"What is a miracle?"

"It has always affected us ... everything that affects us."

"Because, we may also be one of the miracles."

This is a legend that does not know how old.

There is a legend about the creatures in the mud ...

These creatures were originally the species living in the void tunnel, and later left the miracle creatures they have been following for various reasons.

The reason for leaving ... is a mystery.

Why did they leave? They didn't record this reason, they just recorded ... many miracles that miracle creatures have done.

Although there is no reason for separation from the miracle creature, the mud clearly records all the miracles created by the miracle creature.

But at first it was just records, they did nothing.

Until ... after a long, long time.

Mud populations have undergone countless changes, no matter where they live, or their habits ... Body structure has also undergone various changes in this long time.

At present, their way of life is like this ... Generally speaking, the 'foundation' of mud is very huge.

This mud usually has a size of tens of hundreds of kilometers, and they are often called 'ancient mud'.

That is, the mud that lived from a long time ago to the present, of course, all kinds of knowledge and memories are also recorded in this huge body.

However, their memories of themselves are not as easy to extract as ordinary creatures, but like visiting museums, they need to be "read" more slowly.

This will have a wonderful feeling. These muds usually do not think that these memories are their own, but think that they are looking at the records left from an ancient time.

And they don't care much about these records, and they don't value the previous history as much as individual creatures.

Sometimes they will question the accuracy of some memories, then they will remove this part of the memory and replace it with a new one.

Sometimes it simply dislikes this memory and removes it.

Therefore, since history, ancient muds have modified their own history countless times, so they have not recorded their own ... origin.

The only thing that hasn't changed is their 'language' and their record of miracles.

The kinds of miracles created by miracle creatures have always been clearly retained by each ancient mud and have never been modified.

Perhaps it is because the records of these miracles have never been questioned by them.

As for the "language", they also learned from the miracle creatures, they have always recorded this way of communication.

But in addition to these two, other history can be said to have been overthrown and reshaped by them countless times.

They do not know what their origin is, and the recorded history is not correct.

To be precise, the records of each ancient mud are different ... This is because they like to modify the results.

And the life of ancient mud ... relies on their 'juniors'.

The younger generation, that is, the mud is much smaller than them.

The mud is split from the huge ancient mud, and every time it splits, this small mud will be ... assigned to some memory.

Although the split mud works differently, the memory contents are relatively similar.

They all think of themselves as a ... new generation, and need to continue to take tasks from their predecessors to complete and grow.

There are many contents of these tasks, from simple activities such as exploring or collecting food to activities to blow up a world. In these activities, the mud will continue to grow.

Of course, suicide tasks cannot grow, but there are not many suicide tasks.

After growing large enough, the initial small mud will become a 'predecessor', that is, those individuals that Lin calls the mud lord.

After the little mud sent by the lord has done enough tasks, they will return to the lord, then the lord will ...

'Reward' them.

That is to devour them.

Then the lord again released a batch of small mud, let them perform the task and repeat the above process.

The lord grows himself by continuously feeding small mud and devouring mature ones.

Finally, after the lord has grown to a certain level, he will return to the ancient mud ... and be swallowed by the ancient mud.

This is their ecological process.

In fact, the mud that has not been split out can actually grow, and all of them will eventually be returned to the ancient mud.

After the ancient mud swallowed the returned mud, it could get all the memories inside, like everything the mud saw in the course of life.

Ancient mud has also grown in this way.

They never reproduce, after all, each small mud that splits out will eventually be recovered.

However, it is said that some small mud is outside ... If you are lost and unable to return, they may grow a little bit, and eventually become as huge as ancient mud.

What's more interesting here is that the little mud that splits out doesn't know that it will eventually be swallowed.

They all think they can grow stronger and stronger in the end.

Including those mud lords, although they are doing the process of splitting out small mud and swallowing the small mud continuously, they do not know that they will be swallowed when they finally return to the ancient mud.

Maybe they doubted it, but it is said that ... no mud has ever really resisted this fate.

At the same time, they are not just stocking mud. The small mud made by mud lords usually has a parasitic function.

If they encounter a suitable creature, they will parasitize this creature to control its nerves, and the parasitic creature will ... treat itself as part of the mud, and finally it will go back to the lord and be swallowed.

Of course, this is mud ... The recent ecological habits were not known long ago. It is said that they were not like this at first.

There are a lot of mud in ancient times, but there is no intersection between them. It's only that they each live their own stocking of small mud. If they are just some important things, they can contact the same kind.

Ancient mud usually doesn't move much by itself, but by constantly splitting small mud to explore everywhere, they also know a lot of various things in the void.

Because nothing hits their population, they have always been very calm.

Until ... the appearance of a miracle.

The miracles left by the miracle creatures long ago began to appear one by one.

These manifested miracles caused them a huge ... crisis

Because of the discovery of ancient mud, a variety of ... miracles are also appearing in one's own body.