4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3824 DLCPM0016703000 TECH

"It's over ...?"

Everything is over.

It looks so on the surface.

When the core of the distortion manager was dissolved, the whole bridge ... also changed back to its original state, that is, it was not dark.

Except for those buildings formed by solidified organisms, all other buildings and the surface have restored their original colors.

It seems that the effects of distortion managers have disappeared.

But ... it's just that the influence here is gone.

On the side of Ershi, although the darkness is no longer spread, the original darkness remains.

The contacted creatures are still in a frozen state ... As for the travel space itself, it has not been able to move.

Although there is a way to relieve the dark solidification, Ersh has not yet fully figured out how the travel space is fixed.

Obviously the distortion manager used ... special tactics.

So at present, Lin and Ershi's troops first occupied the only bridge. In addition to the initial 'giant Ershi civilian troops', many other troops also appeared here.

They were all sent by Ershixin and looked like a small warship.

These troops are quickly dispersed throughout the only bridge, and their main function is ... to absorb and transmit energy.

These ships are made of special materials. Ersh said they can adjust and absorb most of the energy attached to the only bridge.

The only bridge now has a lot of special transmission energy, if you remove them all, it may have some effect.

At the same time, Ersh also has to study this only bridge, which believes that the travel space can not move mainly because of the role of the only bridge.

Maybe there are some special devices somewhere in this place that are working.

In addition to Ershi's investigation, of course Lynn is also investigating.

Now Lin mainly uses the special pom-poms that were on the only bridge before to detect. These pom-poms have special transmission energy.

That is the energy of the collective.

Before Lin had dismantled the 'Bacteria Brick', she made this kind of pompoms. Lin currently has done some research on this energy and found that this energy ... is very well controlled.

As long as Lynn's pompoms use their brains to do some 'thoughts', they can 'diffuse' their energy.

For example, when Lin asks the pompon to think of a word for a fool, these energies will dissipate and will gather back after a while.

When she gathers back, Lynn ’s pompon will have a lot of information in her brain, and you can learn from it the detailed information of anything that the energy touched when she dispersed.

Simply put, this energy seems to be affected by nerve activity in the pompon brain to make different actions.

As long as the brain of the pompon is active, the energy will move accordingly.

As long as the pompon has some imagination in mind, think of different things, vocabulary, or something else ... can make these energies move.

Lin is still not quite sure why this is, but at present Lin finds that if she dissipates the energy, she can detect the surrounding environment.

For example, when you think about the word 'stupid', the energy will spread to a radius of about ten meters, and then return.

When it returns ... the pompon's brain will have more detailed information about various substances within a radius of ten meters.

Including their internal fine structure and so on.

Although Lin itself has many long-distance detection methods, but there is no detailed information obtained by direct contact, so Lin has always liked to use micro-arms to detect.

And this way of energy detection ... Although there is no direct contact with the details, it is very close.

Lin can use it to quickly detect a wide range of surrounding environment to obtain intelligence.

When the pom-pom thinks of the word 'Ershimin', the energy can spread farther. When thinking of the word 'Ersh', the energy can be 'straight-line' to detect the area in front.

This actually has nothing to do with the meaning of the vocabulary, mainly because the nerve activity in the pompon brain mobilizes energy.

It seems that the energy of the aggregates will allow them to react as long as the brain activity of the organism ... This is very interesting.

So Lin has this kind of energy of the pompon, which is also called by Lin ... to explore the pompon.

They are now mainly investigating those solidified biological structures on the only bridge.

Not long ago, coagulated creatures built a lot of buildings here, they were gathered here and piled up with their own bodies, and after Lin's inspection, Lin found that these creatures were dead.

After they are assembled into a building, the whole body is completely hardened into corpses and accumulated into a building.

However, their neural structure is still intact ... Lynn can detect their thoughts in their lifetime.

Just like the hedgehog-like creature, this group of coagulated creatures was also called by the distortion manager and promised ... so that they could return to a place where they had previously lived.

It's just that managers didn't keep their promises.

After they gathered, the manager issued a ... mandatory instruction to them.

Such instructions can directly control their physical activities, allowing them to gather on the only bridge and form these buildings.

But when forced to control, their thinking is still sober, but the body can't resist.

So this group of creatures have been trying to struggle, and they are also asking managers why this is ... why.

The administrator told them that they need to be used to make some 'energy towers'.

This is the dark building here.

Managers need to use these energy towers to send special energy in order to intercept the travel space on the edge of the frozen void.

That is where the travel space is now.

At the same time, Lin also found that ... the manager also said a lot.

It means that it is actually a kind of ... a collection of beliefs.

And the kind of faith that the chunk of meat believed in before was a 'calm' group of beliefs.

However, it has never been born because of believers.

Because every kind of faith must develop to the limit ... It is like unifying the consciousness that needs to fully unite all living things before the 'consciousness' of the consciousness is summoned out.

And calm ... never had a creature reach its limit.

All believers in the past have not achieved true peace, so it has never actually been born.

Until some time ... the recycler led to its birth.

To be precise, it is the data organ left by the recycler.

This data organ itself has some 'thinking' ... and this thinking can achieve the ultimate peace.

Therefore, its consciousness was born.

Obviously ... it was specifically placed here to let Lin know.

This information is in the nerves of the coagulation organism, but it is not necessary to tell the coagulation organism at all.

So it knows that Lynn might detect this, so put this information here?

Although it's interesting, it doesn't seem to help the battle.