4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution


All miracles ... can't happen.

The miracle must be stopped before it happens ...

This is actually quite simple.

After all, in the memory of ancient mud, the time and place of these miracles are recorded.

So, while trying to repair part of its body destroyed by miracles, it tried to prevent these miracles from happening.

It not only splits a lot of new mud, it also makes all the mud that was explored in free activities begin to perform this task ...

Creatures that stop miracles.

There are many types of miracles, but the place where they occur is usually not ... difficult to deal with.

For example, many miracles happened to a tumbler or some creatures. For these miracles, it can be prevented.

The way ancient mud stopped these miracles is very simple, that is, to completely destroy the place where the miracle occurred.

The mud it produces can transform itself into very strong explosives, and they can destroy those miracle sites through these explosives.

Initially, the ancient mud destroyed a lot of miracles, but ... it found it useless.

Because, miracles ... too much.

Even if it dispatches all the troops and contacts the same kind to destroy the miracle together, their destruction speed can't keep up with the miracle ... occurrence speed.

After all, there are not too many troops in ancient mud, and it has no more time to produce a large number of troops.

So, the ancient mud came up with another method in an emergency.

To be precise ... it was doubtful.

Why do these miracles happen to it?Why is it related to these miracles?

Successive miracles have caused dramatic changes in its body, but it has not killed it, but is torturing it.

Ancient mud turned doubt into actual action, and it began to study why miracles happened to it.

In its own memory, it looked up all the data ... After reading a lot of miracle data, it came to a conclusion.

That is ... The mud population is also a kind of miracle that the miracle creature laid down.

Although they had doubted it before, they are now quite sure.

The whole population of mud is also one of the miracles, and it is quite a miracle.

It's not that this miracle is large in scale, but that miracle creatures want to make them a "miniature" of all miracles.

In the vast void, all the miracles that occur will be in the mud at the same time as they happen ... The body appears an identical 'mini version of miracle'.

When tens of millions of miracles occur, the mud creatures will become the gathering place of countless miracles, these miracles show together, but will not destroy them.

When countless miracles occur in them, their bodies will change drastically, but after these miracles happen ... their bodies will enter a state of 'miracle balance'.

It is a wonderful state that can show thousands of miracles at the same time, but will not collapse.

This is like a star that changes rapidly from moment to moment, but the whole can maintain long-term stability.

The mud will also become this state after a lot of miracles.

This state can be called ... 'Star of Miracles'.

This is arguably one of the greatest miracles among the miracles buried by miracle creatures.

Information about this miracle has actually been recorded in the ancient mud miracle record a long time ago.

It's just that there is no mention of the mud population in this record, and it has never thought that it is the star that turned into a miracle.

Of course, ancient mud did not care about any miracle stars.

What it cares most about ... seems to be that state, its consciousness has no place in it.

At that time, the ancient mud as a whole will become an object that shows various miracles, which are constantly changing, but maintaining stability.

By that time, the only things left in its body were various records of miracles.

These records are located in the most central position, and the purpose of leaving it may be to introduce these miracles to creatures that may enter the miracle star.

After careful study of the miracle data, the ancient mud knew all this.

At the same time, it must also stop all this and become a star of miracles. In fact, it is equivalent to a landscape in the void. By then it will have no life.

But there is no point in destroying other miracles alone ... Ancient mud must be found from a deeper place.

It seeks through their 'origin'.

The "origin" of cellular organisms is the nuclear information in the body, everything is built around this.

Mud itself is not a cellular organism, but there are some similar things in its body, which control the growth and operation of all the structures of the mud body, which can be said to be the basis of their lives.

Ancient mud believed that miracle creatures had contaminated their 'basis of life' a long time ago.

And the miracle creature has been set up so that this pollution will appear at this time, and the mud species can be changed from within.

Let them become 'miracle stars'.

For a long time, all the mud has never noticed this kind of thing ... only recently.

It seems unstoppable, but the ancient mud did not give up.

It believes that since they can destroy other miracles, it can certainly prevent the miracles that happen to them.

It ... investigates continuously.

The result is still good, it found more information.

That is about the change of the miracle star, which does not happen purely in its body.

It needs to cooperate with other miracles, that is, when the miracle in the distance is fully revealed, there will be some kind of signal ... transmitted to the body of the mud.

After its body receives this kind of response, it will start to change and generate similar miracles.

As long as ... distorting this signal, intercepting it or blocking it, it can prevent miracles in yourself.

However, it is completely in concept for these signals.

Ancient mud did not know what this signal was, or even determined whether it was such a signal.

It's just guessing that there is a signal transmission between the body and other miracles.

But even so, it tried to take a solution.

It tries to ... use something to intercept the signal that I don't know if there is.

And the thing used for interception is its ... kind of.

To be precise, it is the small mud that it splits.

It has always been a doubt, the small mud itself is considered to be one with it, but no miracle will happen to those small mud.

Maybe this ... can save yourself.