4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3797 DLCPM0016703000 TECH

"More ... nutrients."

"Must be made."

Here is a ... complex underground environment.

Here ... there are a lot of fungus-like creatures everywhere.

The mycelium-like silk thread structure spreads across the ground, and they continue to extend deep into the ground and into the rooms everywhere.

These creatures look very much like fungi, but their source is not as fungus-like.

Lin has been searching the entire underground environment with a large number of arms, mainly to find the consciousness of the faith assembly.

And Lin finally found ... the creatures affected by the assembly.

This creature is also the source of these fungus-like creatures underground, so Lin decided to call them "bacterial bricks".

Because they are themselves a ten-meter-sized creature in the shape of a brick.

Their shell can resist all kinds of dangerous substances in the void and protect the cells inside.

At the same time, Lin also found that their brain cells are scattered. This is somewhat like a creator. Whenever they think, these brain cells will gather together and give instructions to the body, and then dispersed.

The only thing that is usually done is to make a lot of mycelium.

What's more interesting is ... 'Bacteria brick' itself is a cell organism, and its 'silk thread' does not contain any cells.

In fact, the life form of the fungus covered here is more similar to the 'blood worm' above, and it is completely different from cellular organisms.

Simply put, it is a kind of cell organism that creates a kind of non-cell organism in the body.

There is a set of organs specially for synthesizing silk thread in the body of the fungus brick, and the manufactured silk thread will extend around their body, which is why this place is covered with a lot of this fungus-like silk thread.

The stretched silk thread collects a variety of substances, including the nutrients provided to the fungus tiles and the materials used to make the silk thread.

Their cells can quickly synthesize this life form that is completely different from their own, that is, silk thread ... This is very interesting.

The fungus brick also survives this way, and its lifestyle is similar to that of plants.

However, this is not always the case.

After Lynn examined their thinking, they discovered that they mainly did so to ... rule out the influence of unity.

Lin detected the brain cells of a bacterial brick. Although the memory inside was very vague, she could generally know that they were originally one of the residents of this place.

They themselves live in the depths of the earth and have little activity, and the details of their lives ... can't be detected clearly.

To be precise, they have lost most of their memories.

However, it still has a relatively clear memory, that is, they have been affected by unity at some point.

The fungus brick began to be like other personalities, and began to frantically ... worship unity.

However, they did not worship to the end, that is because they have the ability to make silk thread.

There are many other effects of the ability of the fungus brick to make silk thread. One effect is ... 'brainwashing'.

This 'brainwashing' means ... washing the brain clean.

Bacteria bricks will produce a lot of silk thread every time. When they are made, their brain cells will wander near the manufacturing organs, and put a lot of waste generated in the brain cells into the silk thread.

Simply put, this silk thread actually also has the function of excretion.

But at the same time, there are some side effects, that is, every time the bricks make silk thread, their thinking, personality and many other things related to the brain will be reshaped.

That is to say ... they were originally adoring the unity very fanatically, but after the silk thread was made, the enthusiasm for worship ... would disappear.

Although the memories of the previous worship will not change, but their values ​​will be reshaped ... they will re-look at the matter of unity worship.

Then slowly the bacteria brick will have new values ​​and act according to the newly formed concepts ... until the next time the silk thread is made.

Every time after manufacturing ... or after discharging a batch of silk thread, the fungus brick will be in a very sensible state.

During this period of time, they can see everything in terms of pros and cons, without any 'emotional factors' in it.

As a result, organisms such as fungus bricks have no way to form a religion, because the concept is constantly being rewashed.

Even the most devout and fanatical believers will immediately doubt the significance of their zeal in the past after releasing the silk thread.

Even unified influences cannot interfere with them.

Then ... they don't know how to become like this.

The silk thread they emit not only takes away the waste in the brain cells and helps them reshape their concepts, but also can continuously absorb various nutrients after stretching out.

Generally speaking, after absorbing certain nutrients, these silk threads will be discarded and automatically disconnected from their bodies.

Then they began to discharge new silk thread.

This is the state when they were still in normal life.

Today's fungus bricks are making silk thread all the time.

As long as a little nutrient is collected, it will be used to make silk thread immediately, and it will not be broken no matter how long it is made.

So it has become the scene now seen.

As for their thinking ... it has also been in a state of 'confusion'.

They hardly think about anything, and even if they occasionally have a thought, they will immediately decide to make more silk.

As can be seen from their memory, they are considered to be in this giant bridge ... one of the residents with high intelligence.

Why did they become like this, there is no record in the memory.

But because silk threads collect nutrients completely 'automatically', this allows them to survive even if they do nothing.

Lin is also a bit strange about this point, that is, this underground space has sufficient nutrients.

Many nutrients float in the channel in the form of fine debris, and will be absorbed as long as they reach the silk thread.

Lin felt that the nutrients here shouldn't be so sufficient, maybe some other creature made it.

At the same time, Lin also found that the consciousness of the faith assembly ... is affecting these bacterial tiles.

There is only a very interesting situation.

That is, whenever a microbial block makes some silk thread in the body, the consciousness of the collective will immediately leave it and transfer to the location where another microbial block is located.

But after another silk brick made silk thread, it will continue to transfer.

Therefore, the situation that Lin felt before and the collective consciousness seemed to be transmitted everywhere was caused by this reason.

This is a very fun situation, so Lin's plan is to collect all the fungus tiles.

Then you can catch it.

Actually now Lin has almost collected them all.