4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

4163 DLCPM0036703000 SK


This is a setting.

It allows everything in the void to follow certain creatures' settings.

At the beginning, the symbiote knew so much.

It found itself to be continuously affected by 'distortion'.

Its shape is no longer like slime, but like a monster covered with limbs of different shapes.

Its longest limb has half of its body, so it can 'stand' and use these deformed limbs to move a huge body.

No 'rules' can be seen from its body, it seems to be an object of random growth.

But it likes this form very much.

It's not just this change that makes it run faster ... Mainly because it allows it to perceive more information.

In this underground cave, it found a lot of information left by a creature.

This creature is very old ... it is the inventor of distortion, the antagonist of distortion, the progressor of healing, the waiter of the void.

And ... the world itself.

However, it is not a bus creature.

Although the symbiote initially thought it was a bus creature, it felt it was another kind of creature under a careful sense.

Of course, this is just how it feels, and it has no proof.

In short, the symbiote can continuously collect its information to understand some things in the past.

At some point, this creature discovered something like 'twist'.

Although the name is twisted, it is actually a wonderful thing that makes everything “commonized” according to a set of data.

All the distorted data is based on the nuclear information of cellular organisms.

This creature began to study and create something against distortion ... The distortion star is its final result.

The distortion star can be said to be a very special thing, something that was born specifically to fight distortion.

However, it was not originally manufactured out of thin air, but was modified according to a certain bus.

This bus is the 'small bus' that makes symbiotes.

In the information collected, the symbiote found this creature ... thinking that the minibus has been distorted to 'pollution'.

Although the twist before this did not affect the precedent of the bus, but ... this little bus may be a little different.

It approached the little bus and launched a long-term investigation on it.

And the little bus is willing to let it investigate. In the long-term contact, this creature is like the "satellite" of the little bus.

The creature also noticed in the investigation that the nerve of the little bus became more morbid.

It often does things that other buses don't, such as attacking other civilizations.

Or go to some dangerous places specially and watch the creatures on the surface of their bodies instantly turn into smoke and dust in the disaster of the void.

It also particularly likes to do these things.

Finally, the creature saw another abnormal product under the abnormal nerve of the little bus.

That is the symbiote.

The small bus cut a part of the nerve to create a symbiosis. It imprisoned this part of its own avatar in the endless darkness, and then kept telling stories to it.

This creature, while observing these anomalies in the little bus, also detected the distortion.

Then ... it twisted.

As for how it is done, there is no detailed information in the information the symbiote seeks.

In short, this creature created such a wonderful thing.

This kind of thing will specifically 'attack twist'.

It will automatically search for anything that suffers from distortion, and then return the target to normal.

Initially, it was experimented on the little bus.

The original goal of this creature was to completely restore the distortion, but what it produced seemed to be different from its expectations ... the result.

When these anti-twisted things are mixed with the tissue in the bus, it makes these tissues even more weird.

At that time, it didn't become like "flesh", but became another strange structure that was different from the original bus organ.

And it also makes the little bus even more ... crazy.

Since the little bus was not normal at the time, this creature did not communicate with the little bus and started its experiment.

After discovering that it had experimented without permission, the little bus bumped into it directly.

The violent collision caused huge harm to both sides, but both survived.

The creature felt that its experiment had failed, and the anti-distortion it created did not make the little bus normal.

What should we do?

It sent out a distress signal.

It believes that it is necessary to obtain 'normal bus data'.

That is the data of the internal organs and so on of a "normal" bus.

It felt that other buses should help, so it sent a distress signal requiring data to the void.

Only one bus responded to its message.

That's ... Ersh.

Ersh sent some signal data, so the creature sent the data to the body of the bus.

This behavior caused another drastic change in the bus.

There are countless new structures in the organs inside the bus ... these structures are very soft, and they also have a lot of limbs.

It looks like a mixed meat piece of those cell creatures on Ershi.

The creature felt that it might have failed this time. In fact, it sent it to the little bus without confirming the data.

Therefore, it does not know whether the data is useless or the data itself is abnormal.

But after a while, it found it useful.

When the surface of the small bus also spread a layer of 'flesh', the small bus stopped the attack.

The little bus said ... sorry.

The little bus knew that it was abnormal, but it couldn't stop. It thinks so now.

It feels that although it has temporarily returned to normal, it may relapse.

It decides to 'suicide' somewhere in the void ... to destroy itself completely.

But before leaving, the little bus put a small part of itself, the symbiote, on the creature.

The little bus said that if the organism wants to continue research, it can use symbiota to conduct research, and as for itself ... then go first.

So, the little bus left.

The symbiote did not see the final result of this story.

Because when it grows a sensory organ, it finds itself in a world on the verge of destruction.

This world that once wanted to save the little bus ... Is it a bus creature or some other creature?

Why is it about to be destroyed but rescued by 'distortion'?

In order to know the facts, it once again embarked on a journey.

This time it is not just looking for in this world.

It also went deep into the void, trying to find more 'secrets'.

Since some time, it has claimed to be a 'grave digger'.