4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3727 DLCPM0036703000 SK

"We are the polymer of miracles."

"We ... were born in miracles."

It is said that this group of creatures once wandered in the void.

Initially ... what they wanted to do, the only task was to search for a target, that space called the way back home.

Of course, they don't call it home.

At first, they were ... more vulnerable than they are now.

'They' refer to-thin-line creatures, such creatures originally originated from a line that can be called the initial line ... a thin line developed.

The 'initial line' was originally born deep in the ocean.

And through continuous spreading and growth, in the end formed countless 'forks', and these bifurcations constitute today's ... thin line creatures spread all over the sea.

And these creatures do not happen naturally. They have a clear purpose from the beginning-to travel in the void and find the way to return home floating in the Xinghai.

So, they also started drifting.

Of course, they are not drifting in the star sea at the beginning. The interesting thing about the creatures like the thin line is ... they are a mixed creature.

It is also a creature that has been studying itself for a long time.

The main structures inside the thin-line 'body' are almost all nuclear information of cellular organisms, but their own thinking systems are not cellular organisms, and they themselves do not use any nuclear information in the body.

This nuclear information is mainly 'externally used'.

The thin line has another set of thinking systems to control its own body. This set of thinking systems is not a cellular structure, but ... a relatively wonderful material.

In a thin line, this nerve structure is like a small dot covering the whole body. The nerves of these whole bodies are combined, which is the main body of their thinking.

When it first thought, all it did was ... observe its own situation.

It is said that the thin line can only 'see' itself at first, it can't see everything outside.

But you can see the structure in your body, see every piece of nuclear information ... every detail.

Its body is surrounded by a solid shell, and the thin lines can only see the details inside.

For a long time, the thin line wondered what this was.

But then, it slowly discovered something about the outside world.

Because the thin thread is not just a slender thread, in fact, it also has its own small force.

This can be called 'nuclear information team'.

This is a group of very small, active things. They are about the same size as some common viruses.

And these tiny things themselves will stick to the nuclear information in the thin line.

The thin line noticed that after these objects have been on the nuclear information for a long time, they will find a small gap in their shell ... and leave the thin line's body to wander outside.

The thin lines don't know what they are doing.

After a period of time, these fine objects will return, and when they return they are usually much larger than they were.

This is because they ... carry a lot of nutrients.

The thin line itself is mainly dependent on this subtle ... army life.

And the thin line slowly discovered that it could command such subtle units to do things.

For example, simple things like directing them to move are very easy.

But the thin line doesn't know how to direct them to look for nutrients or something, these things are executed by the subtle units themselves.

However, the thin line has noticed that every time a subtle unit is dispatched, it must ... stick to a certain section of nuclear information for a period of time.

To be precise, they use some part of their body to contact the nuclear information. After the contact is long, they will leave the body to the outside.

And the contact location and time are different, the nutrients it brings back are also different, some are used to repair the nuclear information, some are used to repair the shell, and some are for the thin line ... thinking system.

Then the thin line began to test to let them contact different nuclear information by ordering them, and then let the small troops get different nutrients through this.

Because these troops generally bring back the same amount of nutrients, and the thin line uses this command to reduce or increase them to obtain different amounts of nutrients.

Later, the thin line soon noticed.

These subtle units seem to be mainly obtained from nuclear information ... 'command'.

They can move on their own for a while after touching a certain piece of nuclear information without the need for fine line command.

So the thin line quickly tried to expose them to more nuclear information, because what they contacted was about nutrient acquisition ... that was just a small part of the large amount of nuclear information in the thin line.

Later, the thin line also discovered that these troops can do various tasks by accessing different nuclear information ...

They can do quite a lot, in addition to collecting nutrients, they also reinforce the shell, increase the volume, increase the length of the thin line itself, and even help the thin line's thinking system ... proliferate and so on.

After a thin line exposed the subtle troops to a piece of nuclear information that it had not tried before ... these troops equipped it with a 'perception organ'.

This perception function also allows the thin line for the first time ... to 'see' the external environment.

At first, it saw the environment under the deep sea, and it was also the first time to see its complete shape.

Later, the thin line was more active in studying what the fine troops could do.

The thin line has very limited direct control of the subtle units, and it can generally only move them.

Letting them assemble something, the thin line cannot be done, because the thin line does not know how to assemble.

However, by contacting various nuclear information in the thin line, these forces can be allowed to do various complicated things.

For a long time, the thin line was testing what kind of instructions its nuclear information can make to the troops.

In the course of research ... This initial thin line is also constantly commanding the troops to let themselves grow.

Contacting a certain piece of nuclear information can allow a small force to continuously increase the length of the thin line, which is not just to increase the length of the shell ... that is, the internal neural structure will also be constantly assembled by the force to create new ones, even including nuclear information.

As the thin line grows, subtle forces will continue to add new nuclear information in its body, the thin line has never seen before.

This makes the thin line very ... amazing, so it is growing all the time.

Finally, because of a ... accident, it broke.

But the broken part can start to move alone, which is considered to be split into two thin lines.

The two thin lines do not have any conflict in 'values', but start to communicate with each other.

And study together ... what their subtle units can do.

Of course, the organs they communicated with were also accidentally tested for what nuclear information could do somewhere, and found that the troops had installed them.