4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3719 DLCPM0027040000 TECH

"Now, it seems to run away."

It is said that this access space ... almost collapsed.

When it collapses ... what happens to Lin before will happen.

That is, those floating manufacturing bodies, they will all die.

Sand ray originally thought that all the manufactured bodies would die, so Lin and Zero two pompoms surprised him.

What actually surprised the manta ray was that the manta ray also died.

Sand ray itself can be regarded as a manufacturing organism, but they are not the same as ordinary manufacturing bodies, and have special properties.

But in the end ... Why do manufacturing organisms die?

In fact, the sand ray is not very clear, but they know that ... the existence of the manufacturing body here is related to the unpredictable place.

As long as this connection is lost, they cannot continue to maintain.

But the sand ray originally thought that this situation would not affect themselves, so it would stay here for so long ... but if it would affect it, then the situation is not good.

"We ... should leave quickly."

In fact, when Lin and Sandael were chatting, they had been ... escaping.

Sand ray believes that it is no longer possible to return to the hometown, and going there may die at any time, so the only destination is to move to the unpredictable place.

But obviously this is also very dangerous, because I don't know when this space will completely collapse.

The only rescue may be ... finding some entrances and exits on the way to move.

As I said before, there are definitely many entrances and exits that can lead to and from the township, but I do n’t know where those entrances are.

Now he can only search while moving in the direction of unpredictable places.

Therefore, the two pompoms are now moving fast along the light beam of the lighthouse with the sand ray ...

"Have you not explored it all the time?" As she floated, she asked the sand ray: "The location of those entrances."

"No." Asha replied: "We have tried it, but we didn't find it ... we didn't really care about this kind of thing at the time."

"Maybe ... it's too late."

Accompanying the words of the sand ray, its speed has become faster and faster.

There is indeed nothing that can be seen here, except for the light beam above, all the places are dark scenery.

There were still some things like stones before. Lin also asked the sand ray what the stones are. The sand ray told Lin that some creatures were piled up with normal void matter.

That kind of creature is a kind of unpredictable creature, they have already left here long ago.

Fast movement ... it just keeps going.

Lin didn't know how long it would last, one day and night, two days and nights ... three days and nights.

The pompoms passed quickly day and night, one by one, and Lin found that she was still in front.

Until ... the tenth day and night of the ten pompon.

There is almost no such thing as creating creatures, as long as they have been supplemented with food, they can continue to move.

By the tenth day and night, the three creatures that had kept moving fast stopped.

Because the beam of light stopped here.

"This ... actually disconnected?"

Sand ray was also surprised by this.

It has said before that it believes that the light beam of this lighthouse can be extended forever ... because the light beam itself will continue to stretch as the space grows.

In the end, we can definitely reach the target position.

But when it is disconnected in the middle, it means ... it was blocked by some circumstances.

However, even if the light beam in the middle section is blocked for some reason, the lighthouse in the back will continuously emit luminous objects to push the luminous objects in front, so the broken part will be replaced soon.

The light-emitting fine objects in the light column will continue to collide and move forward, so the light column should never be disconnected.

But now ... the cross section of this light beam does not move forward.

This means that the lighthouse ... is also dead.

Or stop running.

It may be possible to find the light beam again by flying forward, but I do n’t know how far that is, and Sharu has said that if you leave the light beam's guidance, it is very easy to get lost.


Just as the sand ray and the two pompoms hesitated, there was a 'sound' not far ahead.

In fact, there is something that is shaking.

Although there is no air here, the vibration felt by the pompon itself will still appear in the form of a similar sound,

"There can be entrances and exits there!"

Sand ray also felt it, so it flew forward quickly, and Lynn and Zero followed.

After flying a distance of almost ten kilometers ... Lin followed the sand ray to the target's location.

Here you can see ... a huge object.

It looks like ... an irregularly shaped stone.

Its whole body radiates star dust, with a diameter of more than 200 meters, and many holes on the surface.

It feels a bit like a captain creature. Although the body is much larger, the body's luster is very similar.

Although it should have nothing to do with real captain creatures.


At this time, Lin felt a shock again.

The 'stone' suddenly shook violently, and it kept shaking, as if ... The feeling of struggling lasted for a few seconds before bursting out.

Numerous things can be seen in the exploded rocks ... the luminous objects are scattered from it.

They look a lot like dream creatures, they are a kind of ethereal, similar to the "ghost" form.

But all of them flew away and disappeared into the darkness around them. Lin didn't catch any of them.

"Do you know this kind of creature?" Zero asked the sand ray at this time.

"I don't know too much," said Shayu: "Although I have seen it before, I haven't studied it carefully."

"... then continue to fly."

Then, the two pompoms and sand ray started the journey again.

Because there is no light beam guidance, it can only move in the direction of feeling 'front'.

But this time I saw more things than when there was a beam of light.

Like the stone exploded before, Lin saw many more.

But this time it seems that there are no dream creatures in it. After checking, Lin found that they are just normal normal void stones.

It's just that a lot of luminous objects are attached to the surface.

Of course, it is not completely ordinary. Lin found that this kind of stone ... is a substance that can be used to store energy in dreams.

It's just that there are no dream creatures in it, only the previous one is a special case.

As she moved forward, Lin also saw more stones ... which made it look like a rock wasteland.

After passing through this wasteland, Lin also saw ... a city.