4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3929 DLCPM0016703000 TECH

"Quick! Attack! Solve it!"

Countless spots of light flashed in the void.

All the nail warships aimed their target at the object that appeared in the void just now ...

They believe that this is the body of the 'terror parasite'.

A "pin-shaped warship" with a length of nearly twenty kilometers.

When the large barrage flew towards it, Lynn found that most of the barrage exploded on her own while approaching.

A few barrage can directly hit the silver shimmering shell of the target, but leave no trace.

And this 'pin' did not attack, it was still floating there, Lin found that the light of its shell slowly dimmed and disappeared completely.

Only the light disappeared, the battleship was still in that position.

But it does have hidden capabilities.

To be precise, all warships, including those who suffer from bitterness, have hidden abilities.

This is mainly the technology they obtained by studying pain energy.

"Quick! Keep attacking!"

Now all the nail warships are still shooting frantically at the target. Their main weapon is the flash barrage shot from the whole body of the battleship.

But no matter how they attack, the result is the same as the first time, and many barrage bombs exploded in flight.

"Everything you give me is yours, your civilization, your life, all yours ..."

"Since you do n’t want to, I ’ll do it myself."

These signals are constantly echoing in the thinking of the bitter nail people. At the same time, Lin sees all the nail warships ... are flying towards the pin warships.

"Out of control! What is this ... this is impossible!"

The bitter nail people that Lin had followed with the miniature arms were also the pilots of the battleship. Lin clearly felt the panic of these bitter nail people from their consciousness.

At this moment they are completely unable to control the warships, and it is estimated that all other warships are also in the same situation.

They gathered towards the target uncontrollably ... during the flight, they were still firing continuously.

But slowly, their firepower system also seemed to be controlled, completely stopping the attack.

At the same time, the closest warship ... also reached the target.

When it flew to the side of the 'pin battleship', it began to slow down, and finally completely attached to the battleship's shell.

Then, Lin found the outer shell of the pin ... a lot of 'tentacles' stretched out.

Interestingly, the outer shell of the nail battleship also stretched a lot ... tentacles.

These tentacles appear to be metal structures, and they extend from the outer shells of both ships.

Then, these tentacles are intertwined with each other and ... fused together.

Seeing this, the bitter nailed people even more ... shocked.

They didn't even know that their warship could actually extend this ... tentacle.

In the end, the intertwined tentacles pulled the two warships closer and closer ... slowly the nail warship was completely attached to ... the pinball warship shell.

And slowly melted in.

As if sinking into the water, the entire battleship quickly melted in completely ... disappeared.

This is true for all battleships that follow.

As long as they are close to the side of the 'pin battleship', they will stretch out a lot of tentacles and entangle with each other.

Then they will merge.

To be precise, the nail warships were all melted in by the opponent.

As more and more battleships were integrated, the shape of the 'pin' began to slowly change.

It first became bigger and bigger, and the spherical structure of the head gradually became smaller.

This makes it no longer look like a pin, but like ... an ordinary needle.

It's just that it's very huge. After 'absorbing' many nail warships, it has grown to a length of nearly 25 kilometers.

The battleships that Lin had been paying attention to were also melted in at this time.

They ... have no ability at all to resist.

Immediately after being melted in, these bitter nail people found that everything around them was rapidly ... transforming.

The walls around them instantly disintegrated into a lot of small metal particles, and these small metal particles regrouped after a few seconds.

It's just that after the assembly is completed, their room is no longer the original, but a ... vast hall.

There doesn't seem to be anything here, and these bitter nail people also tried to explore with doubts.

"You ... are so stupid."

At this time, several bitter nail people received the signal of the parasite again, which contained the shocking information again.

Parasites ... have been parasitic in all parts of their populations since very early.

Not only is it parasitic in the body or in the spirit, but also includes the items they make, the weapons they make, the warships, and everything, are parasitic.

So the attack they just launched exploded early because it controlled all the weapons.

The same is true for warships. All warships are already controlled by parasites, and they are not found at all.

The parasite stated that it originally wanted these bitter nailed people to fight on their own. If they were obedient, their civilization could continue for some time.

But they actually do this kind of behavior, then it has to recycle everything they have civilized, and personally deal with the bus of pain.

For this matter, hardship people are almost unacceptable.

This is equivalent to all of them ... collapsed instantly.

It feels like they are creatures raised by parasites, and there was no freedom from the beginning.

However, the parasite also clearly stated here that it is not a breeder.

At least it did not approach them from the very beginning.

Instead, they were discovered by accident and then decided to ... parasitize them.

The history of Ku Naimin who is too old is not recorded, so they do not know the early things.

But ... when they started to record history, there were already random deaths, which also means that the parasites were controlling them very early.

Now, almost all warships ... have been melted in.

The original "pin battleship" has now been transformed into a needle that is more than thirty kilometers long ...

It is also much thicker than before, but the overall shape is still thick and sharp.

All warships are integrated by it, including the bitter nail people inside.

However, it did not kill the bitter nail people inside, but trapped them in it.

As for this needle-shaped battleship, it is now activated.

It turned around and flew towards the void.

As for its goal ...

Of course it is the direction of the pain bus.