4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

4433 DLCPM0036703000 SK

"Food?" "Threat?" "Destructible." "It's difficult to identify." "From something abnormal."

Dreamland is moving forward among the large group of 'members of parliament'.

These members do not seem to have any performance on the dream of Ershi's approach. They still float intact. They will only fly away when the dream is close to them.

Therefore, the dream can also seem to travel through this civilization safely.

Although on the surface they didn't seem to want to do anything ... but in fact they responded very much to the arrival of Dreamland.

Many members of the surrounding parliament began to discuss the content of Dreamland after the Dreamland neared.

Lin can use the telescope to directly "see" their discussion.

When members of the parliament discuss, they will emit different colors of flash around their bodies.

This is the performance of their discussion. Every time they discuss, they will emit some dream energy signals around their bodies.

And these signals can be translated by Shattered Shadows to know what they are saying.

These members are having a full-scale discussion on the dream cherries, like where the dream cherries come from, how they were born, what kind of environment is there on the surface, can you eat, what kind of creatures can you destroy, inside What constitutes it.

Their discussion process is quite interesting, they began to think of quite a few possibilities.

For example, the possibility of dreaming ersh may be caused by the aggregate variation of their excreta.

But soon they will remove those that are less likely, and start to focus on some areas that are more likely.

"They ... are not normal."

For the members of the parliament that are constantly discussing around, Sha Zhe said: "They abandoned the original discussion."

Lin questioned: "Abandon the original discussion?"

"This is a rare phenomenon." Shaoying said: "They almost never give up this topic to discuss another one before thoroughly discussing one topic, but now ... they almost all give up the original topic."

Lin did indeed observe this, and Lin found that it was not just a group that discussed Dreamland Shire ... Thousands of members around him were discussing Dreamland Shire.

And with the advancement of Dreamland, the number of members discussing Dreamland has become more and more.

They all seemed to immediately abandon the original discussion, and they all started to discuss the dream of Ershi.

Shattered shadows indicate that this situation is very strange ... generally only when they are attacked.

When they are invaded, they will give up the original discussion and focus on the intruder and prepare to attack.

They now ... seem to be doing this.

Although the dream cherries did not attack them at all, they still regarded the dream cherries as intruders.


At this moment, Lin saw a white light flashing somewhere in the sky.

This kind of light is emitted by a group of members, and then most of the surrounding members also emit a similar light.

The blooming white light instantly enveloped the entire dream, and everything seemed to be white ...

This is not the dazzling white, but like ... a pale color.

"Full speed ... leave here!"

When Broken Shadow said so, Lin noticed that there were many black shadows in the white mans in the sky.

These black shadows are like blades of tens of meters in length. They flew down like raindrops from the high sky and pierced the surface of Ersh.

The trees on the ground also responded, shooting countless pieces of wood against the dark shadows scattered in the sky.

The explosion bloomed one after another under the pale sky, most of the attacks were stopped, but some black blades were stuck on the ground.

At the same time, Lin can also see a small, stream-like 'flowing water' appearing from the position of the 'sword handle', which flows directly towards the pale sky.

It seems that they are using this "sword" to obtain surface information and start discussions.

But it didn't take long for the sword to be pulled out of the ground by the huge Fujiman and twisted into pieces.

But under the pale sky, the flying sword shadows never stopped, and they grew in number and speed.

"This is the effect of 'discussion'!" Shattered Shadow said: "As they continue to discuss here ... they are more lethal to the place!"

The broken shadow showed some nervous emotions. At the moment it finished, Lin saw a huge light and shadow in the sky split down in an instant.

It looks like a snow-white arc flash. It hit the ground at a very fast speed, smashing countless vegetation and creating a crack of more than two hundred meters wide and ten kilometers long on the ground.

In this crack, a large amount of white particles rushed to the sky like a flowing snow river.

Lin felt that this was a kind of 'cracking' effect. The surface location hit by them would become a lot of debris decomposed and stripped, and absorbed into the sky.

It seems that it really can't stay here for too long.

Thinking about it, Lynn activated Dreamland's full weapon system, and the trees and plants on the ground began to grow crazy ... they shattered at the moment they grew up, spilling countless fragments into the sky.

The tops of the mountains on the ground also exploded, emitting huge lava shells against the sky.

Since the weapons on the ground were fully activated, the rain of barrage bloomed in the dream was stronger than the attack from the sky.

A large number of wood chips and artillery fire rushed into the paleness that covered the sky. Under the countless roars, the large paleness quickly receded.

When the surrounding void view was clear again, Lynn could see the densely packed members of the parliament surrounding Dreamland.

They are no longer the same square shape as before. Each shape is not the same, it looks like a variety of different stones.

Moreover, they are still constantly discussing.

The discussion was about the various weapons used by Dreamer's counterattack just now, as well as what Dreamer's itself was.

At the time of the discussion, they attacked again.

Their way of attack is similar to that of the trees in Irsh. They shake their bodies and part of them.

This detached part will quickly turn black and rush towards the surface of Dreamland.

When a large group of members of the parliament attack together, the barrage they emit can also cover the sky at this moment.

At the same time, the dream was also pouring out the weapons on the ground.

As countless explosions bloom in the sky, Lin is watching carefully.

Lynn believes that the chance of losing the dream in this battle ... is very large, it is not enough to contend with this civilization.