"Are you ... the healer?"

"Yes ... I will cure all the pollution you caused."

"Heal ... you."

The database seems to like this tactic.

The surface of the small bus was submerged by the ocean.

The seawater of the database rushed deep into the ground, they squeezed the rocks, propped up the strata ... and rushed towards the organ of the bus.

Underground distortions are not affected, they try to block the cracks and prevent the seawater from seeping in.

However, it does not seem to make much sense ... the database directly penetrates the core of the small bus.

And eventually completely submerged the entire small bus.

The symbiont said ... At the last minute, when the seawater poured into the location of its nerve structure, it continued to tell stories to it.

The minibus never stopped, but the symbiote was not very aware of the details of the battle, because there was something behind the story of the minibus ... intermittently.

This should be the impact of its attack.

But even so, it still insists on ... sharing everything with the symbiote.

The symbiote also knew that, at the moment when the database completely engulfed the small bus ... the small bus also attacked ... the core of the database at the same time.

The little bus seems to use a special way to incorporate something that can be called 'native distortion' into some of the core structures of the database.

In the symbiosis's description, Lin believes that the small bus has lost the ability of many normal buses.

And it gained the ability to control distortion.

The symbiont said that the 'seawater' that had infiltrated the location of the nerve of the small bus was originally to dig out the entire nerve of the bus.

They made a large enough passage to get the nerve out of the little bus.

The nerves of a small bus are much smaller than those of a normal bus, and they are also easier to handle.

However, when they tried to drag the bus nerve out, the seawater was abnormal.

They got hotter and hotter, and finally ... exploded.

It was also at this time that Little Bus and the symbiote said the last sentence-it successfully "polluted" the core of the database with distortion.

In fact, before this symbiote also felt the database 'discourse'.

The database said that he was the healer, and he came to heal them ... But after the little bus said it successfully polluted the core, the words stopped.

Then the "seawater" infiltrated by the database exploded ... Lin felt that it was the database who felt that she was under attack, and immediately changed her mind, from the nerve of capturing the small bus to exploding.

The explosion shattered the nerves of the little bus ... and also included the symbiotes that stuck to the little bus.

However, the symbiote did not die.

When it woke up again, it sensed its torn body.

At the same time, it also saw ... the surrounding environment.

Because these torn bodies seem to grow some sensory organs on each one, it can quickly learn about the surroundings.

Now the nerve of the little bus has turned into a big underground cavity, and the nerve of the little bus has turned into ... a lot of debris.

There seems to be no possibility of 'resurrection'.

However, the symbiote is very strange, why the bus's nerve was blown up and shattered, but it was all right.

It felt that the small bus might have protected it in some way.

At this time, it also had some feelings of regret for the introduction of the database.

The main reason is that its thinking was completely occupied by 'despair'.

All it wants to do is destroy it with the minibus, so it sends the signal.

But now there are some ... I think maybe this should not be the case.

In any case, now it has no despair and has gotten rid of its predicament ... so the small symbiote got out of the ground.

It passed through the seawater of the previous database along the way to drill the hole squeezed to the nerve position ... In fact, the database has drilled holes in the entire small bus.

But the whole world is wonderfully stable after the death of the bus, and there is no phenomenon like earthquake.

As for the seawater in the database, it is long gone.

When the symbiote burrowed out of the surface, it could see an additional tumbler in the nearby void.

That's the database ... it has completely changed back to a liquid sphere, just floating next to the bus.

The distance between them is about 100,000 kilometers. Because the database is larger than the minibus, the symbiotic body can see this giant shadow very 'clearly'.

The database does nothing, and it stays there.

The symbiote finds it strange. It has the idea to investigate, but it still intends to leave because of fear of the database.

However, it found that it could not leave.

Because the body is divided, and ... it finds that although it can control every part of the body, it does not know how to put them back together.

Simply stacking the body together ... has no effect.

And these split parts can't grow like teleport or flight functions.

When the symbiote studied what to do, it encountered ... danger.

These dangers are the civilized creatures that followed the database.

The last batch of these civilized creatures was thrown to the surface by the database in the battleship and destroyed in the explosion of the battleship ...

It should be like this.

However, I don't know why they survived.

The symbiotes found that they had built some simple camp life on the ground covered with distortions.

Like it, these civilized creatures cannot fly.

Although they were not dead, it was a fact that their warships were blown up. They were forced to live here ... the life of primitive tribes.

However, there are more than symbiotes and this group of civilized creatures on the surface.

Another creature also appeared on the ground.

These creatures can be called 'distorted creatures'.

The distortions that would only grow on the ground were detached from any objects and became creatures that would crawl on the ground ...

These creatures twist their deformed bodies and limbs, and they are not aggressive.

They will attack civilized creatures ... or those who look very different from themselves.

Of course, they will not let go of symbiota.

This instantly turned the ground into a harsh ... living environment.

But what amazes the symbiotes is the civilized creatures.

These civilized creatures also carry some weapons. While resisting the attacks of distorted creatures, they ...

Chasing symbiota.

They seem to have some special methods to directly find the symbiotic body parts that look similar to the distorted creatures, and they can be quickly caught.

No matter how it escapes, it is useless.

The goal of this group of civilized creatures seems to be to capture all parts of the body.