4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3580 DLCPM0016703000 TECH

This void ... There are many pieces floating.

Lin moved along the "body" that detected the whirlwind.

It can be found that it opened a small outlet at a certain position in the sand sea of ​​the model, allowing the body to extend into the passage through the inlet.

Then the body in the channel continues to extend to a position on the channel.

There is also an exit here, and through this exit ... one can reach somewhere outside in the void.

Lin found that the total length of the "body" that detected the cyclone was tens of millions of kilometers ... but it was very narrow, only a few tens of meters wide.

In fact, it can be said that it is a thread made up of a large number of primitive elements condensed together.

The feeling of cohesion at the beginning of Yuan gave Lin a very interesting feeling. Although it has similarities with the dream energy, it caused less impact on the normal void.

But it will strengthen and become a cohesion of nothing, which will affect the normal void.

However, after it has become a nucleus that can produce gravity, it will not return to its original state.

That is, detecting a whirlwind can turn every part of its body into a gravitational whirlwind, but every time a whirlwind is made, its ... body will become smaller.

There may be other ways to supplement, but Lin felt that the speed of supplementation should be very slow.

Lin also found another point ... the whirlwind it created was not actually it, but an independent group of whirlwind creatures.

It just inherits the memory and can convey its meaning.

Simply put, it is similar to the formation of a new phoenix around the body of the stellar phoenix, the detection of the whirlwind around the body ... can also form new whirlwind creatures.

So Lin still called it "Yuanyuan whirlwind".

In short, they are all very old creatures, and phoenixes and whirlwinds are mainly born through the condensation of their primitive bodies.

The stellar phoenix can currently produce tremendous power. It should be that the phoenix transformed most of its early years into uncondensed ... so that it can directly use gravitational power.

But it still retains some early Yuan, so it can continue to produce Phoenix cubs around its body.

Lin is not very familiar with this kind of ... 'energy', but on the whole ... The condensation at the beginning of the Yuan is the source of the birth of Phoenix and Cyclone.

According to Lin's current observations, it seems that it is hard to be affected by normal things, and it can exist even in stars.

But they themselves have no way to affect the normal void, unless it is transformed into a gravitational non-condensation, but after transformation they must rely on normal matter, and after the normal matter is broken up, the non-condensation meets Completely disappeared.

Cohesion at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty can be supplemented, so neither the stellar Phoenix nor the Cyclone at the beginning of the Yuan will be completely exhausted in the end due to the continuous production of the Phoenix and the Cyclone, but it is not yet known how and how it is replenished.

Seen in this light, Lin felt that she might be able to follow these clues ... to find out about her own "consciousness".

Regardless of whether it is dream energy or condensed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Lin feels similar to her 'consciousness', but there are many different places.

Obviously all the clues should come from unforeseen places. Is Lin actually the creature from there?

Lin felt it was a bit possible.

All in all, we need to continue ... to investigate.

So Lin came to this place, the whirlwind from the beginning of the Yuan all the way to ... the passageway entrance.

Lynn came here with a pom-pom with a diameter of about 50 meters. This pom-pom was wearing some ... probes.

This kind of detector is obtained from the sand ball, which can directly detect the condensation of the Yuan Dynasty through it.

At first, it was through the invention of this kind of detector that the sand-ball was invented, only to discover what the "detection device" was.

Later, they have been using this observation and detection device, that is, the movement of the whirlwind at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and later found that it disappeared, this detector has never been used.

They did not try to find it, so they stored the detector in the sand sea.

And now it can be easily used by Lin ... to discover the condensed early Yuan.

This detector is similar to a 'telescope', which can connect the signal detected inside to the internal brain nerve of the pompon and translate it into some images.

Therefore, Lin can directly "see" that the early Yuan Dynasty condensed in the channel and converged into a river ... like a galaxy.

This 'galaxy' extends all the way to an entrance to the void outside. The entrance and the surrounding environment look exactly the same. In short, there is no entrance but the condensation of the Yuan Dynasty extends to this location and disappears.

So Lin also let the pompon fly to this position, and then ...

The pompom instantly discovered that the surrounding environment had made a huge change and became a ... void.

Here is a place in the normal void, Lin can see many around the pompon ... condensed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Like light spots, they emerge from the location of the pompon, that is, the location of the entrance and exit, and then diffuse around the ... void.

This feeling seems that there is no way to condense in the normal void in the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, and it will disperse as soon as you get outside.

Perhaps it is only a special environment that allows them to converge and form consciousness, for example, stars and channels may be considered.

But even if it scatters outside, it can pass the signal as soon as it reaches the entrance.

It does not send a signal directly to the void, but in some other way ... that is, to create a small cyclone.

Some early condensates will 'strengthen' quickly when they come apart.

That is, it becomes a state of no condensation, creating a small gravitational circle.

But this little gravitation that has just been generated will soon disappear without a trace, but there are some ... good luck.

They were formed with debris or something around them, and these debris quickly gathered and formed the core.

At this time, even if it becomes a small cyclone creature, it will not dissipate and will continue to drift forward.

In the end they all float to the place in front ...

From Lin's position, it was a completely dark place.

It is wrapped in a layer of black like thick fog, and some small cyclones formed here continue to drift there.

Each whirlwind carries some information about the model, and they seem to want to bring the information into the darkness.

Therefore, Lin also let the pompon float away.

Because of the close distance ... only about one million kilometers, the pompom quickly floated to the position and flew into the dense black mist.

The dense fog is not very thick, and the pompon passed through it soon ... Then, Lin saw the world that Lin had always wanted to create.

That is the 'third boundary' in the shape of flowers.

It looks intact ... in this position.