These tiny creatures are called 'Italian bacteria'.

They are small creatures themselves, but they have a special ability to perceive the kind of people around them.

It also includes those that are on different flowers.

Generally speaking, the living creatures on different flowers are also different, but there are also some same species.

This is mainly due to the occasional contact of flowers.

However, "Yi Bing" only simply feels that there are similar species there, and they cannot communicate with similar species.

But because of this, their thinking is relatively rich, and they often care about where the same kind in the distance is ... what they are doing.

Long-term thinking seems to be able to promote the development of this biological consciousness. They slowly noticed the world in which they live and those who live in other similar world.

Simply put, they have wisdom.

The first step in their wisdom is not to create something, but to pay attention to the surrounding environment and understand their ... situation.

Through perception and his own calculations and investigations, Italian bacteria quickly noticed that they lived in a flower-like world.

The same kind of people around them also live in a similar world.

The Italian bacteria that have acquired this knowledge are very excited, and they continue to conduct more investigations.

They can't actually 'see' other flowers around them. After all, they are ... small, but they still know these things through a series of investigations and studies.

At first I learned that so many Italian bacteria did not do anything special, they did not want to fly out of the flowers of their lives.

Until ... "Bow swallow" began to devour all the flowers.

At some point, Italian bacteria noticed that many of the same species around them are disappearing in large numbers.

They are very concerned about what is going on in this situation, so Italian bacteria have tried their best to know that initially they have no good way to know.

They can perceive the position of the same kind, but they can't communicate directly ... In the case of no way, many flower fungi began their journey.

For the first time, they had the idea of ​​leaving the world they were in and went to another world.

But it is just to know the situation of the same kind.

But they have never been able to fly out, they can only travel around in the world of flowers they are looking for and find a way.

And a group of Italian bacteria traveled to a very wonderful location ... They accidentally found the entrance to the "underground" while traveling.

They entered the deep underground, that is, the body of flowers.

Here they met quite a lot of creatures, and at the end of the journey, Italian bacteria came to a special place.

They found ... here they can directly 'see' everything.

Not just every corner of the flower itself, they can also see the surroundings of the flower.

They also saw here ... the surrounding flowers were swallowed by the explosion.

In fact, the location of these Italian bacteria can be regarded as the place where the nerve structure of the flower is located.

It is said that the flowers deliberately "guide" them to come here, and let them see everything here.

After the fungus understood why the same kind of people around it disappeared on a large scale, they also became very scared.

Because they have no way to stop this.

But at this moment they suddenly felt a ... signal directly into their thinking.

This signal tells Italian bacteria that they have a way to stop all this.

But they need ... sacrifice.

Although Italian bacteria are a species that is afraid of death, they are also very conscious of their kind.

If they can sacrifice themselves to save the world of flowers that have not been swallowed, they may be willing.

So the signal tells them the details of their plan.

The plan is actually very simple, that is, after being "swallowed", the flowers will be decomposed completely, but ... the above creatures, including Italian bacteria, should not be decomposed.

They may continue to live in a swallowing body.

And what the Italian fungus needs to do is to destroy the flowers after they are swallowed ...

However, Italian bacteria do not have that kind of ability, so they need to use a ... explosive shell.

To be precise, let the Italian bacteria explode.

The signal tells Italian bacteria that they can go to a place in this underground area and swallow a large amount of a certain substance.

This substance will not harm them in a short time, but will slowly produce a violent reaction in their bodies.

In the end, a strong explosion will be triggered, which can blow up the entire explosion.

Because the explosive swallow will soon devour here, so the bacteria must act quickly.

These Italian bacteria soon made a decision, they decided to sacrifice themselves to save more of the same kind of flowers.

Then they swallowed those ... explosive substances as the signal said.

Next, just like the plan, the burst swallow came soon and swallowed the entire flower.

The bacteria in the flower are not broken down with the flower. In fact, they are placed in some cystic organs together with most of the creatures that originally lived on the flower.

Everything seems to be going well, but something went wrong in the last step ... because this group of Italian bacteria did not explode.

After being swallowed up, the Italian bacteria felt another strong signal.

This is a sign of willingness to swallow ...

Suddenly they learned that the explosion swallowed all the flowers in order to integrate them and recreate a most primitive, huge flower form.

At that moment, the flowers will be restored to their original form.

Of course, it also includes species such as Italian fungi that originally lived on flowers.

Explosive thinking tells them that they have a much larger body than they are now and live in a huge world.

Although Italian bacteria have no direct concept of things like size, they think it is a great ideal.

They agree with the idea of ​​swallowing all the flowers and reconstructing a huge world.

Then they decided not to explode, but they would explode sooner or later because they swallowed explosive substances ...

So they found a way to leave the blast, in order not to blow it.

They searched for the path to leave in the body of the swallow, and later they finally climbed to the skin of the swallow.

But at this time ... Almost no time left, the bacteria were exploded before they jumped out of the skin.

However, this explosive power is not strong, only leaving a little scar on the body of a few hundred meters in length.

It's impossible to blow up the entire blast.

But there is another effect, that is ... Letting the swallows go crazy.

Because the real effect of the explosion ... is to influence its thinking.