4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3843 DLCPM0027040000 TECH


After a small explosion, half of the disc ... was destroyed.

Of course, including the consciousness of the managers inside ... also disappeared together.

"Is it all over?" Bilu said, looking at the destroyed disk. "Are we saving the world?"

"Maybe." Nuo said. "There are still some things to do next."

Next ... Lynn and them continued to investigate here and examined the condition of the organ.

It can be found that almost a small part of the organ that is exposed to the ground is destroyed, but this has no effect on the organ body, that is, the special energy has not been leaked in large quantities.

After a detailed investigation, Lin did not find any traces left by the manager, and it should be considered to completely destroy it.

Of course, it only destroys its consciousness on Ershi.

Ersh believes that the true consciousness of the manager should start its journey long ago ... that is, go to the place it has always said.

It only uses part of its consciousness to attack Ersh, so whether it succeeds or not, it will not affect itself.

Ersh feels that he can try to track down ... where is the real consciousness of the manager.

But for now, just wait ... to recover.

The biggest problem now is that it is unclear what the manager's plan is ... I don't know what harm will happen.

But if you keep it, it will cause more harm ... Ersh thinks so, so you must destroy the disk first.

In this case, then continue to observe.

Next, Lin and Nuo and Bi Lu continue to stay in this pothole, because this is the most likely place to happen.

But all the time ... nothing happened.

At the same time, Lin and Nuo made a wide-area detection device using the residues of some bus organs. This device mainly detects on the surface ... what is the place where special energy gathers.

Now it can be generally detected that there is no special energy gathering place on Ershi.

Although it is necessary to get a full and detailed inspection, it is necessary to get rid of the solidification ...

Therefore, during this period, Lin continued to learn about the past from the calm assembly.


After the calm assembly exhausted all its followers, it found that the administrator did not continue to siege and captured it back.

Instead, he sent a ... device to communicate with it.

This device is something like a 'phone'. When I first saw this device, the assembly felt that it was a weapon, so I kept trying to escape ...

But the device kept chasing it, and finally forced the assembly to a dead end. At the same time, the device rang the manager's voice.

The manager told the assembly that it performed very well.

The manager stated that ... the escape of the assembly, together with their subsequent engagement, are all in the plan.

Actually this is just a test.

A test for 'special energy control'.

The manager deliberately let go of the assembly, that is, let it control a large number of calm believers, and the manager uses other energy to get some other believers ... and then let them engage each other.

This is the true face of energy control testing.

The manager also indicated that the aggregate should continue to cooperate with its subsequent experiments, and it can kill the aggregate at any time.

Although the assembly will not really die, but once it loses this container, it will be trapped again ... in biological thinking.

Although it is now no different from being trapped, it can at least run everywhere.

The assembly felt its own insignificance and powerlessness at the time ... it finally had to promise the manager's order.

In fact, it didn't know whether the manager could kill it, but was shocked by the manager's words, so he obediently returned to the manager's ... prison.

Then, managers continue to use it to do various experiments.

The latest experiment ... is a special experiment.

Managers use aggregates to test ... 'forced calm test'.

It is said that if a creature wants to believe that it has reached complete peace ... it must abandon all the desires of its past.

As long as it is not in a strange way like hypnosis to achieve complete peace, this creature must have abandoned a lot of desires.

Being in a state of desirelessness is a basis for a creature to believe in achieving complete peace.

When a creature thinks that it has achieved complete peace, it will abandon almost all the desires before, and the calm aggregate will acquire the desires it abandons.

Therefore, the thinking of the collective will be so rich.

Based on this theory, managers began to test the forced calm test.

This experiment is to put the assembly in a special room, and many creatures will be put in this room.

Then, this room will start to operate some special device.

The assembly doesn't know what that is. Lin's guess should be a device that can adjust the calm energy.

During operation, the collective found that the surrounding creatures would slowly ... abandon all desires.

They were very frightened when they were first caught in and wanted to escape from here, but they soon became quiet.

Then they will quickly lose their desire.

They don't like anything, they almost don't want to do anything, and they have only one goal in mind ... that is, to pursue a method that can sustain life forever, that is to say, they become pure peaceful believers.

The reason why I know so clearly is that the lost desires of these creatures all entered into the consciousness of the calm collective.

The collective can clearly feel the lost desire of these creatures ... and enter their own thinking.

And it has these desires.

It found that it began to like all kinds of things that these biological aesthetics like, and also had their various emotions and personalities.

In the end, this group of creatures abandoned almost all their desires ... and the collective possessed all their desires.

The manager is quite satisfied with this situation. It disposes of these abandoned creatures, and then continues to get the next batch of creatures for testing.

The situation is similar every time.

It is the manager who forcibly transfers the desire of these creatures to it, so that this group of creatures believe that they have entered peace.

Then kill these creatures and change to the next batch.

There seems to be no end test ... because every batch of creatures will be processed, there is no way for the assembly to develop believers.


It has developed its own desires.

The character of the collective becomes extremely rich, under the condition of continuous accumulation.

But it is not going crazy.

To be precise, the assembly is not crazy at all, but it can ... well understand the ideas of all living things.