It may have left some space.

This is a place in the void.

Here, you can see a huge ... platform.

Its surface is silver, the diameter of the entire platform is more than 100 kilometers, and the thickness is only hundreds of meters.

The surface is covered with a lot of cracks, potholes, and various damage marks.

At the same time, there are many things similar to barnacles. They are mostly distributed at different heights on the platform.

These barnacles are the 'thinking' here, and they total tens of thousands.

But most of them died.

Only one is still alive at the edge of the platform. It does not look like a barnacle, but like a mushroom.

This is also the key to its survival.

When other thoughts are constantly trying to make army weapons to kill another thought, this thinking is constantly trying to ... disguise yourself as various other things, thus avoiding various battles.

It survived like this, witnessing the demise of the surrounding thinking one by one.

Except for it, the last dead thought originally defeated all other thoughts, but it was killed by its own creation.

Because it creates something too ... smart.

After all his companions perish, it is still in a state of desirelessness, looking at the void and understanding everything about the void.

The way it understands the void is still 'Void Warmth'.

This long stream of material that continuously brings a lot of it has gained a lot of interesting knowledge, and at the same time it also feels that its consciousness is constantly becoming stronger and can extend towards the void.

In fact, it is a situation where you can feel other twisting points nearby.

It also found that this warm current seemed to be made by themselves.

When it became strong, it recalled the time when their thinking was just born, but they did not acquire any knowledge.

It found that when their bodies started to grow, they already had thinking, not thinking that was born later.

It always thought that they wouldn't think of anything at that time, and there was no difference between thinking and not thinking.

But in fact, when their thinking was born, they had some ideas, even some ... control.

They can control twisting changes.

Their thinking power at that time was very 'weak', there was no specific idea, but there was a ... desire.

It is not clear what the details of this desire are.

But it was until, it was this desire that led to the formation of the 'empty warm current'.

This warm current is mainly from other twisted points, and those twisted points are usually civilized or something.

The detritus and waste products generated in their lives are brought together under a wonderful force to form a 'river', and drift toward the location of these thinking.

And these thoughts begin to grow rapidly by absorbing this debris.

These debris rivers were also noticed by some civilized creatures, who investigated the end of the river.

Although they thought it was a wonderful thing, they had no effect on it.

These thoughts seem to be formed by the accumulation of waste from various civilizations.

After this last thinking discovered this, it tried to extend its thinking to a wider place.

So it found many twists.

I also found a lot ... different civilizations.

And found Lin.

Actually Lin didn't come here not because Lin found it, but because she actively contacted Lin.

It occasionally finds something special when observing various distortion points.

These special things are something that it feels close to itself.

Some creatures that also have a sense of twisting and control, such as Maya, these kind of creatures.

However, it also found that most of these creatures did not awaken from birth to death and never knew that they had this ability, let alone how to use it.

However, it noticed a very special place.

That is ... the pompon world.

It accidentally discovered the pompon world, and there is also a twisting point beside the pompon world.

It also felt ... Lynn.

In fact, it does not see the environment there, but it is similar to using its own thinking to 'touch' the environment there.

Normal things are usually ignored by it quickly, but after discovering that Lynn is there, it suddenly froze.

It describes the situation at that time.

It never felt like this ... something special.

So it felt Lin very carefully.

But when it felt carefully, Lin found that she had a very vague feeling.

It can't carefully check Lin's details, it can only feel that Lin is similar to them, but there are many differences.

However, after that, it has not been studied all the time.

Because these distortion points often appear in some situations, their perception of these points has always been very unstable.

The most important thing is that it has no special ideas.

It didn't leave the place to go to other places, it stayed in its original position and did nothing special.

Later, at some point, the warmth of the void was cut off, and those twisted points seemed to be 'silent'. It could not feel it at all.

It also fell into a long-term deep sleep, and did not wake up until recently.

Mainly it found that these twisted points were active again.

It also found that many of the civilizations that were originally located around the twisting point have disappeared ... or have been replaced by other civilizations.

It thinks that a long time has passed, and no civilization can last that long.

However, it foresees changes in these distortions.

Just like Maya, you can see those twisted points in the dream.

But it doesn't seem like Maya can't control where to look, it can well see what will happen to these twisted points.

That is the phenomenon of a lot of cracks.

It felt that maybe other twisted creatures could prevent this phenomenon from happening.

And it thinks Lynn is the most likely stopper.

All other twisted seeds are killed

Although it has always been desperate, it does not want the void to fall into this anomaly.

Therefore, it communicated with Lin, to be precise, it found Lin through Maya's dream.

Lynn found that she didn't know anything about the creator population.

But it ’s unclear if the creator knows it.

Lin also conducted more investigations into cracks after communicating with it, and at the same time, through discussions with Ersh ... Lin thought it might be like this.

... the sea of ​​creation has left a 'part' of unpredictable places in some way.

The overall unpredictable place is away from the normal void, but some should be left behind.

It also affects the void through this part.