a special ingredient has been incorporated into the dust produced in all factories.

These special ingredients will cause adverse effects with general biological dust.

After eating biological dust, the intelligence of these machines will increase.

But after eating biological dust mixed with special ingredients, the mechanical thinking will slowly stop working, and finally will not move at all.

Of course, this special ingredient is only effective for young machines, but it has no effect for those very old machines.

The plan to stop the young machinery is proceeding smoothly, because the young machinery does not know that there is such a thing.

And at the same time ... The legendary phoenix drifting in the solid void initially fell into a factory.

It couldn't see its body at that time, nor did it know how big it was.

But it can clearly see the surrounding environment, and at the same time, it also finds itself flowing down the drain with the flow of dust, and finally reaches the sea of ​​dust in the big empty hole.

It finds itself slowly being flooded with a lot of dust, but while it is being flooded, it finds that it can move.

It finally saw his body.

It found itself into ... a creature the size of a hen.

It's just that it didn't shine like a burning light, but in fact it didn't shine at all.

Because it noticed itself ... actually a mechanical larva.

I was very surprised when it once became a legendary phoenix and found that it became a mechanical larvae, but because it was able to move, this is a very happy thing.

At first it was just running around and exploring this dusty world.

But it was soon noticed by ... those highly intelligent machines.

Because these machines are not outward appearances, but use intelligence to judge the degree of a compatriot.

Although it is still the shape of a larval machine, but because of its legendary phoenix thinking, it was soon regarded by high-level machinery as a compatriot with strong 'potential'.

Most machines grow slowly through a long period of cubs, but some have very high intelligence early on.

For this kind of potential, they will be invited by the original high-intelligence machinery to join the ranks of world dominators.

So, the high-level machinery sent an invitation to this phoenix, and they took it to the place where the high-level machinery gathered.

And showed it the general situation of the world.

Phoenix initially had little interest in this, until the high-level machinery told it something about the Phoenix Kingdom of stars ... things.

It only became concerned.

A machine told it that they have been planning a revenge against the kingdom of Phoenix ... they have a special set of equipment to see the situation on the side of the star.

This 'special equipment' needs to take advantage of the storm of gas giants.

Whenever a gas giant blows an emerald green storm, the device can observe the star's kingdom of phoenix through the solidified void.

The legendary phoenix was very interested in it, so it also observed the situation of the star through the device.

Then ... it was angry.

The thing it cares about most is its own ... record.

Because the pride of war before it has always been in the mood.

But by observing the star, it found that the Phoenix there ... didn't preach its record at all.

Although it was said that a statue was built for it, it was only used to commemorate its birth, not to commemorate its epic battle.

In that battle, many phoenixes successfully returned to the stellar kingdom alive.

But they just say that the legendary Phoenix is ​​missing.

There was no mention of its fighting situation at all.

This makes the legendary Phoenix very angry.

After that, it observed for a long time, and it found that ... no one mentioned the battle again.

The only thing remembered by other Phoenix is ​​its birth.

This caused its pride to disappear.

It originally thought that the Phoenix companions would promote its heroic battle on a large scale and praise its story.

Why didn't they mention it at all?Legendary Phoenix thought about some reasons, but that is not important anymore.

In anger, it decided ... to personally remind those Phoenixs of that battle.

It needs to plan a battle similar to that battle, so that the fellow Phoenix can feel it again, and can not forget it.

For this, it needs the machinery of this world.

It decided to use the machinery here to help it reach this idea.

So it showed its identity to a machine, it said that it was a phoenix, and let the machine help it reach its idea.

Of course, out of hatred for the Phoenix, this machine immediately attacked it, but it was defeated by it ...

Although the legendary phoenix turned into a small machine, it found that it could still control some gravity.

Although these high-level machines have high intelligence, they are not strong.

As for why it angers machines, it is to devour their consciousness.

Because Phoenix discovered ... the mechanical thinking structures here can be fused together.

If you put the two thinking systems together, they will slowly stick together and become a new fusion.

It has seen some machines 'engulf' each other.

At this time, the higher intelligence, that is, the mechanical thinking that used to eat more biological dust, will dominate as a new fusion ... consciousness.

However, the general machinery will not do this, because there is no special benefit, the thinking that devours other machinery cannot live longer, and there is a danger that the thinking will collapse.

Legendary Phoenix believes that its consciousness is higher than all machines, but just in case, it first angers the machines. The anger will reduce the intelligence of these machines to the extreme.

Then kill them in anger, and then take out your own thinking structure and annex this mechanical thinking structure.

Use this method to ensure that you can completely eat the other party.

In fact, there are still some advantages to integration, that is, to obtain the memory of the other party, but the general machinery does not think this is a benefit.

In this way, Phoenix slowly killed many high-level machinery.

Because these machines don't usually stay together, and they have gained a lot of mechanical memory of the phoenix, if they want to sneak attack on other machines, it is also very easy to achieve.

Of course, when it killed more and more high-intelligence machines, it was still noticed.

It was just that the Phoenix at that time was no longer an opponent they could solve, because it had a lot of mechanical memory, and it had a lot of weapons and facilities.

Moreover, it has adjusted these weapon facilities. The original weapon facilities can only fight things outside the void, but it has been adjusted to be able to fight anywhere.

Finally, after defeating all high-intelligence machines, the legendary Phoenix slowly and completely controlled the satellite.