4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3940 DLCPM0027040000 TECH

It seems ... indented.

When Lin caught the parasite, Lin felt her consciousness ... rapidly 'shrinking'.

Initially, its consciousness was covered with the entire Void Minute Flying Machine.

In the end, its consciousness retracted into the center of the aircraft, and then completely disappeared.

Lynn's arms arrived at this position when they followed the "trace" of consciousness to the center of the aircraft.

This place is like a spacious room. The entire wall and floor look like rocks ... And in the center of the room, there is an "arch" that is about ten meters high.

There was a strong flash of light in the arch, but only one second after Lyn's miniature arms entered the room.

After a second, the "arch" did not shine.

This situation is obvious ...

That is, its consciousness reached certain places through this door.

This door can be said to be a space channel, but it is slightly different from the general space channel.

Under Lin's detection, Lin found that this is a very special channel, which can be said to be an 'energy channel'.

That is, energy such as dream energy can only be passed, and normal void creatures cannot pass.

And it has just been disconnected, and Lynn has no idea where it is connected.

Although Lin can start it again, it will take some time.

These times ... is the time to study the entire "Void Man Head Flying Machine".

Because Lin feels very special ... This parasite's consciousness seems to be 'dream energy'.

And the screen parasite that Lin had caught before, its consciousness is not energy ... it is closer to that kind of intelligent mechanical creature.

In short, Lin began to investigate the entire aircraft quickly. Lin found a lot of ... interesting places here.

In general, the entire shape of the virtual head is very similar to the screen parasite.

Although its size is much larger, this virtual human head is indeed a parasite ... they are almost exactly the same.

But this is a bit different from that, because this consciousness has become a state of 'energy'.

This is not what it wants to change.

This is where it gets interesting.

Lynn found this parasite ... parasitized.

You can find some of its memory data in this place. Even if the "consciousness" is gone, you can still find it ... a lot of memory records, Lin can even find its "true history" from here.


It is said that a long, long time ago ...

In fact, it is not a long time. In short, this parasite ... was a long time ago with the screen parasite.

Later, they split into two.

One parasitized the bitter nailed people, and the other ... that is now this one, was reserved as a spare.

Standby means that it can be used to take over if something unexpected happens to the one who parasitized the bitter nail people.

Of course, the screen parasite of the parasitic bitter people did not have any accidents until it met Lin.

As for this parasite that should have been used as a backup, some accidents occurred.

Because at some point, it encountered a wandering ... star.

The star is very small, but it has strange characteristics. It moves slowly and occasionally emits a strange storm.

Around this wonderful star, there is something special.

These things can be called 'small observers', which are a group of metal structures tens of meters in size.

They are like satellites that surround this stray star, and they also use the energy of the star as their own energy source.

And they also collect stellar debris storms as materials to maintain themselves.

And they will constantly record the star's movement pattern, the frequency of the storm and so on.

Simply put, these things are used to observe and record the state of stars.

It may be used by some civilizations or a creature to observe the stars.

They don't do anything else, they are just recording ... and they also collect materials to maintain themselves, so that this observation can continue.

The spare parasite did nothing to these observers, after all these things ... not the target of the parasite.

Moreover, they are likely to be related to the bitter nail people.

Because of the hardship of the people ... I will dream about these things.

Before the invention of Dream Network, Kudingmin had such a habit that they would occasionally enter a state of 'diffusion of thinking'.

In this state, they will continuously send a lot of signals to the void.

Then they will be like dreams, and there will be a lot of various things in their thinking ... never seen before.

Screen parasites were discovered by accident, they dreamed about this stray star and these observers near the star.

From that time on, the observer began to behave strangely.

They not only observed and recorded, but began to make various new actions. They used the collected storm debris to assemble various new structures.

At this time, the spare parasite is always in contact with the screen parasite.

The screen parasite was quite surprised by this situation.

Because it thinks ... this is actually an 'unlocking' phenomenon.

But it's not that they are unlocking anything by themselves, but that they are sending out signals to the outside to associate with them ... the observer unlocks a certain function.

As a result, it immediately allowed the spare parasite to parasitize the observer.

Shortly after the parasite parasitized the observer, something strange appeared in this stray star.

A group of creatures ... appeared.

These creatures seem to have emerged from the stars. In short, the spare parasites did not accurately observe where they came from.

And these creatures lived around the observer.

These creatures are roughly shaped like lava blocks.

It is a mass of objects that emit orange-red light like lava, can be deformed at will and have high temperature.

But in fact they cannot withstand the high temperature of stars, so they are not sure they come from stars.

It was only when they first saw them that the spare parasites found that they were flying out of the star's surface on board.

At present, the observer has grown 'larger' by collecting debris than in the past, and these 'frost creatures' are gathered around the observer, and use the debris collected by the observer as food.

The spare parasite is very curious about this group of creatures because they are very ... wonderful, and at the same time it also decides to parasitize them.

To be precise, it is to transform their civilization into their desired form.

But ... there have been many changes in the back, in short, failed to do as it wanted.