4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

3964 DLCPM0026703000 SK

"This is a legendary ancient creature. All we have to do is capture it and place it in the core of the ground."

There are legends about the wreckers ... these 'amber creatures' have known for a long time.

This is an ancient creature.

In legend, it is very evil, and it releases some horrifying parasites to parasitize various creatures and civilizations.

Biological civilization will be completely distorted by this parasite, and finally the parasite will destroy the entire civilization and collect the technology in the civilization.

The evil legends about this creature are not actually passed to them by the bus of pain.

It's a statement that this group of amber creatures had long ago.

At some time in the past, amber creatures still believed this statement very strongly. They believed that their civilization might also be parasitized. A ruler also began mass slaughtering individuals it believed to be parasitic ...

Of course, it doesn't know who is parasitized and who is not parasitized. It just kills those who feel that they are not acting normally.

As for those killed, of course, it is felt that this ruler is parasitized.

This period is called the "parasitic war" period by them, and it is said that a considerable amount of amber died at this time.

Although it was said that the later amber creatures were no longer greatly affected by this ancient legend, but the legend has been circulating between them.

After the degree of development is getting higher and higher, it is like a variety of personality creatures ... they also feel that these legends are just myths imagined by their ancestors.

Until they touch the pain bus.

During the communication with the Pain Bus, they told them ... The creators of the meltdown are the masterminds of their parasitic legend.

This is a shocking thing for them. They haven't thought of the legend that has always been ... it is true.

However, the bus also told them that their civilization was not parasitized, which also made them relax a lot.

But the bus told them a more interesting thing next, that their world was created by the creators ... the ancestors.

It is said that this is a matter longer than a long time ago. In the past, this place was a very ordinary world.

In this world, creatures grow very ordinary, survive, war ... and finally die.

Some creature is tired of endless disputes. It has reached the depths of the underground and found a "god" that has been legendary here since ancient times.

He told God his demands, and God also told him that in fact he has been trying to solve this kind of problem.

Solve this world ... endless wars.

God said that as long as the creature has desire, the war will not end.

Lin feels that this kind of statement can often be seen in many places.

And the solution is ... to let this world go into peace completely.

'God' soon began its work. It replaced every part of the whole world, every stone, every sand, and even all the structures in every living body ... Now what Lin saw This amber substance.

This substance contains the purest 'calm'.

'God' first transformed most of the material on the ground into this 'calm material'.

Since that time, this world has become a world without disputes, and all creatures have put down all obsessions.

They let go of their hatred, anger, dreams, hopes, and nothing.

Any desire disappeared.

They left everything behind, wandering around, they might eat some food when they saw the food, and then continue wandering.

The original supplicant found God again, and it said: "God ... this world should not be like this."

"So what do you think the world should be like?"

"... I want one ..."

"I know." Before this creature finished, God answered it: "The world you desire should be full of peace and friendship, and there will be no disputes, but every creature is full of dreams and hopes."

"Yes ... yeah!" Said the creature. "But ..."

"So your idea has been reached." After God finished speaking, he shot it to death.

Then, God continued to transform the world, every creature, every detail, must be filled with peace.

Of course, if there is complete peace, the creature will not have the idea of ​​reproduction, but the "God" hopes that the calm world ecology can continue.

So it transforms the reproduction method of most creatures so that they will reproduce unconsciously when they are calm.

In this way, the ecology of this world has become a completely peaceful situation that can continue forever.

Ambers are one of the residents of this peaceful world.

Although they have always been calm, their thinking structure has not been 'degraded'.

That is to say, what special things they come into contact with can still restore the complex thoughts filled with desire in the past.

Finally, the Pain Bus posed a question to them, that is, where did so much 'calm energy' come from?

In fact, this is caused by painful energy.

"God" has been studying the transformation of energy underground, which transforms the original pain energy into calm energy in some way.

Pain Bus is also not clear what method it used to transform, but can confirm that this must be constituted by pain energy.

Perhaps it comes from the 'purification' of pain energy.

Because pain energy contains a lot of complex pain emotions, there is such an emotion is pure 'despair'.

That is the feeling that everything is over and everything is meaningless.

It may be that it “extracted” this emotion, and after some transformation, it became this calm energy.

After 'quiet' the entire world, the god left the world.

Then, it encountered the pain bus.

Painful bus has long noticed it.

Because ... the reason why this "god" calms down the whole world is not to satisfy the desire of those creatures who do not want to dispute.

It just wanted to block the entrance to the Land of Pain in this way.

So, the Pain Bus found it and launched a fierce battle with it in the void.

As for the outcome of the battle ... there is no detailed explanation.

But the pain bus should not lose.

But Pain Bus did not say whether it had resolved this 'God'.

But the Pain Bus shows that it is not a god, but a wrecker ... the ancestor.

Those parasites were also created by this ancestor, and as a descendant of it, the founder felt that he had the mission to recycle them.

The Pain Bus, let Amber to recover the molten creator.