"The route has been determined."

"It cannot be changed, it cannot be converted, it cannot be violated."

"Start to start ..."


"What are you doing! You can't just make a decision!"

The people of Xingyan feel a little ... surprised.

After the liquid sent the message "Go to see it", the place like an ice cave began to change.

To be precise, the surrounding structures like ice walls ... became liquid-like flowing.

Although they still look ice blue, now this place is more like ... a water hole.

The information here also seems to mean that something strange is about to happen here.

It also means ... the liquid is caught.

In fact, after it was finished, Lin found that the surrounding floor was moving, and in a short time a transparent ... cage was formed, trapping the liquid.

The people of Xingyan didn't pay attention to the pompoms, they just shut it down.

Then they started to question the liquid next to them.

The liquid was completely ... struck out to them, and Lin felt that it didn't seem to lie.

It means that when the "Ice Cave" just spoke, it felt like this is where the database was made.

To be precise, this "Puzzle Completion Reward Area" was created by the database.

It thought that this place could take it to see the database, so it said it wanted to go ... see it.

At the same time, Liquid also introduced the matter of this database to the people of Star Flame, but it did not say anything about the miracle of the puzzle.

After the liquid was finished, the people of Star Flame decided ... to keep the liquid here.

This 'cage' not only traps it, it also prevents the liquid from sending information outside the aircraft, so ... it can't do it.

The people of Star Flame believe that it only cares about their own affairs and not their other companions, so it must be punished.

It wants to do this, but it should discuss with them before making a decision.

What's even stranger is that the people of Star Flame haven't said anything to Lin's pompoms throughout, and they are punishing it unilaterally.

At the same time, the people of Star Flame are not planning to stay in this place.

"Now let's leave here first ... strange."

However, when they wanted to leave, something appeared to happen.

"The exit just entered disappeared!" "How could this be!" "The interference is very strong!"

It seems that these people of Star Flame can't detect the 'entrance' that came in before ... it disappeared.

"Any escape is forbidden." At this time, the outside information was once again transmitted to the battleship: "It must stay here until ... the interview is complete."

At this time, Lin noticed that the surrounding 'walls' began to solidify again, and the whole place changed back to the ice cave again.

At the same time, Lin also feels that the 'location' has changed.

It used to be inside the star, but now it is moving a little bit out of the star.

This is a movable space.

And Lin can also directly feel its position in the normal void, which is ... an interesting place.

The people of Xingyan are still studying how to leave here. They try to detect the entrance and exit of space, or try to open an entrance and exit, but they all fail.

Although they can't see how they operate, they can't leave here because of their performance.

Lin found the liquid and chatted.

Lynn found that Liquid seemed to have no idea at all ... about the miracle puzzle, nor did the database want to 'encroach' here.

After Lin chatted with it, you can almost confirm that this movable space is indeed a reward in nature.

This place was supposed to work only after it completely invaded the entire miracle.

If the database completely turns the miracle puzzle of this place into its own, then this place is the place where it sets up awards for the creatures that have completed the miracle.

However, it seems that it has already set up this award space before completely occupying it.

This is quite wonderful, and now it seems that this place is highly completed.

Liquid thinks so, after all it can move here.

Of course, because there is no real reward here, the encroachment is not completed after all.

But it has another wonderful function, that is, if it is not completed, it will bring the creatures here to the database.

But Lynn is very strange, can it really see the database?

It's really getting faster and faster ... but the few 'travel spaces' that Brin has seen before are much slower.

It has now left the star and moved out of the galaxy.

As its speed increased, Lynn also became obscured by its "feel".

That is, I feel less and less ... its position in the void.

"There is no way to leave here!"

The people of Star Flame seem to be the same, they start to panic.

Although they couldn't open the channel before, they could detect their own ... location.

It felt like I was trapped in a transparent place, and now it is slowly becoming opaque.

For this situation, they also become more and more afraid.

Lin felt that she should find a space mobile device, and then study to control this device ... but this group of star flame people did not think about it.

However, after chatting with the liquid, Lin realized that they had not touched the moving space.

Even with strong space technology, they never knew about moving space.

It seems that this is indeed very rare.

At this time, Lin could not feel the position of the space at all. In general, Lin would occasionally open the space entrance to confirm the position in this way.

But at present, Lin can't open it, unless ... Lin takes their aircraft and studies their technology, then there should be a way to create an opening for the installation.

At the same time, Lin can also find the space mobile device here ... but Lin will not do it now.


While Lin was thinking, the entire Star Flame People's flying machine suddenly shuddered violently, and the scenery of the surrounding 'Ice Cave' also changed rapidly.

Lin also found that the space opened an entrance.

"It ... opened! Hurry up and leave here!" The people of Star Flame responded quickly.

They started the aircraft, and after an instant they passed through the entrance and exit and came ... outside.

And the outside is no longer the location of the miracle galaxy, far away.

There is already a long distance from the Miracle Galaxy ... and at the moment when it came out, the star flame people's aircraft was violently attacked.