4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

4296 DLCPM0016703000 SK

"Where is this?"

The ground is sticky, like gray mud.

The sky is dim, like a rainstorm is about to start.

A white figure slowly rolled in this world.

It does n’t know how long it has been rolling, or where it is.

But it knows who it is.

It's Maya, and it likes to roll.

But why does it tumble here?

It did not know, but it felt that it should keep rolling down, leaving a long trace in the mud.

"Strange things." Maya's tumbling stopped, as a large stone appeared on the way it rolled.

Maya bypassed the stone and continued to roll on the mud.

As it progressed, it discovered that more and more stones appeared around them, all of which were tens of meters in size.

Maya were very dissatisfied with them because they blocked their straight rolling path.

But soon something happened that made it more dissatisfied.

There was a sound on a stone next to it, and then a mass of things rolled down from there.

This group of things surprised Maya a little.

Because that is the body of a head worm ...

Most of this corpse has rotted, but there is no special smell and no scavengers on it.

It's just ... rotten.

The head bug Maya didn't know it. Although most of it was rotten, it could still find that the corpse did not belong to any of the head bugs it knew.

After a few weeks of observation, Maya bypassed it and continued to roll forward.

After rolling for a while, it found that the surrounding stones became less and less, but the body became more.

These are the bodies of headworms.

They are piled up on the surrounding muddy ground like hills, and the number is very large.

So Maya stopped moving, not only because of these corpses of the same kind, but also because of a ... 'corpse shoveler'.

This creature looks like a black centipede with a length of more than ten meters. It is using the front body as a shovel to shovel the scattered head worm corpses on the ground one by one and pile them together.

"One less."

After stacking the surrounding corpses, the 'centipede' spoke.

Of course it uses headworms ... brainwave language, Maya can feel it clearly.

Suddenly, the centipede turned his head, and it saw Maya not far away.

"The last ... is enough."

After that, it flew to Maya in an instant.

But it did not hit Maya, and Maya rolled out at a faster rate.

Then, Maya rolled on the mud at high speed, and the centipede was also quickly chasing behind.

Maya found that the mud in front started to turn downhill, and it was rolling faster and faster, throwing it to the centipede behind it.


Suddenly, Maya felt herself hit a thing.

As a result of the impact, Maya flew high into the air. When Maya fell again, it found that instead of falling in the mud, it fell into the water.

Maya found that it was in a ... beach.

Behind it is a coast made of gray mud, while in front is a vast ocean.

However, this Wang Yang scene lasted only a short time ... The huge amount of liquid quickly dissipated in front of Maya.

After a few seconds, it completely dried up, leaving only a gray muddy ground exactly the same as before.

After Maya thought for a while, she continued to roll forward.

It rolled from the beach into the "sea" that had just dried up, and quickly rolled forward on the mud.

Here, it saw a scene similar to the previous one ... a lot of stones, similar bodies.

But there are no centipedes, only a pile of corpses.

And after rolling for a while ... Maya discovered that there are not only corpses of the same kind, but also corpses of many other creatures.

These corpses are without exception, all belong to 'creator creation'.

For these corpses, Maya generally continued to roll after looking at it, and after a while, it saw the ocean again.

And this ocean ... also dried up in a short time like last time.

So, Maya moved on.

It seems that it is rolling endlessly on the muddy ground, and it constantly sees similar scenery, dry sea and vast muddy ground.

After rolling for a long time, it stopped.

"It doesn't seem to have an end." Maya said to herself, "Why can it roll down without end?"

Maya fell into doubt.

When it was puzzled, it noticed that the mud around it had changed. They were boiling like bubbles.


Suddenly, a sharp object flew out of a burst of air bubbles, which instantly pierced Maya's body.

Feeling painful, Maya tried to roll away from here, but more sharp objects shot from around.

It was quickly punctured by a large number of sharp objects ...

And it also lost consciousness.

When it woke up again, it found itself in the heap of corpses.

As if it were one of those corpses, it could not move and could do nothing.

"You are the last one."

Maya saw the black centipede again. It slowly crawled to Maya and said to it: "Almost all of them have been recovered."

"Only you ... Only if you have not been recycled, you must be recycled"

When Centipede finished this, Maya suddenly had a ... feeling.

These head worm corpses piled up here are actually not their kind.

It's a group of special creatures from all over the void, all of which are now killed.

Because of the return of the sea of ​​creation.

It is now the last one, and it must be killed ... this is a must.

At this time, another 'sound' sounded: "Quick, roll up."

This 'voice' made Maya suddenly regain control of her body, and it rolled off the heap of corpses.

The centipede said to Maya: "You have to ... die."

At that moment, the centipede's body exploded into a mist.

The mist quickly flew towards Maya, and Maya rolled towards the mist.

The moment the two sides collided together, Maya discovered that all the surrounding scenery had disappeared.

It seems to have woke up and found itself in reality, with a fluffy ball floating beside it.

"They ..." Maya said to the pompoms beside her. "They are all recovered, those creatures like me."

"Those creatures that belong to the 'twisted seeds' ..."